
Ring of Honor Episode 324 Results Marty Scurll in Action, Adam Page vs Flip Gordon, The Kingdom vs Motor City Machine Guns & More!

Weekly recap of Ring of Honor television.

Beer City Bruiser vs Marty Scurll

They kick up to start the match before BCB sends Marty out of the ring. Marty gets back in the ring and fakes a superkick before kicking his knee. They get out of the ring and BCB beats on Marty at ringside before whipping him into a chair and the railing as we go to commercial.

BCB hits a powerbomb before missing a splash off of the top turnbuckle and Marty hitting an arm breaker off of the top. BCB rolls out of the ring and Marty superkicks him from the apron before they get back in the ring and BCB turns Marty inside out with a lariat for a near fall. Marty powerbombs BCB for a near fall before BCB pushes him out of the ring when he argues with the referee. BCB misses a cannonball off of the apron and gets back in the ring at the count of nineteen before Marty puts him in an octopus stretch that he powers out of. BCB accidentally kills the referee before Marty lays him out with an umbrella for the pin and the win.

Winner: Marty Scurll via pinfall

-We get a video package of the Briscoes going to Bully Ray's gym and assaulting trainers before vandalizing the place. 

Motor City Machine Guns vs The Kingdom

Vinny and TK attack MCM from behind before MCM come back and clear the ring, then hit a double tope to the outside. TK and Vinny come back and send MCM into the railing before TK tosses Chris back into the ring. They get back in the ring and MCM come back and double team Vinny with clotheslines in the corner and kicks before hitting a flapjack for a quick two count. MCM hit a series of double team moves before each side puts the other in a figure four that both sides manage to get to the ropes to break. The Kingdom hit a spinebuster, but miss a splash off of the top before before sending MCM out of the ring and holding up their belts and playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Shelley tags Sabin in as we come back from commercial, Sabin hitting a tornado DDT dropkick combo that sends Vinny out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside and taking out both members of The Kingdom. MCM double team TK in the ring before he hits a cutter out of nowhere and Vinny hits a splash off of the top for a near fall. The Kingdom hit a double DVD for a near fall before Vinny brings a literal wood cutting axe into the ring, then MCM hit a series of double team moves for the pin and the win after getting it away from him.

Winner: Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall

Hangman Adam Page vs Flip Gordon

They lock up to start the match before Flip does a back flip, then they both run the ropes and Adam shows off his flipping ability before Flip sends him out of the ring. Adam misses his trademark slingshot lariat and Flip sends him out of the ring before hitting a superkick on the apron. They get back in the ring and Adam smiles to the crowd after taking out Gordon at ringside, then proceeds to chop him in various corners. Adam puts Flip in the tree of woe on the apron before kicking him in the midsection, then Flip comes back and rolls him up for a near fall when he counters a powerbomb. They both counter each other until Flip hits a huricanrrana into a standing moonsault for another near fall before Adam knocks Flip off of the apron and hits a moonsault off of the top and to the floor. They get back in the ring and Flip superkicks Adam before hitting a springboard corkscrew jawbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon via pinfall

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