
Andrew Everett Discusses Staying In Impact After Shane Helms And The Hardy Boyz Left

Impact Wrestling star Andrew Everett recently spoke to Wrestling Epicenter's Interactive Wrestling Radio for a new interview. You can see highlights below, and the full interview at this link.

Training under the Hardy Boys:
"Yeah, they had a hand in training me. People like to say that they trained me but they had a hand in training me. I was trained by a guy named Jeff Rudd at CWA Mid Atlantic. But, yes, the Hardy's had hands in developing who I was. They definitely had a HUGE influence on who I became and my style. You've got to be crazy not to see the influence they had on me."


Any fears before taking a huge risk in the air:
"No. In wrestling, honestly, it is the easiest thing that comes to me. Someone on the Internet coined the phrase for me "Hilariously Athletic" and I'm running with it. I've always been that. As long as I can remember, I've always been a guy doing flips. My dad tells me that I was 4 years old doing backflips off his head-board! I don't remember that (laughs) but that was a thing. I've always taken those risks and I've never really had jitters on anything."


Staying with Impact when the Hardy Boys and Gregory Shane Helms Left:
"I just felt that what I was trying to do wasn't done yet at Impact. And, it still isn't by any means. I've known Shane (Helms) for a long time and he's been very, very, very influential on my career. He is one of the guys who is probably most influential on me. While it was tough seeing them go, it was one of those things where buckling down, put your nose to the ground and power through. That is what I've always done. And, I'm glad that I did. Because, now I'm having some of the most fun I've had in at least a couple of years wrestling. It is tough seeing those guys leave but I still stay in contact with those guys. They're great people."

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