
NJPW New Japan Cup 2018 Day 6 Results: The Quarterfinals Come To An End, Plus Okada & Tanahashi Collide

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW New Japan Cup Day 6. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW New Japan Cup Quarterfinals

Zack Sabre Jr. def. Kota Ibushi

NJPW New Japan Cup Quarterfinals

Sanada def. Toru Yano

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin & Juice Robinson def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Chuckie T)

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desparado) def. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi)

Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer, Davey Boys Smith Jr., Taichi & Takashi Iizuka) def. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens, Tonga Loa & Yujiro Takahashi)

Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) def. Toa Henare & Togi Makabe

David Finlay & Ren Narita def. Syota Umino & Tomoyuki Oka

David Finlay & Ren Narita vs. Syota Umino & Tomoyuki Oka

The match begins with Oka powering Narita into the ropes a few times, Narita then nails Oka with a chop. Narita gets Oka to the ground while applying a headlock, Finlay and Umino get tagged into the match. Finlay and Umino take turns working over the others arms, Umino then drops a charging Finlay with a shoulder tackle. Finlay recovers and he nails Umino with a back suplex, Narita tags in and he kicks away at a cornered Umino. Narita would then slam Umino before tagging Finlay back into the match, Finlay would catch Umino with a suplex for a near fall. Narita tags in and Finlay slams him onto the injured back of Umino, Narita then catches Umino with a back body drop for a near fall.

Finlay tags back in and Umino quickly catches him with a drop kick, Oka tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team. Oka catches Finlay with an avalanche in the corner, Oka then nails a leaping Finlay with an overhead release suplex for a near fall. Oka applies the Boston crab to Finlay and Narita breaks it up, Finlay and Oka have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Finlay hits Oka with a uranage back breaker for a near fall, Finlay crushes Oka with a lariat for another near fall. Finlay then lands a stunner on Oka for the three count.

Winners: David Finlay & Ren Narita

Toa Henare & Togi Makabe vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi)

The match begins with Yoshi-Hashi applying the headlock to Makabe, Makabe then drops a charging Yoshi-Hashi with a shoulder block. Henare tags in and he works with Makabe to hit Yoshi-Hashi with a double shoulder tackle, Goto tags in and he gets into a striking exchange with Henare. Henare gains control by dropping Goto with a shoulder tackle, Goto recovers to catch Henare with a running clothesline. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he works with Goto to hit Henare with a double shoulder block, Goto traps Henare in the ropes while ripping away at his face. Goto holds Henare down while applying the chin lock, Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he attacks a cornered Henare with chops.

Yoshi-Hashi gets Henare down while applying a chin lock to him, Goto tags in and he drops Henare with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Goto follows that up by applying a Boston crab to Henare, Henare gets to the ropes and Goto nails him with a few strikes. Henare recovers and he catches Goto with a suplex, Makabe tags into the match and he cleans house on the opposing team. Makabe nails Goto with a running clothesline and multiple punches in the corner, Makabe then drops Goto with a clothesline for a near fall. Goto recovers to nail Makabe with a modified back breaker, Yoshi-Hashi and Henare get tagged in by their respective partners. Henare quickly nails Yoshi-Hashi with a shoulder tackle, Henare follows that up with a top rope shoulder tackle on Yoshi-Hashi.

Henare misses a charge in the corner and Yoshi-Hashi nails him with a side kick, Goto hits the ring to double team Henare with Yoshi-Hashi. Makabe hits the ring to nail both opponents with clotheslines, Henare and Makabe would then double team Yoshi-Hashi. Henare nails Yoshi-Hashi with a spear for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi fights back and Henare drops him with a spine buster for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi recovers to crush a charging Henare with a Western Lariat, Yoshi-Hashi applies the Butterfly Lock and a tap out follows.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi)

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens, Tonga Loa & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer, Davey Boys Smith Jr., Taichi & Takashi Iizuka)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between both teams that quickly spills out to the arena floor, Taichi and Takahashi battle all the back near the backstage area. Takahashi gets Taichi back to the ringside area before throwing him into the ring post, Archer grabs a steel chair and he attacks Fale with it. Fale and Archer continue their battle into the crowd, Taichi grabs Owens and he throws him into the ring post. Smith Jr and Loa take their battle to the inside of the ring, Smith Jr then nail a charging Loa with a boot to the face. Archer tags in and Loa avoids the Killer Bomb from KES, Loa then sends a charging Archer to the arena floor. Iizuka attacks Loa with a steel chair as Taichi distracted the referee, Smith Jr stands over Loa while attacking him with strikes.

Iizuka attacks Takahashi with a steel chair as they battle in the crowd, Iizuka also breaks a chair over the back of Fale. Smith Jr attacks the injured back of Loa with a few strikes, Smith Jr catches Loa with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Smith Jr slows things down further by applying a chin lock to Loa, Iizuka tags into the match and he mauls Loa with some strikes in the corner. Iizuka grabs a piece of rope and he chokes Loa with it, Iizuka loses the piece of rope and he still finds a way to choke Loa. Taichi tags in and Loa nails him with a few strikes, Taichi misses a kick and Loa nails him with a back breaker. Takahashi tags in and he nails Taichi with a running boot to the face followed by a bulldog, Takahashi then trips up Iizuka before landing a baseball slide drop kicks.

Takahashi the takes out members of the opposing team with suicide dives, Taichi recover to nail a charging Takahashi with a kick to the face for a near fall. Taichi misses a super kick and Takahashi nails him with a reverse DDT, Fale and Archer get tagged into the match. Archer quickly drops Fale with a cross body block, Fale recovers to hit a charging Archer with a Samoan drop. Owens tags in and he triple teams Archer with members of Bullet Club, Owens catches a downed Archer with a shining wizard for a near fall. Owens then nails a kneeling Archer with a super kick, Owens goes for a package pile driver and Archer gets free to double team Owens with Smith Jr. Archer and Smith Jr hit Owens with the Killer Bomb for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer, Davey Boys Smith Jr., Taichi & Takashi Iizuka)

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desparado)

The match begins with Suzuki attacking Naito with some kicks and knee strikes, Suzuki chases Naito out of the ring and back into the ring. Bushi tags in and Kanemaru gets one from Suzuki, Desparado attacks Bushi from behind and Bushi fights back against both of his attackers. Takahashi hits the ring to help Bushi double team Kanemaru, Bushi then rips away at the face of a downed Kanemaru. Takahashi tags in and he stomps away on a downed Kanemaru, Takahashi then nails Kanemaru with a few chops and some more kicks. Desparado attacks Takahashi from behind and that causes an all out brawl on the arena floor, Suzuki drags Naito into the crowd before attacking him with a plethora of chairs. Suzuki would also smash the face of Naito into the bleachers, Suzuki awkwardly bends the leg of Naito around the retaining wall of the bleachers.

Takahashi would then get trapped on the ring apron so Desparado can nail him with a knee strike, Suzuki then attacks Takahashi with strikes on the arena floor. Suzuki gets Takahashi back in the ring so Desparado can get a near fall on him, Suzuki tags in and he attacks Takahashi with a variety of kicks. Takahashi tries fighting back and Suzuki levels him with chops, Suzuki quickly applies the kimura to Takahashi and Naito breaks it up. Suzuki also applies the knee bar to an interfering Naito, Desparado interferes and he chokes Desparado in the corner. Desparado tags into the match while Suzuki battles Naito on the arena floor, Desparado applies the bulldog choke to Takahashi. Takahashi fights back and he drops Desparado with a hurricarana, Desparado recovers and he stomps away on Takahashi.

Takahashi recovers and he propels a charging Desparado into the corner, Naito tags in and he quickly cleans house on the opposing team. Naito trips up Desparado in the corner before landing a slingshot drop kick for a near fall, Kanemaru interferes to help Desparado get an advantage on Naito. Suzuki tags in and he attacks Naito with forearm strikes, Suzuki misses a penalty kick and Naito spits at him. Suzuki gets angry and he attacks Naito with more strikes, Naito recovers to hit Suzuki with an atomic drop followed by an enzaguri. Bushi tags in and he nails Suzuki with a missile drop kick, Takahashi and Bushi would then double team Suzuki for a near fall. Bushi goes for MX and Suzuki gets out of the way, everybody from both teams hit the ring to take each other out. Suzuki catches Bushi with a sleeper hold followed by the Gotch Style Pile Driver for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desparado)

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin & Juice Robinson vs. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Chuckie T)

The match begins with Okada nailing Tanahashi with a cheap shot, which allows Robinson to attack Okada. Tanahashi hits the ring and he accidentally nails Robinson, Tanahashi and Robinson then work together to hit Okada with a double drop kick. Robinson drops Okada before landing a splash for a near fall, Tanahashi tags in and T gets a tag as well. T applies a headlock to Tanahashi and Tanahashi escapes to apply one of his own, Tanahashi then nails T with a shoulder tackle followed by an elbow drop. Tanahashi follows that up by catching T with a cross body block, Elgin tags in and he nails T with a delayed vertical suplex. Robinson tags in and Elgin tries slamming him on top of T, but T gets his knees up against Robinson.

A brawl the breaks out on the arena floor between members of both teams, Ishii tags in and he cracks Robinson with some headbutts. Robinson fights back and Ishii levels him with a forearm strike, Okada tags in and he catches Robinson with a slingshot senton. T tags in and he levels Robinson with a drop kick for a near fall, Ishii tags in and he has a slapping exchange with Robinson. Ishii gets angry and he drops Robinson with a single headbutt, Ishii then corners Robinson while landing a plethora of chops. Robindon recovers and he nails a charging Ishii with a spine buster, Elgin tags in and he nails Ishii with some back elbow strikes. Elgin attacks Okada before nailing Ishii and T with German suplexes, Elgin follows that up with a power slam on Ishii for a near fall.

Ishii recovers and he nails Elgin with a suplex, Elgin responds by nailing Ishii with a bicycle kick and a clothesline. Ishii recovers again and he nails a charging Elgin with a lariat, Tanahashi and Okada get tagged in by their respective partners. Tanahashi and Okada immediately get into a striking exchange, Tanahashi quickly nails Okada with a dragon screw leg whip. Tanahashi follows that up with a slam followed by a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall, Okada recovers to nail a charging Tanahashi with a flapjack. Okada traps Tanahashi in the corner to land a running back elbow strike followed by a DDT for a near fall, Tanahashi fights back and Okada nails him with a drop kick. Okada goes for the cobra clutch and Elgin breaks it up, Robinson tags in and Okada shoves him into Tanahashi before getting a roll up for a near fall.

Robinson gets back up and he nails Okada with a gut buster for a near fall, Robinson drops Okada with a clothesline in the corner. Okada recovers and he catches a charging Robinson with a modified neck breaker, T tags in and Robinson nails him with his patented jabs. T recovers and he catches Robinson with Sole Food, Robinson gets back up and he catches T with a clothesline followed by a cannonball and full nelson bomb for a near fall. T then catches Robinson with a roll up for a near fall, T then hits a charging Robinson with a knee strike. Robinson escapes an Awful Waffle to hit T with a left followed by Pulp Friction for the three count.

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin & Juice Robinson

NJPW New Japan Cup Quarterfinals: Sanada vs. Toru Yano

The match begins with Sanada pulling Yano’s shirt over his head before catching him in a rolling cradle for a near fall, Sanada then attempts to catch Yani with a Paradise Lock in the ropes before drop kicking him out of the ring. Sanada follows Yano outside of the ring to catch him with a few strikes, Sanada then throws Yano into the barricade. Yano recovers to kick Sanada into the crowd and both somehow beat the count into the ring, Yano then stomps away on a downed Sanada. Yano takes off his shirt and he chokes Sanada with it, Sanada recovers and he knocks Yano out of the ring with a hurricarana. Sanada then hits a dazed Yano with a plancha on the arena floor, Yano recovers and he throws Sanada into the barricade.

Yano grabs his chair and Sanada knee lifts it back into his face, Sanada then stomps away on Yano as he gets back into the ring. Sanada and Yano get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Yano goes for a roll up before removing a turnbuckle pad. Yano and Sanada both take turns crashing into the exposed corner, Yano and Sanada also go for the Skull End before Yano gets a roll up for a near fall. Yano then catapults Sanada into the exposed corner, Yano goes for a power bomb and Sanada counters with a roll up for a near fall. Yano distracts the referee to low blow Sanada and roll him up for a near fall, Yano complains to the referee and Sanada applies the Skull End to force a tap out.

Winner: Sanada

NJPW New Japan Cup Quarterfinals: Kota Ibushi vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match begins with Sabre Jr getting Ibushi down with some chain wrestling, Sabre Jr gets Ibushi to the ropes before pie facing him. Sabre Jr gets Ibushi down again before applying a head scissors until Ibushi gets to the ropes, Sabre Jr gets a hold of Ibushi’s arm and he wrenches away on it. Sabre Jr follows that up by pulling back on both of Ibushi’s arms, Ibushi reverses things and Ibushi drops Sabre Jr with a forearm strike. Ibushi then drops Sabre Jr multiple times with a variety of kicks, Sabre Jr counters a kick from Ibushi by applying a knee bar until Ibushi gets to the ropes. Sabre Jr would then stand on one of Ibushi’s legs while twisting away at the other, Sabre Jr bridges backwards while wrenching away on the legs of Ibushi.

Ibushi uses his free leg to nail Sabre Jr with a few kicks, Ibushi gets free and he assaults Sabre Jr with a kick to the back. Sabre Jr recovers to trips up Ibushi and twist away at his head, Ibushi gets to the ropes and Sabre Jr still applies a modified arm bar to him. Sabre Jr then bends the wrist of Ibushi at some awkward angles, Sabre Jr traps Ibushi in the ropes before landing a few European uppercuts. Ibushi recovers to nail Sabre Jr with a hurricarana followed by a kick to the upper body, Ibushi drops Sabre Jr with a striking combination before landing a standing moonsault for a near fall. Sabre Jr recovers and he catches Ibushi in the abdominal stretch until Ibushi gets to the ropes, Sabre Jr and Ibushi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Ibushi ends the exchange by catching Sabre Jr with a German suplex for a near fall, Sabre Jr recovers and he catches Ibushi in a roll up before applying the STF. Sabre Jr transitions into a scarf hold STF until Ibushi gets to the ropes, Sabre Jr nails Ibushi with a running European uppercut before eating an overhead kick. Ibushi goes for a power bomb and Sabre Jr counters into a triangle choke, Ibushi powers free to land a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Ibushi goes for a knee strike and they go through a series of rolls up for a few near falls, Sabre Jr and Ibushi stay seated while having a striking exchange. The competitors get to their feet while continuing the striking exchange, Sabre Jr catches Ibushi with a kick to the arm before eating a lariat.

Ibushi goes for another kick and Sabre Jr counters by landing a penalty kick, Sabre Jr goes for another penalty kick and Ibushi blocks it to drop him with a chop. Ibushi then hits Sabre Jr with a power slam, Ibushi goes for the moonsault and Sabre Jr catches him in a triangle choke. Ibushi gets free and Sabre Jr counters into an abdominal stretch, Ibushi gets free again and he nails Sabre Jr with a straight jacket suplex for a near fall. Ibushi goes for the knee strike and Sabre Jr counters into the octopus stretch while kicking him in the head and the referee calls for the bell because Ibushi in unable to continue.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr.

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