
New Champions Crowned At New Year Dash

The NEVER Six Man tag team titles changed hands this morning.

Baretta, Tomohiro Ishii and Toru Yano were bested by the team that lost the titles last night in an unannounced rematch from Wrestle Kingdom 12: Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa and Bad Luck Fale. The CHAOS stable held on to the titles for less than a day, having won the titles in a gauntlet match last night.

Here is our report on the last few minutes of the match via our live coverage:

Ishii then hits Fale with a release German suplex, Tama gets up and he nails Berretta with a headbutt before eating an enzaguri. Loa returns to the ring to help Tama hit Berretta with Guerilla Warfare, Tama and Loa go to the top rope and Loa misses a diving headbutt. Berretta meets Tama on the top rope and he tosses him down, Tama then counters a Dude Buster to hit Berretta with the Gun Stun for the three count.

No one challenged for the belts after the bout, so for now Fale, Loa and Tonga are your NEVER Six Man tag team champions with no challengers on the horizon. 

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