
Matt Hardy Talks Working With The System, Jeff Hardy Says Match With First Class Did A Lot For His Confidence

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy talk TNA Wrestling.

Since returning to the company earlier this year, The Hardys have sqaured off with teams like The System and First Class. Many fans are excited for the team to share the ring with other popular tag teams like ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin), Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven & MIke Bailey), and The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz).

While speaking to Fightful for a new interview, The Hardys talked about working with fresh performers in TNA.

MATT HARDY: “Man, it’s been great. Like working against the System. Moose is phenomenal. I never got to work against him in any length. So it was great coming in and having a program with him and that’s kind of initially what I agreed to do a program with Moose through June 15th and we’ll kind of see where things land across the board. Then Jeff was leaving AEW and Jeff said, ‘Man, it looks like you’re having a good time there. Like I think I’d be up for doing that.’ That’s kind of how things happened. But TNA is in a great spot right now. They have a great management team, they have a great roster and everybody is working for the greater good. We’re coming off like six or seven sellouts, which has been awesome and we appreciate you having us on here, Sean, as we’re trying to push as hard as we can to get nights one and two at Spartanburg sold out as well. But it’s hot right now. It really is. There’s a lot of buzz around TNA. It’s very cool because they do have a great product. We just want to do all we can to get the word out there. Night one in Spartanburg on Friday night, myself and Jeff, we were wrestling ABC and that’s going to be a first time ever match. Very excited about that. Then night two, we’re going to be teaming with ABC to take on all four of the System. So it’s going to be a couple of big matches there and a lot of great stuff happening this weekend.”

JEFF HARDY: “Yeah, that match with First Class a few weeks ago. It did a lot for my confidence within myself. Like it was so fun in there and we did some new kind of innovative stuff that we hadn’t tried yet and it worked. So it actually inspired me to like spring up to the top rope without climbing up there really slow, like an old man. It worked in our last match with TNA. So it really gave me a lot of confidence that match with them to not fear what I fear all the time and that’s my self failing or tripping or slipping or whatever. So yeah, that, that match excited me a lot with First Class.”

MATT HARDY: “It was so wild. There was a move that Jeff had an idea about doing where he gave the guy, because I do the regular Twist where I go flat. Jeff does the stunning twist is what we call it, the Stunning Twist, and the guy can bounce back up however, it’s like a stunner. Jeff said, ‘What if I did it and the guy bounces up, you jump up and catch him with a neck breaker coming down?’ I said, ‘Well, let’s give it a try.’ It couldn’t have been a better person to try with more than KC Navarro, right? So we did that and I think we’re gonna add that to the arsenal. We might call that the Plot Twist. Cause you don’t see the end of it coming.”

Matt Hardy went on to talk about talent asking for advice, specifically singling out Joe Hendry for asking about his work.

“I feel like it’s a very cool, open locker room right now and the roster everyone wants to learn to be better. I feel like there’s been several people that just said, ‘Hey, if you see anything in my match,’ or ‘What’d you think about this? What’d you think about that?’ Joe Hendry was a guy who was really up for talking about things and he’s so level-headed and so grounded in what he’s doing now. It’s been great. But it just really has. I can’t speak good enough. It’s a great roster with a with a bunch of humble guys who are really working hard for the greater good and I think that shows as you look how great the product’s been in the last few months.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Matt Hardy talked about being on a collision course with The System. Learn more about those comments by clicking here.

Furthermore, check out more of Fightful’s recent interviews by visiting our YouTube channel.

Disclaimer: TNA’s television tapings in Spartansburg, South Carolina have been moved to Sunday, September 29 and Monday, September 30 due to weather.

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