
Braun Strowman vs. Kane And A Cruiserweight Title Match Set For Next Week

WWE has a Cruiserweight Championship match set after a great showing from their 205-pound division, while Kane looks to inflict punishment on Braun Strowman.

Drew Gulak will take on fellow top contender Rich Swann to take on WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore on next week's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw. There's a bit of a conflict here, however, as Gulak is a member of Enzo's entourage, known as the "Zo Train."

Gulak defeated Mustafa Ali, Tony Nese and Cedric Alexander in the first round (which was also the semifinals) of a mini-cruiserweight contender tourney. You can see an excerpt from our Fightful.com live coverage below. 

Nese returns to the ring to get hit with a double super kick from Ali and Alexander, Alexander and Ali get into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Ali recovers and he clobbers Alexander with a spin kick, Alexander catches a charging Ali with a flipping uranage for a near fall. Nese returns to the ring and he crotches Ali on the top rope, Alexander goes to the top rope and Nese crotches him as well. Nese goes to the top rope and Alexander knocks him back to the mat below, Ali recovers and he nails Alexander with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Gulak knocks Alexander out of the ring before hitting Ali with a jaw breaker, Gulak gets angry and he assaults Ali with strikes. Gulak misses a charge in the corner and Ali nails him with a rope assisted enzaguri, Ali goes to the top rope and Nese drags Gulak out of the ring. Nese then drops Ali with a knee strike before landing a running knee strike, Alexander then hits Nese and Ali with Lumbar Checks. Gulak knocks Alexander out of the ring before pinning Ali for the three count.

Winner: Drew Gulak

After the match, Charly Caruso asks Drew Gulak about facing Rich Swann next week. Gulak wants to five a power point presentation and it doesn’t happen.

Swann earned his way into the match last week by beating Ariya Daivari, Noam Dar and Akira Tozawa. He looks to capture the WWE Cruiserweight Championship for the second time.

Meanwhile, Kane showed up after Braun Strowman unmercifully destroyed Elias during tonight's episode of Raw. He said he and Braun will step into the ring again next week and that only one monster will emerge. They've battled since TLC, when Kane put Strowman in a trash compactor. He, being a monster, survived this and have attacked each other on a weekly basis ever since.

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