
Brian Pillman Jr Recalls Memorial Shows, Favorite Matches Of His Father’s

Brian Pillman Jr. was recently a guest on Interactive Wrestling Radio. You can check out the full podcast and interview at this link, and submitted highlights below:

Being young when his Dad died:
"I was about 4 years old so my memories aren't so fond. That's kind of why I came back to wrestling, right? I get to hear all the stories about my Dad. It is really quite refreshing to see where I came from and what my roots are. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right? I get to learn a little bit about myself in the process."

Memories of the Brian Pillman Memorial Shows put on by HWA:
"I always show people pictures from these Memorial Shows with me as a young kid and I'm surrounded by guys like (Chris) Jericho and (William) Regal… People that came out for these Memorial Shows to remember him. They performed for him to raise money for my family. Looking back, it is like, "Wow! I used to be a part of that family!" Now that I'm getting back into it, a lot of guys are reaching out and giving me their cell phone numbers. Following me back on social media… It is a really beautiful thing to be part of a family again because for so long, I grew up without one."

His favorite matches of his Dad:
"It is funny. Everybody loves his Flyin' Brian babyface stuff and then there's the other crowd that likes his "Loose Cannon" stuff. But, I really like his in-between stuff. His heel stuff, before he was the "Loose Cannon". Like, if you look at the Hollywood Blonds. He was a really good heel. Not a lot of people remember him for just his pure heel work, you know what I mean? He was really a ring general. He got a really good match out of (Lex) Luger which a lot of people were trying to do at the time. You watch his matches, he just does so much funny heel stuff. You could tell he was having a good time out there! The crowd would boo him but you could tell they were loving his character because he was so good as a heel."

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