
Titus O’Neil Feels That He Has All The Tools To Be A Champion In WWE, Talks His Upbringing, More

The leader of "Titus Worldwide" sits down with Natalya.

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Titus O'Neil had a moment two months ago during the 'Greatest Royal Rumble' match that opened the door for jokes to come raining in but the nine-year WWE veteran has plans for himself that are no joking matter which include becoming a singles champion in the company. 

It has been documented that Titus O'Neil comes from a rough upbringing which was one that molded him into the individual that he is today. While speaking with his fellow Monday Night RAW talent-roster-comrade Natalya for the latest edition of her blog post onto the Calgary Sun, Titus O'Neil opened up about his upbringing and how those struggles at a young age made him mentally stronger and wiser.

“My mother was the victim of sexual assault and I was a product of that unfortunate circumstance." He shared. "She did all that she could with little to no money most of the time and set an incredible example for me with her work ethic. Despite my mother’s hardships, she was always a very giving person and our struggles allowed us to see how to get by with minimal resources. It also taught me important life lessons and because of that I learned how to work, not just for what I wanted, but also for what I needed and what my family would also need in the future. My test became my testimony and my ‘mess became my message.”

During their conversation Natalya asked Titus about the goals that he has set for himself as he continues to grow his veteran status in the company. O'Neil shared that he does have a goal to hold championship gold once again but he also wants to continue making an impact outside of the ring with his charitable efforts that WWE recognizes him for.

“I’ve always had goals to be as successful as possible in multiple areas of my life. I feel I have everything it takes to be a champion in WWE. I also have goals of continuing success outside of the ring with my charitable efforts through my 'Family Foundation' as well as hopefully venturing into movies and television.” O'Neil said.


The former SmackDown Live Women's Champion recently posted about her time during the WWE European tour and also discussed her friendship with Ronda Rousey. To view more of Natalya's pieces, click here.

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