
IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Results 4/5 Taiji Ishimori vs Johnny Impact, Bobby Lashley vs Brian Cage, Eli Drake vs Moose & More!

IMPACT Wrestling tonight at 8PM EST on POP TV!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV! We are less than twenty four hours from IMPACT Wrestling vs Lucha Underground at WrestleCon, but tonight we have Taiji Ishimori taking on Johnny Impact, Lashley calls out Brian Cage, Allie summons Su Yung and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-Lashley comes out to the ring and talks about Brian Cage comes out for their match. 

Brian Cage vs Lashley

Lashley attacks Brian before the match even starts, then beats on him in the corner when the match does start. Lashley continues to beat on Brian before tossing him out of the ring. Brian comes back with an electric chair sit-out facebuster and a DVD for a one count that aggravates Brian. Brian beats on Lashley in the corner before he rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, but Brian goes right out after him and slams him onto the apron and tosses him into the ring steps. Brian suplexes Lashley off of the apron and into the ring via the top rope before Lashley catches him up top and hits a superplex for a near fall.

They then counter each other until Lashley hits a spear for another near fall before Brian hits the Drill Claw for the pin and the win.

Winner: Brian Cage defeats Lashley via pinfall with the Drill Claw

-Allie summons Su Yung before they end up having a match.

Allie vs Su Yung

Su Yung is in control early before Allie comes back with a series of clotheslines when Su Yung goes to hit her with a kendo stick. Allie hits a dropkick and a suplex into the corner before Braxton comes out to the ring and tries to distract her, but Allie hits a codebreaker for a near fall. Braxton then stops Allie from hitting a superkick and Su Yung hits her with the stick for the disqualification.

Winner: Allie defeats Su Yung via disqualification.

–KM has a squash match against David Justice before Tyrus and Fallah Bahh come out to the ring and save him.

Taiji Ishimori vs Johnny Impact

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks and flips, then Johnny hits a leg drop before Taiji comes back with a flurry of offense. Taiji hits a huricanrrana that sends Johnny out of the ring before hitting a triangle moonsault and rolling him back into the ring. Taiji hits double running knees in the corner before hitting a double foot stomp for a near fall. They exchange strikes until Johnny comes back with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Taiji rolls Johnny up for a near fall before Taiji hits a frankensteiner for a near fall, then hits a code red into a superkick for another near fall.

Johnny counters a 450 splash into a springboard roundhouse kick before hitting Starship Pain for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Impact defeats Taiji Ishimori via pinfall with Starship Pain

-After the match Kongo Kong comes out to the ring and attacks Johnny before Johnny fights him off as we go to commercial.-

We have an extended video package where Austin Aries and Alberto El Patron talk about their title match at the next pay-per-view.

Case vs Case Match

Eli Drake vs Moose

They lock up to start the match before Moose hits a dropkick and a running clothesline in the corner before finishing off with a dropkick that sends Eli out of the ring. Moose goes out after Eli and drops him onto the apron before beating on him at ringside. Eli sends Moose into the ring post before rolling back into the ring as we go to commercial.

Eli is in control as we come back from commercial until he comes back with a series of clotheslines and a bucklebomb into a hesitation dropkick. oVe show up out of nowhere after the referee is incapacitated before Eddie shows up and sends them to the back. Eli then beats on Moose with a baseball bat for a near fall before Eli hits the Gravy Train for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eli Drake defeats Moose via pinfall with the Gravy Train to keep his briefcase.

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