
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 5/14/18, Podcast Notes From Sean Ross Sapp

Rousey/Nia Jax

  • We get a cold open from the NBC Upfront where Nia Jax challenged Ronda Rousey.
  • I've not seen Ronda Rousey this 
  • It doesn't really make sense to have Jessamyn and Marina cutting promos on the Four Horsewomen in their interview, then have Rousey hug all over Charlotte Flair.
  • Nia Jax challenges Rousey, who says it's too soon and other people deserve a shot, but Charlotte encourages her to do it.
  • Rousey was great delivering lines she shouldn't have to deliver.

Reigns/Jinder Mahal

  • Roman Reigns says he got robbed. That'll get him over.
  • Roman Reigns says this time it's not by WWE management. That'll get him over.
  • Roman Reigns says this time it's Jinder Mahal. That'll get him over.
  • Angle says he didn't give Jinder a real chance at Money in the Bank, so he's in a triple threat later. Reigns wants added in, but Angle says "WWE management" doesn't want that.
  • Reigns says he's going to do what he has to do. Yuck.
  • They brawl and make it to the stage, where Mahal is Superman punched until it's broken up. This is a good brawl.
  • Corey Graves says that Roman "has the cards stacked against him."
  • Backstage, Jinder wants the match delayed, but Angle says it can't and it's "best for business" if the injured Jinder competes. Super babyface Jinder accepts.
  • Jinder is struggling to walk, and gets speared through the wall. 

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Seth Rollins (c) defeated Kevin Owens

  • The two go back and forth before and after a commercial until Rollins gets a Falcon Arrow on the apron.
  • Rollins goes for the Trifecta but creams Owens on the second suicide dive. As solid as you'll ever see.
  • Owens counters the Revolution Knee with a DDT that Rollins sells really well. He turns Rollins inside out with a clothesline, too.
  • A  big kick and Revolution Knee get a two. Owens manages a small package off of a Frog Splash from Rollins, but gets two.
  • Rollins goes for a superplex, but Owens turns it into a super fisherman's buster. Rollins rolls out of the ring, and catches KO with the Stomp when KO follows back in. 
  • Rollins wins, and continues to have great matches. 
  • Kevin Owens says if Angle doesn't give him an opportunity, that he's going to call Stephanie McMahon on him. HE'S TELLING.

Money in the Bank Qualifying match
Bobby Roode defeated No Way Jose and Baron Corbin

  • These three ingredients on their own, I don't think would have much of an exciting match. Together, maybe a little less down time.
  • Corbin and Jose take turns attacking each other outside the ring, and Corbin hits Roode with a side slam inside the ring. 
  • This is just some solid work. No Way Jose is over with the crowd, and Corbin gets angry and rips off his shirt after an apron clothesline. He follows up with a chokeslam backbreaker to Jose and Deep Six on Roode.
  • Bobby Roode cracks Jose with the Glorious DDT for the win. Pretty good match.

The B Team defeated Breezango

  • Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas wanna be named the "B-Team" and a tag team title match. Angle says they've never won a tag team match ever.
  • Michael Cole bringing up the pay window and winning matches. B Team are acting like they actually want to win this match.
  • Breeze gives Bo a sloppy back suplex. Fandango runs up Bo to DDT Axel, then hits a nice powerslam.
  • Bo takes out Breeze as Fandango misses a flying legdrop. A backdrop/neckbreaker wins it.
  • The B Team are in disbelief!! They cut a promo and say they're coming for the Raw Tag Team Championships. The crowd chants B Team.

Natalya, Ember Moon & Sasha Banks defeated Riott Squad

  • Ember Moon and Sarah Logan mess up a huracanrana while Cole talks about Logan's tater farm. Sad but true, I'd know there to find a Tater with a farm before I'd find a Taters farm.
  • Some highlights include Liv Morgan's bridge counter, Sasha's Meteora off the apron and Ember's suicide dive.
  • There's a cool spot where Ruby and Ember knock each other out, but they're both right back up.
  • This is all a build to the Natalya hot tag. She gets the win on Liv with a sharpshooter. 
  • I liked that match, but I feel like the end was put together a little weird. I can't wait for a Sasha/Ember match

Deleter Of Worlds defeated The Revival

  • Matt Hardy puts over Dash Wilder's athleticism on a kip up and gets him a standing ovation.
  • The Revival hold one of Matt's legs, and dropkicks the others. Really cool spot. They work over Matt's leg until he gets a Side Effect. Bray comes in and gets a uranage before the Kiss of Deletion. The finish was really slow.
  • Revival go five minutes with the champs. B Team were scouting and taking notes.

Sami Zayn

  • Zayn comes out and says he's had to deal with vertigo because of Bobby Lashley.
  • He's contacted Bobby Lashley's sisters, and they'll appear on the show next week to expose him.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Alexa Bliss defeated Bayley and Mickie James

  • Mickie and Alexa double team Bayley, and have a little dissension.
  • Rope stunner from Bayley on both of the heels, but there's NO heat to this match after the first Bayley chant.
  • Mickiecanrana and an Infrared hit, but the crowd doesn't care.
  • Bayley to Belly hits, but Mickie breaks it up and brawls with Bayley. Alexa capitalizes with a huge punch and DDT for the win. 

Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre defeated Finn Balor & Braun Strowman

  • They're determined to make Braun "another" guy instead of "the" guy. Why is he teaming with everyone a month after he wouldn't tag with anyone?
  • McIntyre asking for Braun is a good touch, but he tags out. Okay.
  • Braun screaming at Balor "YOU'RE OKAY, GET UP."
  • McIntyre really eyes Strowman the whole time, but Ziggler takes the beating when Strowman gets the tag. 
  • Woah a ring post spot in a Strowman match. What a wrinkle.
  • Balor gets a Slingblade, but this crowd doesn't seem to care much. 
  • Ziggler picks up the win!

Money in the Bank Qualifier
Kevin Owens defeated Elias & Bobby Lashley

  • Angle says he has a replacement for Jinder, but Stephanie calls and she wants Owens in the match.
  • Commentary tries to play up that Owens doesn't deserve the chance. No amount of commentary makes me feel bad that Owens "got a handout."
  • We get the same "heels work over the babyface" stuff. 
  • Bobby's Sisters chant!!!
  • JoJo should be ecstatic, Elias has her help him, but his concert is stopped.
  • Elias hits a mule kick, but Owens misses a cannonball. 
  • This match has stakes and just isn't that exciting.
  • Elias amazingly hits the Electric Chair powerbomb.
  • Cole calls a move that isn't a press slam a press slam. Lashley hits an inverted Big Ending, but Zayn attacks Lashley.
  • Frog Splash on Elias wins it win for KO.

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