
WWE Main Event Report For February 9: Goldust vs. Curt Hawkins & Kalisto In Action

– Vic Joseph & Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show.

Goldust w/Mandy Rose vs. Curt Hawkins

The match begins with Hawkins stalling by going to the ropes, Goldust then drops Hawkins with a shoulder tackle. Goldust then hits a charging Hawkins with an atomic drop before dropping him with a punch, Hawkins rolls out of the ring and he argues with Rose. Goldust chases Hawkins back into the ring and Hawkins knocks him back out of the ring with a punch, Hawkins then attacks Goldust with some strikes on the arena floor. Goldust gets back in the ring and Hawkins mauls him with more strikes, Hawkins applies the chin lock to a downed Goldust. Goldust gets free and Hawkins trips him up before landing a knee drop for a near fall, Hawkins reapplies the chin lock to Goldust.

Goldust fights back and Hawkins shovs him back to the ground, Hawkins argues with Rose and Goldust nails him with a spine buster. Goldust then drops Hawkins with a few clotheslines, Goldust follows up by nailing Hawkins with a bulldog. Goldust mounts Hawkins in the corner before assaulting him with punches, Goldust catches Hawkins with a power slam for a near fall. Goldust nails Hawkins with the Final Cut for the three count.

Winner: Goldust w/Mandy Rose

– First Raw flashback of the show tells us how Roman Reigns & The Miz qualified for the men’s Elimination Chamber match.

– The first Smackdown flashback of the next is next and we see the match between Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, plus the announcement of AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn at WWE Payback.

Kalisto vs. Ariya Daivari

The match begins with Kalisto and Daivari working over each others arms, Kalisto then drops Daivari with a few hip tosses. Kalisto applies the headlock to Daivari and Daivari eventually gets one on him, Daivari releases the hold to drop Kalisto with a shoulder tackle. Kalisto gets propelled to the ring apron and he kicks Daivari in the face, Kalisto then catches Daivari with a top rope twisting arm drag. Kalisto knocks Daivari out of the ring before catching him with a dive, Kalisto goes to the top rope and Daivari trips him up to send him crashing to the mat below as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Daivari assaulting Kalisto with strikes, Kalisto fights back and Daivari shoves him back to the mat for a near fall. Daivari then applies the chin lock to a downed Kalisto, Kalisto gets free before rolling Daivari up for a near fall. Daivari recovers and he hits Kalisto with a spine buster for a near fall, Daivari reapplies the chin lock to Kalisto. Kalisto gets free and Daivari shoves him back to the mat again, Kalisto then hits a charging Daivari with a double up kick followed by an enzaguri. Kalisto then hits Daivari with a top rope Thesz Press and rolling kick to the head, Kalisto then hits Daivari with a basement hurricarana for a near fall.

Kalisto leaps off the ropes and Daivari catches him with a super kick, Daivari catches Kalisto with a frog splash for a near fall. Kalisto catches Daivari with a roll up followed by Salido De Sol for the three count.

Winner: Kalisto

– The final Raw flashback shows Elias defeating John Cena & Braun Strowman to get the #6 spot in the men’s Elimination Chamber match.

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