
Eric Bischoff Doesn’t See WWE HOF Induction Coming, Says Hulk Hogan Is Still His Best Friend

Chris Van Vliet of WSVN-TV interviewed Eric Bischoff recently, which you can see in full above. He also submitted highlights from the discussion, which can be seen below:

How Smackdown moving to FOX may create problems:

“You’ve got Raw which is still the flagship show in the opinions of many, which is over on USA Network which is owned by NBC Universal and now you’ve got Smackdown which is on network television owned by FOX Network. They’re competitive networks. Now what’s going to happen when the WWE, which traditionally has been able to cross pollinate talent and do all kinds of cute little things creatively? What’s going to happen when WWE says ‘We’re going to take this guy who’s really getting over here on FOX and put him over here on Raw for a night?’ I think some FOX executives are going to go ‘Woah, woah woah! I can give you a billion reasons over the next 5 years why we don’t want that to happen.’ That’s the kind of thing that I think politically is going to be an interesting manifestation of those choices.”


Which wrestlers does he still keep in touch?
“Hulk Hogan is still my best friend to this day. I stay in touch with DDP occasionally but I’m a horrible phone friend, everybody that knows me, even my family. My brother and sister who I love dearly, I only talk to on the phone once or twice a year but I stay in touch with text messages, it’s kind of impersonal. When I go to LA, I’ll call Steve Austin and we’ll go out and have a beer and a burger or something. Ernest “The Cat” Miller is another guy that I really dig. Sunny Onoo is still a friend of mine. There’s people I stay in touch with, but not many.”


Does he think he will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?

“Probably never. I don’t see it. Everyone’s got opinions about that, I’ve got my own. I don’t think about it. People ask me about it in interviews and I have to respond. I personally don’t ever see it happening.”

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