
NJPW Road To Sakura Genesis Results: Evil Returns, Naito & Suzuki Get Crazy, While Chaos Picks Up Some Big Tag Wins

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Road To Sakura Genesis. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Yoshi-Hashi)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi) def. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr., El Desparado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Chaos (Toru Yano, Sho & Yoh) def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kushida & Tiger Mask IV

Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Jay White & Tomohiro Ishii) def. Juice Robinson, David Finlay & Toa Henare

Michael Elgin, Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi def. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Manabu Nakanishi & Tomoyuki Oka

Yuji Nagata def. Shota Umino

Tetsuhiro Yagi fought Ren Narita to a time limit draw

Tetsuhiro Yagi vs. Ren Narita

The match begins with a lot of chain wrestling between both competitors, Narita traps the legs of Yagi while pulling back on them. Narita transitions into applying a headlock against Yagi, Yagi gets Narita down before wrenching away on his arm. Narita gets free and both competitors work over each others arms, Narita gets Yagi in a headlock for a short time. Narita then drops Yagi with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, Narita and Yagi get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Yagi traps Narita in the corner while landing a plethora of strikes, Narita reverses things and both competitors exchange running back elbow strikes.

Yagi then catches Narita with a slam for a near fall, Narita and Yagi get into another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Narita drops Yagi and he just stomps away on him, Narita then hip tosses Yagi for another near fall. Narita catches Yagi with stomps and a back elbow strike for another near fall, Narita catches Yagi with another slam and a back body drop for another near fall. Yagi fights back by attacking Narita with a plethora of chops, Yagi then drops a charging Narita with a drop kick. Yagi traps Narita in the corner and he lands a bunch of strikes, Yagi drops Narita with a slam and a back elbow strike for a near fall. Yagi then stomps away on the knee of Narita before applying the Boston crab and Narita gets to the ropes.

Yagi gets angry and he stomps away on a downed Narita, Yagi traps Narita in the corner again while landing some more strikes. Narita recovers and he catches a charging Yagi with a drop kick, Narita and Yagi get into another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Narita nails Yagi with a headbutt and a belly to belly suplex for a near fall, Yagi drops Narita with slaps for a near fall. Yagi applies another Boston crab to Narita and Narita gets to the ropes again, Yagi stomps away on Narita before getting another near fall. Narita responds by landing a single strike on Yagi for another near fall, Narita applies the Boston crab to Yagi and the bell sounds to signify a draw.

Match Result: Time Limit Draw

Yuji Nagata vs. Shota Umino

The match begins with Umino and Nagata working over each others arms until Nagata lands a slam, Nagata starts attacking Umino with some kicks. Umino fights back and Nagata drops him with a series of strikes, Nagata and Umino get into a striking exchange that ends with Nagata landing a kick to the back. Nagata applies the cross face to a downed Umino, Nagata releases the hold and he stomps away on a downed Umino. Nagata starts attacking the arm of Umino before applying a key lock, Umino fights back and Nagata floors him with some more kicks. Umino fights back again and Nagata destroys him with kicks, Umino finally drops a charging Nagata with a drop kick.

Umino then hits a cornered Nagata with a running back elbow strike, Umino then hits Nagata with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Umino follows that up by dropping Nagata with a running forearm strike followed by another missile drop kick for a near fall, Umino goes for the Boston crab and Nagata eventually gets free. Nagata recovers and he drops Umino with a knee lift before landing a kick for a near fall, Nagata follows that up with an exploder suplex followed by a cross face and a tap out follows.

Winner: Yuji Nagata

Michael Elgin, Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Manabu Nakanishi & Tomoyuki Oka

The match begins with Taguchi catching Nakanishi in a small package for a near fall, Taguchi then catches Nakanishi with a few strikes as he backs him into the ropes. Taguchi follows that up by dropping Nakanishi with a hip attack, Nakanishi drops a flying Taguchi before tagging Oka into the match. Oka attacks the behind of Taguchi with a few strikes for a near fall, Oka also catches Taguchi with a slam for a near fall. Tenzan tags in and he attacks Taguchi with a series of headbutts, Tenzan then nails Taguchi with an avalanche followed by a suplex for a near fall. Taguchi recovers and he drops a charging Tenzan with a hip attack,, Makabe tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team.

Nakanishi attacks Makabe from behind before Makabe nails him and Tenzan with running clotheslines, Makabe mounts Tenzan in the corner to land a bunch of punches. Makabe drops Tenzan with a clothesline for a near fall, Tenzan recovers and he catches a charging Makabe with a Samoan drop. Elgin and Oka get tagged in by their respective partners, Elgin immediately attacks Oka with strikes before getting dropped with a shoulder tackle. Elgin recovers and he plants Oka with a German suplex for a near fall, Makabe hits the ring to drop Tenzan and Nakanishi with a running clothesline. Oka then catches Elgin with a back body drop before landing an avalanche, Oka then hits Elgin with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Elgin levels Oka with a lariat for a near fall, Elgin then hits Oka with a buckle bomb followed by an Elgin Bomb for a three count.

Winners: Michael Elgin, Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi

Juice Robinson, David Finlay & Toa Henare vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Jay White & Tomohiro Ishii)

The match begins with Finlay trapping White in the corner before landing a plethora of strikes, White fights back and he drops Finlay with a running forearm strike. Finlay then catches White with a few European uppercuts and a drop kick, Henare tags in and he mauls White with strikes in the corner. Henare then catches White with a headbutt before eating a drop kick, a brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills to the arena floor. Ishii takes Henare into the crowd before attacking him with chair shots, Ishii throws Henare into the ring so White can get a near fall on him. Ishii tags in and he kicks away at a downed Henare, Ishii cornered Henare before nailing him with a bunch of chops.

Henare fights back and Ishii drops him with a single forearm strike, Goto tags in and he stomps away on Henare. Goto then drops Henare with a back elbow strike for a near fall, Goto would then apply the single leg crab to Henare. Goto releases the hold to attack Henare with a series of strikes, Henare recovers and he drops Goto with a shoulder tackle. Robinson tags in and he immediately cleans house on the opposing team, Robinson then hits a swinging Goto with a back suplex. Robinson then nails a cornered Goto with a running clothesline followed by a cannonball, Robinson follows that up with a full nelson bomb on Goto for a near fall. Goto recovers to catch a cornered Robinson with a spin kick, Goto then hits Robinson with a modified back breaker.

Finlay and White take their brawl to the arena floor while Henare and Ishii get tagged into the match, Ishii and Henare have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Henare eventually drops Ishii before the two have another striking exchange, Henare then nails Ishii with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Ishii gets angry and he traps Henare in the corner before landing some chops, Finlay and White take their brawl into the ring as everybody takes each other out. Ishii then plants Henare with a lariat for a near fall, Robinson attacks Ishii and Henare follows up with a lariat for another near fall. Ishii nails Henare with a brain buster for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Jay White & Tomohiro Ishii)

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kushida & Tiger Mask IV vs. Chaos (Toru Yano, Sho & Yoh)

The match begins with Yano immediately tagging Sho into the match, Yano then distracts Mask IV and Sho accidentally nails Yano with a forearm strike. Mask IV and Sho collide in mid-air as both attempt cross body blocks, Yoh and Kushida get tagged into the match. Yoh then nails Kushida with a flying forearm strike, Kushida uses the referee to help nail Yoh with a kick to the arm. Kushida starts focusing his attack on the injured arm of Yoh, Sho hits the ring and he double teams the opposing team with Yoh. Yoh and Kushida have a striking exchange until Kushida goes down, Sho tags in and he attacks Kushida with some strikes. Sho then kicks a seated Kushida in the back for a near fall, Yoh tags in and he attacks Kushida with strikes in the corner.

Sho and Yoh hit the ring to double team Kushida, Kushida fights back and he eventually catches Yoh with a hip toss before landing a drop kick. Tanahashi tags into the match and he cleans house on the opposing team, Yoh then nails a charging Tanahashi with a super kick and an enzaguri. Tanahashi recovers and he nails Yoh with a Twist & Shout, Mask IV tags in and he clobbers Yoh with some kicks and a Tiger Bomb for a near fall. Mask IV then places Yoh on the top rope and he follows him up there, they get off the ropes and Mask IV lands some kicks for a near fall. Mask IV applies a modified arm bar to Yoh and Yano breaks it up, a brawl breaks out on the arena floor between members of both teams. Sho hits the ring so he and Yoh can nail Mask IV with a double knee strike, Yano tags in and Mask IV attacks him with kicks.

Mask IV throw Yano into the exposed corner so Kushida can catch him with an enzaguri, Mask IV nails Yano with a top rope high cross body for a near fall. Mask IV catches Yano in a crucifix pin for a near fall, Kushida then takes out Sho and Yoh with a double handspring elbow. Yano catches Mask IV with a low blow and roll up for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Toru Yano, Sho & Yoh)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr., El Desparado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

The match begins with Takahashi and Desparado having a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Kanemaru attacks Takahashi from behind. Takahashi fights back by shoving Desparado into Kanemaru before taking them both down, Bushi interferes and he double teams Deparado alongside Takahashi. Evil tags into the match and he catches Desparado with a curb stomp followed by a senton, Sanada tags in and he drops Desparado with some strikes before tagging Naito in. Naito immediately attacks Desparado with an elbow strike and a neck breaker, Suzuki gets angry and he goes after Naito and that causes a brawl between both teams that spills all over the arena.

Suzuki throws Naito into the crowd before leveling him with chair shots, Suzuki then chokes Naito on the barricade. Smith Jr rips Bushi’s shirt off before choking him with it, Naito is thrown back into the ring and Desparado works him over. Archer tags in and he nails Naito with a shoulder tackle, Smith Jr tags in and he attacks Naito with a plethora of strikes. Suzuki interferes and he catches Naito in a rope assisted arm bar, Smith Jr then hits Naito with a belly to belly suplex before applying a chin lock. Kanemaru tags in and he stomps away on a downed Naito, Kanemaru then hits a seated Naito with a drop kick to the back of the head. Suzuki tags in and he traps Naito in the ropes while landing some strikes, Suzuki then nails Naito with a penalty kick before applying a knee bar.

Naito eventually makes it to the ropes to break the knee bar from Suzuki, Suzuki applies the rear naked choke to Naito. Suzuki releases the choke to go for the Gotch Style Pile Driver and Naito escapes with a back body drop, Naito then nails Suzuki with an enzaguri. Naito then drops Suzuki with a flying forearm strike, Sanada and Archer then get tagged in by their respective partners. Sanada nails Archer in the knee with a series of drop kicks, Sanada follows that up by dropping Archer. Sanada goes for the Paradise Lock and Srcher shoves him away before landing The Pounce, Naito and Suzuki continue their brawl on the arena floor.

Kanemaru and Bushi get tagged into the match by their respective partners, Bushi takes Kanemaru down with a head scissors. Bushi then hits Kanemaru with a missile drop kick and taking care of an interfering Desparado, Bushi and Takahashi double team Kanemaru for a near fall. Bushi misses MX and Desparado nails him with a spear as a brawl breaks out between both teams again, Desparado and Kanemaru double team Bushi for a near fall. Takahashi and Bushi then attack Kanemaru with some double team moves of their own, Evil tags in and he nails Kanemaru with a clothesline followed by a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Kanemaru recovers and he rakes the injured eye of Evil, Sanada attacks Kanemaru so Evil can land a lariat for a near fall.

Evil and Sanada hit Kanemaru with a Magic Killer for a near fall, Smith Jr and Archer hit the ring and they quickly get knocked out of it. Sanada then takes out Archer and Smith Jr with a suicide dive, Evil hits Kanemaru with Everything Is Evil for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi)

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi)

The match begins with Okada and Sabre Jr doing some chain wrestling, Sabre Jr starts wrenching on Okada’s neck with a cravat. Okada gets free and he applies a modified octopus stretch to Sabre Jr, Yoshi-Hashi and Taichi get tagged in by their respective partners. Yoshi-Hashi and Taichi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Yoshi-Hashi then drops Taichi with a hurricarana followed by a rolling neck breaker. Sabre Jr interferes and he catches Okada in an octopus stretcj, Taichi grabs the microphone stand and he hits Yoshi-Hashi with it. A brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills to the arena floor, Taichi grabs a steel chair and he attacks Yoshi-Hashi with it. Sabre Jr bends the arm of Okada in some unnatural ways on the arena floor, Sabre Jr also throws Okada right into the barricade.

Taichi then throw Yoshi-Hashi shoulder first into the barricade, Taichi gets Yoshi-Hashi back into the ring before choking him with his foot. Sabre Jr tags in and he applies a single leg crab to a downed Yoshi-Hashi, Taichi tags in and he kicks away at the injured arm of Yoshi-Hashi. Taichi knocks Yoshi-Hashi out of the ring so Sabre Jr can work him over some more, Taichi gets Yoshi-Hashi back in the ring to work over the injured arm again. Yoshi-Hashi tries fighting back and Taichi quickly drops him with a few kicks, Taichi sets up for the super kick and Yoshi-Hashi avoids it before eating some stomps. Yoshi-Hashi drops Taichi and he immediately tags Okada into the match, Okada quickly cleans house against the opposing team.

Sabre Jr distracts Okada and that allows Taichi to drop him with a clothesline, Sabre Jr tags in and he has a striking exchange with Okada. Okada goes for the cobra clutch and Sabre Jr escapes to apply the abdominal stretch, Sabre Jr releases that hold and he applies a modified cross face to a downed Okada. Sabre Jr goes for the penalty kick and Okada blocks it before landing a drop kick, Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he attacks Sabre Jr with a series of strikes and a running chop. Yoshi-Hashi then places Sabre Jr on the top rope before landing a drop kick, Yoshi-Hashi goes for a neck breaker and he winds up double teaming Sabre Jr with Okada for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi then connects with a neck breaker on Sabre Jr for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi then hits Sabre Jr with a Western Lariat for another near fall.

Yoshi-Hashi goes for the power bomb and Sabre Jr counters to apply an octopus stretch, Okada hits the ring and Taichi takes him out. Sabre Jr applies more pressure to the hold and Yoshi-Hashi taps out.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi)

After the match, Taichi and Zack Sabre Jr. attack Kazuchika Okada and Gedo while Taka Michinoku talks on the microphone. 

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