
NJPW World Tag League 2017 Day Block A Finals: Block A Is Complete & Bullet Club Has A Bad Night

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for the NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A Final Day. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A Winners: Los Ingobernables (Sanada & Evil)

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Los Ingobernables (Sanada & Evil) def. Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) 

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Death Juice (Sami Callihan & Juice Robinson) def. Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page)

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata def. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens)

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan def. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka) by DQ

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & Gedo) def. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi)

Suzuki-Gun (El Desparado, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer) def. Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Togi Makabe & Henare

Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb & War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) def. Chaos (Chuckie T, Berretta, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

Bullet Club (Leo Tonga, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa) def. David Finlay, Henare & Katsuya Kitamura

David Finlay, Tomoyuki Oka & Katsuya Kitamura vs. Bullet Club (Leo Tonga, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa)

The match begins with a test of strength between Kitamura and Loa that ends with Kitamura getting the advantage, Finlay tags in and he nails Loa’s arm with an axe handle smash. Kitamura tags back in and he goes to work on the arm of Loa, Loa quickly recovers and he drops Kitamura with a shoulder tackle. Leo tags in and he cracks Kitamura with some forearm strikes, Leo backs Kitamura into the corner while nailing him with more strikes. Leo follows them up by catching Kitamura with a delayed verticle suplex, Kitamura tries fighting back and Leo nails him with a drop kick for a near fall.

Tama tags in and he nails Kitamura with some elbow strikes, Tama catches Kitamura with a slam for another near fall. Tama slows things down further by holding Kitamura in a chin lock, Kitamura breaks free and he nails Tama with a suplex. Finlay tags in and he starts cleaning house on the opposing team, Finlay hits Tama with a middle rope European uppercut. Tama quickly recovers to nail Finlay with a side slam, Loa tags in and Finlay drops him with a running European uppercut. Oka tags in and Loa quickly drills him with a spear, Leo hits the ring and he accidentally kicks Loa in the face. Oka then drops Leo with a flying forearm strike, Loa catches Oka with Ape Shit for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Leo Tonga, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa)

Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb & War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) vs. Chaos (Chuckie T, Berretta, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

The match begins with Hanson catching Yano with a few strikes, Yano tries playing his tricks and Hanson drops him before rubbing his beard in his face. Ishii tags in and he tries dropping Hanson with shoulder tackles, Hanson escapes a brain buster attempt from Ishii with a slam. Rowe tags in and he slams Hanson on top of Ishii, the Best Friends hit the ring and War Machine take care of them. Ishii returns and he attacks Rowe with some forearm strikes, Yano interferes and that allows Ishii to nail Rowe with a back suplex. Ishii traps Rowe in the corner before landing a chop followed by a suplex, Berretta tags in and he nails Rowe with a top rope axe handle smash.

T tags in and he attacks Rowe with a few chops and strikes to the back, T misses his moonsault attempt and Rowe nails him with a uranage. Elgin tags in and he immediately gets into an argument with Hanson, Elgin then lays out the opposing team. Elgin crushes Berretta with a clothesline in the corner before putting him on the top rope, Elgin then hits Yano and Ishii with a Samoan drop/fall away slam combination. T tags in and he catches Elgin with a missile drop kick, Cobb tags in and he works with Elgin to hit the Best Friends with exploder suplexes. Elgin and Cobb then take turns nailing T with forearm strikes, Best Friends then work together to nail Elgin with knee strikes.

Rowe hits the ring and Berretta takes him out with a tornado DDT, Berretta and T then take out members of the opposing team with some dives. Cobb gets T in the ring to land a bridging fall away slam for a near fall, Cobb hits T with a Tour Of The Island for the three count.

Winners: Michael Elgin, Jeff Cobb & War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson)

Jushin “Thunder” Liger, Togi Makabe & Henare vs. Suzuki-Gun (El Desparado, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun jumping the opposing team just as the bell sounds, Liger recovers and catches a charging Desparado with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Liger applies the surf board hold to Desparado and its gets broken up by KES, Desparado then chokes Liger on the middle rope as everybody else brawls on the arena floor. Archer tags in and Liger attacks him with some chops, Archer backs Liger into the corner before assaulting him with clothesline strikes. Smith Jr tags in and he drops Liger with a forearm strike, Smith Jr stomps on Liger before applying the Boston crab.

Makabe hits the ring and Smith Jr tosses him right back out, Archer tags in and he double teams Liger with Smith Jr for a near fall. Desparado tags in and he gets Liger onto the top rope, Liger eventually gets off the ropes before dropping Desparado with a palm strike. Makabe tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team, Makabe catches Archer with a running clothesline in the corner followed by a bunch of punches. Makabe then drops Archer with another clothesline for a near fall, Archer recovers to catch Makabe with a lariat for a near fall. Archer follows that up by nailing Makabe with a full Nelson bomb for a near fall, Smith Jr interferes and Makabe takes out both members of KES.

Henare tags in and he attacks Smith Jr with forearm strikes, Smith Jr fights back with some strikes of his own. Smith Jr then hits a charging Henare with a power slam for a near fall, KES then hit Henare with a modified Hart Attack for a near fall. Henare fights back and he attacks Smith Jr with a few strikes, Archer hits the ring to nail Henare with a choke slam. Smith Jr then hits Henare with a tiger bomb for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (El Desparado, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & Gedo) vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi)

The match begins with Ospreay and Takahashi getting into a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ospreay quickly takes Takahashi down with a hurricarana. Gedo tags in as all of Chaos nails Takahashi with some triple team moves, Gedo pops Takahashi with a few lefts afterwards. Bushi interferes and that allows Gedo to get triple teamed by the opposition, Naito battles Okada on the arena floor before throwing him into the barricade. Naito continues battling Okada all the way into the crowd, Takahashi chokes Gedo with his boot in the corner of the ring.

Bushi tags in and he chokes Gedo with his shirt while the referee is distracted by Takahashi, Bushi then locks Gedo in the STF. Naito tags in and he catches Gedo with a slingshot drop kick in the corner, Bushi tags in and he nails the beard of Gedo with a middle rope axe handle smash. Gedo tries fighting back and he eventually crotches Bushi on the top rope, Okada and Naito get the tags from their partners. Okada nails Naito with a leaping back elbow strike followed by a DDT for a near fall, Naito then drops Okada before landing a baseball slide drop kick. Naito traps Okada in the corner while landing a bunch of elbow strikes, Naito gets Okada down after landing a neck breaker.

Naito follows that up by dropping Okada with an enzaguri, Okada recovers and drops Naito with a modified neck breaker. Ospreay and Takahashi get tagged in by their respective partners, Ospreay nails Takahashi with a top rope 619 followed by a springboard forearm strike for a near fall. Ospreay then hits Takahashi with a kick to the head, Takahashi recovers and propels Ospreay into the corner. Takahashi then hits Ospreay with a death valley driver for a near fall, Takahashi then hits Ospreay with a super kick before a brawl breaks out between everybody in the match. Ospreay hits Takahashi with the Os-Cutter for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & Gedo)

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens)

The match begins with Fale briefly dropping Nagata, Nagata corners Fale before attacking him with a bunch of strikes. Nagata then catches Fale with a drop kick to the knee, Nagata follows that up by nailing Fale with some kicks to the face and leg. Fale recovers to drop Nagata with a clothesline, Fale drags Nagata out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade. Fale gets Nagata back in the ring before just standing on him, Owens tags in and he nails Nagata with a top rope axe handle drop. Owens traps Nagata in the corner before just kicking away at him, Owens mocks Nagata and Nagata gets angry at him.

Owens drops Nagata before nailing him knee with an elbow drop, Fale tags in and he stomps away on a downed Nagata. Fale misses a charge in the corner and Nagata tags Nakanishi in, Nakanishi quickly attacks Fale with chops in the corner. Nakanishi then hits Fale with a running clothesline in the corner, Owens hits the ring to double team Nakanishi with Fale. Owens crushes a downed Nakanishi with a shining wizard for a near fall, Nagata returns to the ring and he gets Fale out of it. Nakanishi goes for a lariat and Owens rolls him up for a near fall, Nakanishi corners Owens and Nagata nails him with a running knee strike. Nakanishi and Nagata then hit Owens with a double team move, Nakanishi locks Owens in the torture rack and a tap out follows.

Winners: Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka)

The match begins with Suzuki-Gun jumping Kojima and Tenzan as they got into the ring, Iizuka gets Tenzan out of the ring while choking him with a cable wire. Suzuki and Kojima battle on the inside of the ring, Suzuki and Kojima have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki eventually catches Kojima with a triangle choke in the ropes, Suzuki gets Kojima out of the ring before tossing him into the barricade. Suzuki then grabs a piece of the barricade and he slams it on Kojima, Suzuki finds a water bottle and he hits Kojima with it. Kojima gets back in the ring and Suzuki mauls him with more strikes, Iizuka tags in and he stomps away on a downed Kojima.

Iizuka picks up Kojima and he bites him on the forehead, Kojima tries fighting back and Iizuka bites him on the foot. Suzuki tags back in and he works over the arm of Kojima, Suzuki drops Kojima and he stomps away on him. Kojima gets up and Suzuki attacks him with a plethora of kicks, Kojima eventually recovers and he drops Suzuki with a DDT. Tenzan tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team, Tenzan then hits Suzuki with some Mongolian Chops. Tenzan then hits Suzuki with a running clothesline in the corner followed by a suplex, Suzuki fights back by nailing Tenzan with some elbow strikes.

Tenzan recovers and he drops a charging Suzuki with a Samoan drop, Tenzan quickly locks Suzuki in the Anaconda Vice until Iizuka breaks it up. Suzuki then drops Tenzan with a knee strike to the midsection, Kojima tags in and he nails Suzuki with Machinegun Chops. Kojima follows that up with a running forearm strike, Iizuka hits the ring to double team Kojima with Suzuki. Iizuka chokes Kojima with a rope while Suzuki distracts the referee, Suzuki looks for the Gotch Style Pile Driver and Tenzan breaks it up. Tenzan and Kojima then hit Suzuki with the 3-D, Kojima goes for the Cozy Lariat and Suzuki gets the referee in the way. Iizuka is caught hitting Kojima with the iron claw to cause a DQ.

Winners: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan, by DQ

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Death Juice (Sami Callihan & Juice Robinson) vs. Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between both teams as the bell sounds, Page gets Robinson to the arena floor before throwing him into the barricade. Callihan fails at his dive and Takahashi catches him with his own suicide dive, Page then takes out Callihan with a shooting star dive. Robinson goes to the top rope and he takes everybody out with a dive, Callihan then attacks Takahashi with chops on the arena floor. Death Juice then focus on Page by throwing him into the crowd, Death Juice follow that up by throwing Takahashi into the barricade.

Page returns and he attacks Death Juice with clotheslines, Bullet Club get Callihan in the ring to double team for a near fall. Page traps Callihan in the ropes while ripping away at his face, Takahashi tags in and he drops Callihan before landing a running leg drop. Page tags back in and he kicks away at the downed Callihan, Bullet Club look for a double team move and Callihan catches them with a drop kick. Robinson tags in and he ails both opponents with his patented jabs, Robinson then hits Takahashi with a spine buster. Robinson follows that up by catching Takahashi with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Robinson then hits Takahashi with a clothesline in the corner.

Callihan returns to the ring to hit Takahashi with a double clothesline alongside Robinson, Robinson then hits Takahashi with a cannonball for a near fall. Callihan tags in and he catches Takahashi with a power bomb for a near fall, Callihan then transitions into a Boston crab until Page breaks it up. Page and Callihan then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Callihan eventually drops Page with a bicycle kick. Page recovers and he catches Callihan with a lariat for a near fall, Bullet Club go for a double team move and Robinson breaks it up. Takahashi then catches Robinson with a reverse DDT, Page then hits Callihan with a top rope neck breaker.

Takahashi follows up by hitting Callihan with an inverted Angle Slam for a near fall, Takahashi goes for Pimp Juice and Callihan breaks it up. Robinson tags in and Callihan nails Page with a death valley driver on the ring apron, Callihan then hits Takahashi with a double under hook knee strike and Robinson lands Pulp Friction for a three count.

Winners: Death Juice (Sami Callihan & Juice Robinson)

NJPW World Tag League 2017 Block A: Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Los Ingobernables (Sanada & Evil)

The match begins with Goto working over Evil with a headlock, Goto eventually drops Evil with a shoulder tackle. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he nails a downed Evil with a baseball slide drop kick, Yoshi-Hashi gets Evil near the ropes before landing some chops. Sanada interferes and that allows Evil to knock Yoshi-Hashi out of the ring, Evil then throws Yoshi-Hashi into the barricade and Sanada does the same to Goto. Evil gets Yoshi-Hashi back into the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt, Sanada tags in and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a few strikes. Sanada eventually gets Yoshi-Hashi in the Paradise Lock before landing a drop kick, Evil tags in and he catches Yoshi-Hashi with a senton for the near fall.

Yoshi-Hashi fights back and he eventually catches Evil with a neck breaker, Sanada interferes and Yoshi-Hashi catches him with a mule kick. Goto tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team, Goto traps Evil in the corner before landing a spinning heel kick followed by a bulldog. Evil uses a referee distraction to nail Goto with a side kick to the midsection, Sanada tags in and he attacks the back of Goto with some strikes. Goto quickly recovers to drop Sanada with a running clothesline, Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he attacks Sanada with a few strikes. Yoshi-Hashi then hits Sanada with a running chop followed by a drop kick for a near fall, Sanada misses a drop kick and Yoshi-Hashi nails him with another one.

Goto and Yoshi-Hashi double team Sanada with a neck breaker into a GTR, Evil hits the ring and Goto throws him right back out. Yoshi-Hashi looks for a power bomb and he nails Sanada with a Western Lariat instead, Yoshi-Hashi then hits Sanada with a power bomb for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi follows that up by catching Sanada with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Evil gets back in the ring and he double teams Yoshi-Hashi with Sanada for a near fall. Sanada locks Yoshi-Hashi in the Cold Skull until Yoshi-Hashi gets to the ropes, Yoshi-Hashi recovers to drop Sanada and nail him with a knee strike from behind.

Goto and Evil get the tags from their respective partners, Goto quickly drops Evil and Evil recovers to hit him with a spinning clothesline. Sanada gets back in the ring to double team Goto with Evil for a near fall, Goto fights back and he nails Evil with a modified neck breaker after a Yoshi-Hashi super kick. Goto then drops Evil with a headbutt so Yoshi-Hashi can land a double knee strike, Yoshi-Hashi and Goto hit Evil with a super GTR for a near fall. Goto goes for another GTR and Sanada breaks it up, Sanada then hits both opponents with drop kicks. Goto fights back and Evil drops him with a headbutt, Evil and Sanada then hit Yoshi-Hashi with a Magic Killer.

Evil then connects with a modified tiger driver on Goto for a near fall, Evil and Sanada then hit Goto with the Magic Killer for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Sanada & Evil)

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