
Jim Ross Confirms HBK Rumor, Talks Goldberg At WrestleMania

Jim Ross always has his ear to the ground as is pertains to wrestling news, and he confirmed a much-rumored story from earlier this week.

In Ross’ latest column, the WWE Hall Of Famer spoke of the speculation that former WWF Champion Shawn Michaels working at WWE’s Performance Center in Orlando. Even further, Ross outright confirmed the news. 

“Upon talking to Shawn Michaels for our next Fox piece, he shared with me that he and his family have relocated to Florida from Texas and that he will be doing some work in the WWE Performance Center which will be a Godsend for the students there. Shawn’s 2002 Summer Slam match vs HHH is one of my all time favorite bouts that I ever broadcast and Michaels returning to the ring after a four year layoff and picking up where he left off is nothing short of extraordinary and solidifies to many that HBK is the greatest in ring performer of all time. This is a tremendous ‘get’ for WWE even if Shawn is only part time and will make their Performance Center even stronger. Shawn shared with me his genuine excitement to help coach the young talents when his schedule permits and also be a much needed mentor to them,” said Ross.

Another hot news item this week was the Goldberg – WWE – Brock Lesnar saga. Goldberg will be in New York this weekend to promote WWE 2K17, and told Lesnar to “keep dreaming” when Lesnar proclaimed he was ‘next.’

“Bill Goldberg, representing WWE 2K17 will be in Brooklyn this weekend doing some promotional work for the video game but could we end up seeing more? Goldberg is in fighting shape and has publicly expressed that he would love to step back in the ring one more time, can you say Wrestlemania in Orlando? That feels like a long shot at best but it is certainly an intriguing idea that many fans would covet,” said Ross.

You can check out the rest of JR’s blog at this link, where he shares his thought on Conor McGregor’s WWE comments.

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