
Triple H Considers Roman Reigns One Of The Best WWE Has Right Now

Triple H considers Roman Reigns one of the best workers in WWE right now, despite fan criticism. 

He talked to The National about his upcoming bout with Reigns in Abu Dhabi on December 7 and 8. When asked about wrestling for the country, Triple H said that he's looking forward to fighting in the battle between who is better, The Game or The Big Dog:

I am very much looking forward to it.

"There is very few places in the world I am yet to go to and this is one of them so I am looking forward to coming there.

"The WWE has not been going to Abu Dhabi for that many years so they have seen a certain level of performance but I bring a different intensity maybe that my era brought to the ring. I will happily step in the ring there.

"Roman Reigns and I, this is kind of a rematch so to speak from WrestleMania two years ago and I enjoyed that match very much.

"Roman is probably one of the most intense competitors in the WWE right now and I look forward to stepping in the ring with him. He calls himself the Big Dog, well we will see. I call myself The Game. So we will see

When it comes to just how good Roman Reigns is, Triple H makes no butts about it: Roman Reigns is one of the best that WWE has right now, regardless of what the fans think of him. He even compares him to another person who faced the same backlash, but still became one of WWE's biggest stars:

I think he is one of the best that the WWE have right now.

"Roman is in an unique position because the fan base tends to believe that he is this chosen one that the WWE wants in this position so they choose not to accept that position.

But the truth is, and some people will listen to this and want to argue against it, but honestly most of the people who argue against it aren't qualified to make that argument. I am. Roman is one of the most skilled performers bar none in the WWE right now and that is on every level.

"It is funny that Roman goes to the ring every night and there is a decision being made whether they want to boo him or cheer him depending on where you are and depends what is done. But usually by the end of the night, because he works so hard and he is so good at what he does that he wins them over.

"That has been the trend recently, as you saw with John Cena, as you see with others. He is a skilled guy in the ring, no matter how you break it down. I would consider him to be one of the very best in the WWE today."

 This upcoming bout will be their first singles meeting since WrestleMania 32, where Reigns defeated Triple H to capture the WWE title.

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