
WWE NXT Results 5/23 Lars Sullivan, Ricochet & Velveteen Dream in a Handicap Match, Kairi Sane vs Lacey Evans & More!

WWE NXT tonight at 8pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network.

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT. Tonight we have a great show as in our main event Lars Sullivan takes on both Ricochet and Velveteen Dream in a handicap match, Kairi Sane faces Lacey Evans and much more so be sure to come back here at 8pm EST for all of the action!

TM61 vs Heavy Machinery

Shane and Otis start the match off, Otis dropping Shane repeatedly with shoulder blocks before Tucker comes in and they hit a double shoulder block. Tucker hits a running splash in the corner before Otis comes in and use Shane as a weapon on Nick, then Tucker smashes his face into the top turnbuckle. Nick and Shane double team Tucker until he fights his way out of the corner. Otis tags in and drops both members of TM61 before doing the worm. Nick sends Tucker out of the ring before Otis goes for a splash off of the top, but Nick capitalizes him when he gets dropkicked by Shane and rolls him up as Shane holds his legs for the pin and the win.

Winner: TM61 defeat Heavy Machinery via pinfall when Nick Miller rolls Otis Dozovic up and Shane applies leverage.

Kairi Sane vs Lacey Evans

Kairi immediately dropkicks Evans as soon as the match starts before they exchange chops and Kairi hits a suplex for a quick two count. Lacey stomps on the arm of Kairi and hits a jumping knee drop before beating on her in the corner and hyper-extending her arm. Lacey hits a bronco buster for a quick two count before putting her in a variation of a bow and arrow that Kairi gets out of. Kairi hits a sliding forearm in the corner before going for the Insane Elbow, but Lacey rolls out of the ring. Kairi then hits an elbow off of the steps before they get back in the ring and Lacey hits her in midair with the Women's Right for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lacey Evans defeat Kairi Sane with the Women's Right. 

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Lars and Dream starts the match off before Lars launches him into the corner and Ricochet tags himself in. Dream and Ricochet double team Lars and drop him with a missile dropkick for a quick two count before they take turns hitting running moves in the corner. Lars shoves Ricochet away before Ricochet and Velveteen Dream drop Lars with a series of kicks for a quick two count with both of them on top of him. Lars manhandles both Dream and Ricochet before it's just he and Dream in the ring and Ricochet on the apron. Ricochet is desperate for the tag as Lars powerslams Dream for a near fall before hitting a diving headbutt for another near fall that Ricochet breaks up.

Lars chases Ricochet around ringside before they get in the ring and Dream hits a diving elbow to the back of the neck of Lars and tags Ricochet in. Ricochet hits a standing shooting star press for a quick two count before Ricochet hits a 450 splash only for Velveteen Dream to turn on him and hit him with a rolling DVD. Lars then hits Ricochet with the Freak Accident as Dream looks on at ringside for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lars Sullivan defeats Ricochet & Velveteen Dream when Dream turns on Ricochet and hits him with a rolling DVD, then Lars finishes him with the Freak Accident.

-Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae come out to the ring and talks about his NXT championship match where he never made it to the ring and was assaulted by Tommaso Ciampa. Johnny says that it's time to start thinking about life after wrestling and his and Candice's future together. Johnny questions whether it's worth the pain and suffering to his friends and wife before deciding that it is and calling Tommaso out. Tommaso comes out and says that he will beat him worse than before if he doesn't leave the ring. Tommaso gets in the ring as several referee come out and drag him out of the ring before the referees and Candice try to get him to go to the back.

Johnny then gets on the apron before Tommaso knocks him off and directly into Candice who falls against the edge of the ramp before medical staff come down to help her as we go off the air.

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