
Janel Grant’s Attorney Responds To Vince McMahon’s Statement On ‘Mr. McMahon’ Docuseries

Ann Callis, the attorney for Janel Grant, has issued a response to Vince McMahon’s comments regarding the upcoming Netflix docuseries. 

On Monday evening, McMahon put out a statement on social media addressing the “Mr. McMahon” docuseries that will premiere on Netflix on September 25th. In his statement, McMahon wrote, “Based on an early partial cut I’ve seen, this doc falls short and takes the predictable path of conflating the “Mr. McMahon” character with my true self, Vince. The title and promos alone make that evident. A lot has been misrepresented or left out entirely in an effort to leave viewers intentionally confused. The producers use typical editing tricks with out of context footage and dated soundbites etc. to distort the viewers’ perception and support a deceptive narrative. In an attempt to further their misleading account, the producers use a lawsuit based on an affair I ended as evidence that I am, in fact, “Mr. McMahon”.

McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE are being sued by former employee Janel Grant, who alleges she was sexually assaulted and sexually trafficked by McMahon. 

Following McMahon’s statement, Grant’s lawyer Ann Callis released the following statement: 

“Vince McMahon physically and emotionally abused, sexually assaulted and human trafficked Janel Grant for more than two years. Calling his horrific and criminal behavior “an affair” is delusional and nothing more than a sad attempt to save his shredded reputation. Although Ms. Grant has not seen the “Mr. McMahon” docuseries, we hope it shines a bright light on his abhorrent and criminal actions by accurately portraying the realities of his abusive and exploitative behavior. “Ms. Grant will no longer be silenced by McMahon.

Her story, though deeply troubling and exceptionally painful, is one that can help other abuse survivors find their voices. We seek to hold McMahon, John Laurinaitis and WWE accountable and to give Ms. Grant her day in court.”

On May 30, Grant agreed to pause the lawsuit for six months while the federal investigation continued against McMahon.

Fans can read past statements from Callis on the docuseries and the latest on the case by clicking here. 

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