
NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors 25 Day 13 Results: Block A & Block B Winners Are Determined, Plus Tomoaki Homna Makes An Announcement

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors 25 Day 13. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

NJPW BOTSJ Block A Winner: Taiji Ishimori

NJPW BOTSJ Block B Winner: Hiromu Takahashi

ACH def. Tiger Mask IV

Will Ospreay def. Flip Gordon

Taiji Ishimori def. Yoh

Yoshinobu Kanemaru def. Bushi

Sho def. Marty Scurll

El Desparado def. Dragon Lee

Ryusuke Taguchi def. Chris Sabin

Hiromu Takahashi def. Kushida

NJPW BOTSJ Block A: Tiger Mask IV vs. ACH

The match begins with Mask IV backing ACH into the corner before letting him go free, Mask IV and ACH take turns tripping each other up. ACH rolls to the arena floor before dragging Mask IV out of the ring to land some chops, ACH goes for a chop and he winds up nailing the ring post as Mask IV gets out of the way. Mask IV gets ACH back in the ring before attacking him with a series of kicks, Mask IV also stands on the injured hand of a downed ACH. ACH recovers to corner Mask IV and land a roaring clothesline, ACH goes for a middle rope frog splash and Mask IV gets out of the way. Mask IV continues attacking the injured shoulder of ACH, Mask IV follows ACH around the ring while kicking the injured shoulder. ACH recovers and he drops Mask IV with a clothesline, ACH looks for a Toger Driver and Mask IV counters with a back body drop.

ACH recovers and he attacks Mask IV with a series of chops, ACH then catches a downed Mask IV with a top rope frog splash for a near fall. ACH hits Mask IV with a Tiger Driver for a near fall, Mask IV recovers and he hits ACH with his own Tiger Driver for a near fall. Mask IV gets back up and he has a striking exchange with ACH, Mask IV gets ACH to the top rope and he follows him up there. Mask IV takes ACH down with a super butterfly suplex for a near fall, Mask IV goes for a Tiger Suplex and ACH rolls him up for the three count.

Winner: ACH

NJPW BOTSJ Block A: Bushi vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru

The match begins with Bushi nailing Kanemaru with a drop kick before the bell sounded, Bushi catches Kanemaru with a few strikes before knocking him out of the ring with a drop kick. Bushi goes for a suicide dive and Kanemaru winds up using a young boy as a shield, Kanemaru then throws other young boys into a downed Bushi. Kanemaru drags Bushi up the aisle way before throwing him into a barricade, Kanemaru waits for Bushi to get back in the ring before applying the camel clutch. Kanemaru releases the hold before dragging Bushi to the ring apron, Kanemaru then hits Bushi with a running drop kick. Kanemaru drags Bushi out of the ring before nailing him with a DDT on the arena floor, Bushi gets back in the ring and he gets locked in a head scissors by Kanemaru. Bushi eventually makes it to the ropes to force a break from the referee, Kanemaru removes the shirt from Bushi before landing a few more strikes.

Bushi recovers and he chokes Kanemaru with the shirt, Kanemaru and Bushi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Bushi eventually drops Kanemaru before landing a rope assisted overhead kick, Bushi then hits Kanemaru with a missile drop kick. Kanemaru recovers and he eventually nails Bushi with a tornado DDT followed by a reverse DDT, Bushi recovers to knock Kanemaru out of the ring with an enzaguri. Bushi then hits Kanemaru with a suicide dive, Bushi gets Kanemaru back in the ring before landing a spinning fisherman buster suplex for a near fall. Bushi goes for a double knee strike and Kanemaru shoves him into the referee, Kanemaru goes for his whisky and Bushi spits mist in his face before rolling him up for a near fall. Bushi goes for MX and Kanemaru gets the referee in the way before spitting the whisky in his face, Kanemaru then hits Bushi with Deep Impact for the three count.

Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru

NJPW BOTSJ Block B: Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Chris Sabin

The match begins with Sabin wrenching away on the arm of Taguchi, Sabin then takes Taguchi down a few times with some arm drags. Sabin goes right back to wrenching away on the arm of Taguchi, Taguchi tries tricking Sabin and Sabin knocks him out of the ring with a drop kick. Sabin drops Taguchi with a kick from the ring apron, Sabin gets Taguchi back in the ring before landing a top rope high cross body for a near fall. Sabin applies a modified abdominal stretch to Taguchi, Sabin would then catch Taguchi with a roll up for a near fall. Sabin slams Taguchi before attacking him with the Garvin Stomp, Sabin holds Taguchi down with a modified chin lock until Taguchi got to the ropes. Sabin would continue to work over the injured shoulder of Taguchi, Sabin causes Taguchi to miss a drop kick before nailing him with a penalty kick. Taguchi recovers and rolls through a sunset flip to nail Sabin with a drop kick, Taguchi knocks Sabin out of the ring before taking him out with a dive.

Taguchi gets Sabin back in the ring before missing a springboard move, Taguchi knocks Sabin back out of the ring before landing a suicide dive. Taguchi gets Sabin back in the ring and he lands a springboard hip attack for a near fall, Taguchi goes for his finisher and Sabin counters with a roll up for a near fall. Sabin and Taguchi drop each other several times with double clotheslines, Taguchi and Sabin have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Sabin regains control by nailing Taguchi with an enzaguri followed by a running boot to the face, Sabin then hits Taguchi with a top rope hurricarana followed by a missile drop kick. Sabin crushes Taguchi with a lariat for a near fall, Taguchi and Sabin exchange a few roll ups until Taguchi catches him in an ankle lock. Taguchi catches Sabin with a double under hook face buster before applying another ankle lock and Sabin taps out.

Winner: Ryusuke Taguchi

NJPW BOTSJ Block B: Dragon Lee vs. El Desparado

The match begins with Lee drop kicking Desparado out of the ring before landing a series of suicide dives, Lee then tosses a downed Desparado into the ring post. Desparado goes back in the ring before rolling back out of the ring, Desparado gets back in the ring and Lee tries ripping his mask off. Lee lands a few knee strikes before Desparado sends him out of the ring, Desparado looks for a suicide dive and Lee knocks him out of the ring. Lee follows Desparado out of the ring before eating a few chair shots, Desparado then throws Lee into a plethora of chairs the fans were sitting on. Desparado puts a chair on the leg of Lee before nailing it with another chair, Desparado nails the injured knee of Lee with multiple chair shots. Desparado follows Lee around the outside of the ring while landing some more strikes, Desparado also smashes the leg of Lee into the ring post a few times.

Desparado gets Lee back in the ring before placing him on the top rope, Desparado follows him up there before trying to rip the mask off of the face of Lee. Desparado and Lee exchange running back elbow strikes, Desparado and Lee then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Lee eventually catches a charging Desparado with a snap German suplex, Lee cornered Desparado before landing a plethora of forearm strikes followed by a running drop kick. Lee follows that up by catching Desparado with a modified neck breaker, Lee then rips away at the mask of Desparado. Lee gets Desparado on the top rope and he follows him up there, Desparado and Lee have a striking exchange on the ropes. Desparado propels Lee off the ropes and Lee still manages to nail him with a drop kick, Lee traps Desparado on the ropes again before landing a double stomp for a near fall. Lee looks for his finisher and Desparado lands a spine buster before applying a stretch muffler, Lee gets to the ropes to break the submission.

Desparado crushes Lee with a vertabreaker for a near fall, Desparado goes for the Angel’s Wings and Lee escapes to apply a sleeper hold. Lee releases the sleeper hold to miss a penalty kick attempt, Desparado then uses a referee distraction to catch Lee with a low blow before rolling him up for a three count.

Winner: El Desparado

– Tomoaki Homna enters the ring and he grabs the microphone, Homna announces that he will return to the ring from his injury on June 23rd during the NJPW Kizuna Road event.

NJPW BOTSJ Block A: Flip Gordon vs. Will Ospreay

The match begins with Ospreay faking a handshake before kicking Gordon in the midsection, Ospreay eventually catches Gordon in a headlock. Gordon gets free to knock Ospreay out of the ring with a head scissors takedown, Ospreay and Gordon both go for dives and both get out of the others way. Gordon escapes a monkey flip from Ospreay to nail him with a drop kick, Gordon traps Ospreay in the corner before landing some chops. Gordon drops Ospreay before landing a penalty kick followed by a one legged moonsault, Gordon then hits Ospreay with a suplex for a near fall. Gordon misses a handspring elbow in the corner and Ospreay nails him with a flying drop kick, Ospreay gets Gordon back to his feet before dropping him with a European uppercut. Ospreay traps Gordon in the corner while landing some strikes, Ospreay gets Gordon down while wrenching away on both arms.

Ospreay releases the injured arms of Gordon before applying a chin lock, Ospreay gets Gordon up before catching him with a few strikes. Gordon recovers and he plants Ospreay with a flat liner, Gordon then drops Ospreay with a few clotheslines and a springboard drop kick. Gordon follows that up by catching Ospreay with a springboard spear for a near fall, Ospreay recovers and he nails Gordon with a top rope 619. Ospreay goes to the top rope and Gordon knocks him to the arena floor with a kick to the head, Ospreay recovers to hit Gordon with a springboard forearm strike. Ospreay then attacks a kneeling Gordon with a series of strikes, Ospreay goes for the Storm Breaker and Gordon gets free to land a knee strike. Ospreay recovers and nails Gordon with a series of strikes before eating a one man Spanish fly, Ospreay and Gordon have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Gordon drops Ospreay before landing a standing shooting star press, Ospreay recovers and he traps Gordon in the ropes before landing a super kick. Ospreay goes to the top rope and he drags Gordon up there with him, Gordon nails Ospreay with a kick to the head that knocks him out of the ring. Gordon then catches Ospreay with a suicide dive, Gordon gets Ospreay back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Gordon then nails Ospreay with a head kick, Ospreay recovers to catch Gordon with a stunner from out of nowhere. Ospreay catches Gordon with a elevated reverse DDT followed by a Robinson Special, Ospreay goes for an Os Cutter and Gordon counters with a super kick. Gordon goes for a springboard hold and Ospreay counters by kicking him in the head, Ospreay then hits a trapped Gordon with a shooting star press for a near fall.

Ospreay then catches Gordon with a super kick followed by an Essex Destroyer for a near fall, Ospreay then places Gordon on the top rope and he follows him up there. Ospreay looks for a super Storm Breaker and Gordon escapes to exchange strikes with him, Ospreay recovers and lands a super cutter followed by a Storm Breaker for the three count.

Winner: Will Ospreay

NJPW BOTSJ Block A: Yoh vs. Taiji Ishimori

The match begins with Yoh knocking Ishimori out of the ring with a running forearm strike, Yoh then takes out Ishimori with a suicide dive. Yoh gets Ishimori back in the ring for a near fall on a few pin attempts, Yoh keeps the pressure on Ishimori by nailing him with a few strikes. Ishimori recovers and he takes Yoh down with a springboard butt crush, Yoh gets trapped in the ropes and Ishimori nails him with a slingshot leg drop. Ishimori then hits Yoh with a standing moonsault for a near fall, Ishimori keeps Sho trapped in the ropes while choking him with his boot. Yoh fights back and Ishimori twists away on his head, Ishimori slows things down further by holding Yoh in a chin lock. Ishimori releases the hold before nailing a cornered Yoh with some strikes, Ishimori misses a double knee strike and Yoh nails him with a dragon screw leg whip.

Yoh then hits Ishimori with a flying back elbow strikes followed by a rope assisted enzaguri, Yoh then hits Ishimori with a slingshot double stomp followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Ishimori recovers and he knocks Yoh out of the ring, Ishimori nails Yoh with a moonsault on the arena floor. Ishimori gets Yoh back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Ishimori then catches Yoh with a death valley driver followed by a knee strike for a near fall. Ishimori follows that up by applying the cross face to Yoh, Yoh eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Yoh fights back and Ishimori nails him with a handspring enzaguri for a near fall, Yoh recovers and drops Ishimori with a thrust kick. Ishimori and Yoh have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ishimori goes crazy and he attacks Yoh with a plethora of forearm strikes. Ishimori places Yoh on the top rope and he follows him up there, Yoh gets free and he lands a kick on Ishimori.

Yoh goes back up the ropes and he nails Ishimori with a superplex into a falcon arrow for a near fall, Ishimori recovers and he hits Yoh with a knee strike followed by a double knee gut buster for a near fall. Ishimori goes for the Bloody Cross and Yoh rolls him up for a few near falls, Ishimori counters a roll up with a cross face on Yoh and Yoh taps after a long struggle.

Winner: Taiji Ishimori

NJPW BOTSJ Block B: Sho vs. Marty Scurll

The match begins with Scurll wrenching away on the arm and neck of Sho, Sho trips up Scurll before wrenching away on his arm. Sho goes for the head scissors and Scurll quickly escapes, Scurll gets angry and he attacks Sho with a plethora of stomps and strikes. Scurll knocks Sho out of the ring before landing a super kick from the ring apron, Scurll follows Sho around the ring while landing strikes. Scurll gets Sho back in the ring before stomping away on his arm, Scurll goes for a surfboard hold and he winds up stomping on the quads of Sho. Scurll gets Sho in the corner before landing an enzaguri, Scurll traps Sho under the ropes before choking him on the bottom rope. Scurll gets Sho down before applying a modified sharp shooter to him, Sho eventually breaks the hold by getting to the ropes.

Scurll follows that up by applying a Guerrero Special to Sho before sending him into the corner, Scurll gets Sho on the top rope before landing a superplex for a near fall. Sho recovers and he catches Scurll with a spear from out of nowhere, Sho then hits Scurll with a series of running clotheslines in the corner. Sho drops Scurll on the ring apron before drop kicking him to the arena floor, Sho gets Scurll back in the ring after kicks Scurll in the arm. Scurll fights back and Sho lands a lung blower for a near fall, Sho follows that up by applying an arm bar to Scurll. Sho continues attacking the injured arm of Scurll, Scurll recovers and he nails Sho in the knee with a super kick. Scurll then hits Sho with a brain buster for a near fall, Scurll keeps the pressure on Sho by landing a few strikes. Scurll and Sho would then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Scurll starts working over the fingers of Sho before landing a roll up for a near fall.

Sho recovers and he catches Scurll with a clothesline, Sho then hits Scurll with a pile driver from out of nowhere for a near fall. Scurll recovers to snap the fingers of Sho before landing a running knee strike, Scurll grabs the umbrella and Sho takes it before breaking it. Sho then hits Scurll with a power bomb into a lung blower for a near fall, Sho goes for the Shock Arrow and his injured hand gives out on him. Scurll and Sho exchange strikes until Sho goes down from a lariat, Scurll goes for the chicken wing and Sho rolls him up before applying a rear naked choke. Sho then nails Scurll with a kick followed by a German suplex for a near fall, Sho reapplies the rear naked choke to Scurll. Scurll climbs to the top rope with Sho still holding the choke, Scurll falls backwards and he breaks the choke. Scurll lands a stomp to the injured hand of Sho, Scurll traps Sho before landing a series of elbow strikes to the head.

Scurll applies the chicken wing to Sho and Sho breaks it a few moments later, Sho then hits Scurll with a cross armed pile driver for the three count.

Winner: Sho

NJPW BOTSJ Block B: Kushida vs. Hiromu Takahashi

The match begins with an extended collar and elbow tie up between the competitors, Kushida knocks Takahashi out of the ring before landing a suicide dive on the arena floor. Kushida gets Takahashi back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Kushida starts working over the arm of Takahashi. Kushida bends the arm of Takahashi before stomping away on it, Kushida then hits Takahashi with a suplex before applying a short arm scissor. Takahashi eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Kushida would then kick away at the injured arm of Takahashi. Takahashi recovers and nails a leaping Kushida with a German suplex, Kushida rolls to the arena floor and Takahashi nails him with a shotgun drop kick. Takahashi gets Kushida back in the ring before landing some strikes, Takahashi then hits Kushida with a clothesline followed by a basement drop kick.

Kushida fights back and Takahashi catches him in a rope assisted reverse head scissors, Takahashi goes to the top rope and he nails him with a senton bomb for a near fall. Takahashi slows things down further by holding Kushida in a chin lock, Kushida gets free and he catches Takahashi with a hip toss into a drop kick. Kushida then nails a cornered Takahashi with an enzaguri, Kushida then propels a charging Takahashi into the corner. Takahashi recovers by raking the eyes of Kushida, Kushida looks for several finishers and Takahashi blocks them all. Takahashi catches Kushida with a hurricarana and he fails at a triangle choke attempt, Kushida looks for an arm bar and Takahashi gets to the ropes. Kushida would then catch Takahashi with a drop kick to the injured arm, Takahashi recovers and he nails Kushida with a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Kushida exchanges blows with Takahashi before Takahashi sends Kushida into the corner, Takahashi keeps Kushida in the corner while landing strikes. Takahashi gets Kushida to the top rope and Kushida blocks an inverted hurricarana attempt, Kushida knocks Takahashi off the ropes a few moments later. Takahashi goes back up and Kushida nails him with a super Divorce Court, Kushida then kicks the arm of Takahashi before applying the Hoverboard Lock. Takahashi escapes and he nails Kushida with a Dynamite Plunger, Takahashi and Kushida would then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Takahashi catches a swinging Kushida in a triangle choke from out of nowhere, Takahashi releases the hold to spike Kushida on his head before reapplying the triangle choke and a tap out follows.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi

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