
Ring of Honor Episode 343 Results Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Hiromu Takahashi in Action & More!

Fightful.com’s recap of this week’s episode of Ring of Honor television.

Frankie Kazarian vs Hiromu Takahashi

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks and flips before Hiromu dropkicks Kaz out onto the apron. Kaz then suplexes Hiromu into the railing when he goes out after him as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to Kaz in control in the ring, getting a quick two count off of a boot before Hiromu rolls Kaz up for a two count of his own. Hiromu then hits a clothesline before finishing with the Time Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi defeats Frankie Kazarian via pinfall with the Time Bomb.

-Before the match between Coast to Coast and Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas, BCB and Brian attack LSG backstage and Ali comes out to the ring by himself. 

Tag Team Gauntlet Match #1

Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas vs Shaheem Ali

Ali is in control of BCB to start the match before Brian catches him when he goes for a cross body, but Ali elbows him to free himself before ducking a clothesline by BCB and hitting him with an inverted DDT for a quick two count. Brian then catches Ali before hitting a superplex, then BCB hits a frog splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser defeat Shaheem Ali via pinfall with a frog splash.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match #2

The Dawgs vs Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas

They brawl to start the match before Rhett sends Brian out of the ring and dropkicks BCB for a quick one count before tagging Will in. Rhett uses Will as a weapon before Brian hits a back drop before superplexing Will for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser defeat The Dawgs via pinfall when Brian hits Will with a superplex.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match #3

Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser vs Motor City Machine Guns

BCB hits a running cross body to Chris before Brian hits a senton to Chris and a sidewalk slam to Alex before they end up out of the ring. MCM hit a double superkick before rolling BCB back into the ring, the two hitting a series of double team moves for the pin and the win.

Winner: Motor City Machine Guns defeat Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser via pinfall with a neckbreaker into a cross body.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match #4

Motor City Machine Guns vs Young Bucks

They exchange strikes and clotheslines to start the match before Nick hits a diving cross body to Alex and Matt dropkicks Chris. Chris hits an avalanche back suplex off of the top, then Matt counters a neckbreaker before Nick distracts Alex. Matt then pins Chris with a back slide when Nick has a hold of Alex on the top rope for the pin and the win.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match #5

The Kingdom vs Young Bucks

Matt goes after Vinny and TK to start the match before hitting a double clothesline, then Vinny counters a powerbomb by Matt before sending him out of the ring. Vinny goes out after Matt and pulls up the padding at ringside before Nick superkicks TK in the ring and sends Vinny off of the apron with a boot. The Bucks then hit a Meltzer Driver to TK for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Young Bucks defeat The Kingdom via pinfall when they hit TK with a Meltzer Driver.

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