
WWE Sends Out New 205 Live Survey, Asks For Interest In The Product And Viewing Habits

What is the future of 205 Live?

No one seems to know the answer. But WWE has put out a survey in the last couple of days that seem to bring up the idea that changes may be coming to WWE's cruiserweight show soon. According to WrestlingInc, who got the survey, It asks questions such as:

– How familiar are you with 205 Live?

– How often, if ever, do you watch WWE 205 Live?

– How have you watched 205 Live?

– Do you primarily watch 205 Live on the WWE Network?

– Why have you not watched or are regularly not watching WWE 205 Live?

– In you own words, please share why you have not watched or are regularly not watching WWE 205 Live.

– If WWE Superstars from Raw or Smackdown were to engage more frequently with WWE Cruiserweight superstars on the WWE 205 Live show, how would this impact your viewing of WWE 205 Live?

The survey goes on to ask about interests regarding Raw and Smackdown. 

The future of 205 Live seems to be in question, at least in its current form. One report out last week indicated that WWE is interested in doing a Facebook live taping after Smackdown goes off the air. One would have to wonder what that would mean for 205 Live if that were to come into fruition.

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