
WWE NXT Results 2/14 NXT Women’s Championship Match, WWE United Kingdom Championship Match & More!

WWE NXT tonight at 8PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT. Tonight we have a great show as in our main Ember Moon defends her NXT Women's Championship against Shayna Baszler, Pete Dunne defends his WWE United Kingdom Championship against Roderick Strong and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

WWE United Kingdom Championship Match

Pete Dunne (c) vs Roderick Strong

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before squaring off as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to Pete in control, focusing on the arm of Strong and doing joint manipulation, then they get out of the ring and Strong back drops Pete onto the ring steps. Strong rolls Pete back into the ring and hits a pump handle backbreaker for a quick two count before dropping Pete with a boot and hitting a pendulum backbreaker. Strong goes for a superplex, but Pete fights him off and sends him out of the ring before they get out on the apron and Strong drops Pete onto the apron and both men fall to the floor as we go to commercial.

Strong is in control as we come back from commercial until Pete hits an enzuigiri and locks in an armbar before immediately transitioning and snapping his fingers. Pete hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before hitting a release German suplex only to be dropkicked in midair when he comes off of the top, Strong getting a near fall of his own. They exchange pin attempts until Strong hits a backbreaker and Pete hits a half and half suplex before hitting another enzuigiri for yet another near fall. Strong hits an avalanche Olympic slam for a near fall before hitting a series of knees and a flapjack for a near fall. They exchange strikes until Strong hits a tiger bomb for a near fall, then Strong goes for the Strong Hold, but Pete counters into the Bitter End for the pin and the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne defends his WWE United Kingdom Championship against Roderick Strong via pinfall with the Bitter End.

We get an announcement of Andrade Almas defending his NXT Championship next week against Johnny Gargano and the loser will leave NXT before Aleister Black comes out to the ring. Aleister talks about his career in the Indies and in NXT before he's interrupted by Killian Dain, setting up a match between the two.

TM61 vs Enhancement Talent

TM61 tag in and out and keep Skyler in their corner before hitting a lariat and a belly to back suplex, then Skyler tries to focus on the leg of Shane, but Shane manages to tag Nick in and TM61 double team Skyler. TM61 then take out Skyler's partner and hit Skyler with Thunder Valley for the pin and the win.

Winner: TM61 defeat Enhancement Talent via pinfall with Thunder Valley

NXT Women's Championship Match

Ember Moon (c) vs Shayna Baszler

Ember dropkicks Shayna as soon as the match starts before hitting Shayna with a series of knees and forearms into an enzuigiri before Shayna rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. Ember hits a tope to the outside, but Shayna sends Ember into the announce table before rolling her back into the ring and focusing on the injured arm of Ember. Shayna locks in an armbar repeatedly, Ember rolling her up for a near fall to break it up once, then gets her foot on the bottom rope for the break the second time. Shayna sends Ember shoulder first into the ring post and launches her out of the ring before wrapping her arm around the railing until Kairi comes out and drops Shayna with a flying forearm off of the steps for the disqualification.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Ember Moon, but Kairi Sane interfered therefore Shayna wins via disqualification and Ember retains her NXT Women's Championship.

-After the match Kairi spears Shayna and sends her out of the ring, Shayna looking on from the ramp as Kairi helps Ember as we go off the air.

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