
WWE Mixed Match Challenge & 205 Live Results 1/23 Asuka & The Miz vs Big-E & Carmella, TJP vs Gran Metalik, Hideo Itami vs Jack Gallagher & More!

WWE Mixed Match Challenge tonight at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live on Facebook Watch, then WWE 205 Live exclusively on the WWE Network!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episodes of the WWE Mixed Match Challenge and WWE 205 Live! Tonight we have the second match of the first round of the WWE Mixed Match Challenge as Asuka and The Miz take on Big-E and Carmella. On 205 Live the rivalries between TJP and the Mexican luchadore Gran Metalik as well as Jack Gallagher and Hideo Itami continuing their feud and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live for all of the action!

Mixed Match Challenge

Asuka & The Miz vs Big-E & Carmella

Miz starts the match off with Big-E, Miz going for a standing switch only for Big-E to grind against him and hip toss him, then puts him in an abdominal stretch and uses Miz like a bongo drum. Miz tags Asuka in and she gets in the ring, but Carmella isn't as enthusiastic and reluctantly gets in the ring with Asuka. E gives Carmella a giant Styrofoam L and Asuka seems to like it at first before she changes her mind and rips it up before yelling. Carmella then quickly backs away and tags E back in. Big-E comes in and suplexes Miz repeatedly before Miz comes back and gets a quick two count that Carmella breaks up. Miz and Asuka do the Daniel Bryan-esque kicks before E slams Miz down, but Miz is quick to drop E with a boot. Miz tries to keep the bigger E grounded before he comes back, but Miz drops him again and puts him in headlock before Miz misses a splash in the corner. Asuka tags herself in and goes after Carmella before Carmella drops her with a kick, then Asuka comes back with a flurry of strikes before locking in her new signature flying armbar. Asuka then cranks on the armbar as Carmella struggles to get out of it and is forced to tap for the win.

Winner: Asuka & The Miz defeat Big-E & Carmella via submission when Asuka submits Carmella with an armbar to advance to the next round of the Mixed Match Challenge.

WWE 205 Live

-Daniel Bryan comes out to start the show and says that there will be a general manager appointed for 205 Live next week and that they will decide the fate of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship that Enzo Amore had abdicated.

Six-Man Tag Match

Lince and TJP start the match by exchanging head scissors until they get back to their feet and Lince hits a series of arm drags into a standing moonsault for a quick two count. Metalik and Tony tag in, Metalik getting the upper hand and sending Tony out of the ring with a huricanrrana before going for a tope to the outside, but Tony drops him with a back elbow. Ariya tags in and smashes the face of Metalik into the top turnbuckle before chopping him in the corner and whipping him across the ring. Metalik comes back with a missile dropkick for a quick two count before tagging Kalisto in, Kalisto hitting a springboard 450 splash for a quick two count. Kalisto hits a diving cross body for a quick two count before dropping Ariya with a roundhouse kick, then Ariya sends him over the top rope and out of the ring when he's distracted by Tony as we go to commercial. Ariya rolls Kalisto back into the ring before tagging TJP in, TJP choking Kalisto in the corner with his foot against his throat before Kalisto counters a suplex into a roll up for a near fall. TJP drags Kalisto into the corner and tags Tony in before he quickly tags Ariya in, the NoZoTrain tagging in and out until Kalisto drops Ariya with an enzuigiri and tags Lince in. Lince tags in just as TJP does and Lince hits a springboard cross body and a dropkick before hitting a high angle moonsault for a near fall that Tony breaks up. Metalik and Kalisto take out Tony and Ariya with diving moves that send them to the outside, then TJP gets into an argue with Ariya and Tony at ringside. Lince then capitalizes on TJP being distracted by hitting a hand spring stunner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lince Dorado, Gran Metalik & Kalisto defeat TJP, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari via pinfall when Lince Dorado hits a hand spring stunner to TJP.

-After the match TJP and the former members of the ZoTrain argue before they shove TJP down and leave as we go to commercial.

Hideo Itami vs Jack Gallagher

Hideo drops Jack with a boot as soon as the bell rings before turning him inside out with a kitchen sink and kicking him in the back of the neck. Jack comes back and puts Hideo in a headlock that he tries to fight out of, but Jack holds it on and keeps Hideo grounded. Hideo gets back to his feet and backs Jack into the corner for a break before Hideo sends Jack across the ring and drops him with a kick. Jack side steps Hideo and smashes his face into the top turnbuckle before Hideo drapes him in the ropes and hits a knee drop off of the top rope that sends Jack out of the ropes and to the floor. Jack comes up from behind Hideo when he's distracted before attacking him from behind and beating him down in the corner. Jack starts manipulating the joints of Hideo before wrenching his arm and sending Hideo down to the mat and playing to the crowd. Jack puts Hideo in a series of unique stretching submissions and a very unique pinning attempt for a near fall. Hideo fights back and drops Jack with a series of clotheslines and a suplex into a running knee in the corner. Hideo hits a diving clothesline for a near fall before Jack rolls him up for a near fall of his own, then Hideo hits a hesitation dropkick in the corner and finishes with a variation of Eat Defeat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hideo Itami defeats Jack Gallagher via pinfall with an Eat Defeat-esque knee strike

Cedric Alexander vs Mustafa Ali

They shake hands to start the match before locking up for a clean break, then Ali hits a head scissors, but Cedric lands on his feet before they lock up a few more times until they start shoving each other. Cedric hits a dropkick for a quick two count before Ali hits a pop-up dropkick for barely a one count. Cedric sends Ali out onto the apron and Ali goes for a springboard, but Cedric sends him off and onto the apron and onto the floor. Ali gets back up on the apron and hits a facebuster for a near fall before going for a tornado DDT, but Cedric counters with a boot. Cedric hits a springboard flatliner for a near fall before they slap each other once they're to their feet, then Cedric hits a spinning heel kick before Ali hits a standing Spanish fly. Cedric goes for a Lumbar Check, but Ali reverses it for a near fall, then Cedric hits another kick before going for a springboard clothesline, but Ali counters. Cedric then gets sent face first into the top turnbuckle before Ali hits a tornado DDT, then Cedric gets out of the way of the 054 and hits his signature handspring roundhouse kick into the Lumbar Check for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander defeats Mustafa Ali via pinfall with the Lumbar Check

-After the match they shake hands and Ali raises Alexander's hand before leaving as we go off the air.

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