Detroit Free Press Drops Trousers, Unleashing Steaming Hot Doody Take On UFC 218

In this line of work, you see all kinds of weird stuff in order to gain the almighty clickity clack — it's how we survive.

Beyond any piece of clickbait, what the Detroit Free Press ran on Sunday morning was particularly puzzling. Their steaming hot pile of UFC 218 review doody hit the 'net, and it was off to the races.

"Let's not pass judgment," I thought. Maybe the guy who wrote it was trolling. Nope. He went the route that many newspaper writers have of late. The ol' "LET ME TELL YOU WHY YOUR POPULAR OPINION IS ACTUALLY INCORRECT."

The paper was hammered for it. 

The fella, after watching a championship fight, and all-time great knockout, and two fight of the year candidates, would go on to misspell Ronda Rousey's name.

Such is life. 

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