
Fighting Words: Sunny, Brooke Tessmacher Go At It

Uh oh, it’s on.

Let’s not be coy: Sunny has seen some shit in her day. She’s had some problems, some issues, some arrests. She’s had a ton of downs, and plenty of ups in the wrestling business, even managing to make it into the WWE Hall of Fame. One thing she’s not cool with? People posting pregnancy pictures.

Hey, it’s cool, we get it. Children are loud and disruptive and we at Fightful disgust ourselves for having ever been children. But last month, Sytch took to her facebook page and said women who are pregnant shouldn’t be posting half-naked pictures of themselves on social media.

Miss Brooke Tessmacher Adams don’t play that.

Taking offense to Sytch’s post, Adams went on Instagram and unleashed her own attack on Sunny/Tammy Sytch. 

Posted on Facebook so I’m going to post here. First let me say sorry in advance for my foul mouth and run on’s lol hard to think about grammar when you’re this fired up Here is something for the dirt sheets: I usually would NEVER lower myself down to someone’s level like hers but this has to be said to defend myself and other soon to be mommies. I was recently forwarded some ugly comments about myself and other women posting “disgusting ” pregnancy photos. Her expressing how gross it is and that no one wants to see that and blah blah. After going through pregnancy I have a newfound love for all mothers and the courage it takes to love yourself in and out no matter how you look. I can’t tell you how many beautiful messages I’ve got asking me where I get my courage to love every part of this process and to thank me for sharing it. Or messages thanking me for my posts because it kept them motivated or somehow helped them through the process, and also explaining the fear of judgment for posting a proud belly picture on their social media pages. And it’s bc of idiots right here. First off you are a washed up drug addict. You are also a whore for any amount of money and recently just did a porno for some extra cash. Bravo formally known as “SUNNY” but now just trash Tamera Sytch. We are all so proud of you. You say “congrats at being proud of your baby bump but the world doesn’t need to see it right?” Ohhhh but you’re so proud of your vagina at your age you want to show the entire world for nickels in a porno? Lol. Huge accomplishment right there. It’s stupid asses like you that scare other women out of being themselves and out of sharing what they want to share on social media. It’s stupid asses like you that put fear in woman’s minds so they can’t be strong and confident in their own skin. I mean I’m not sure why I am so surprised, you aren’t a role model for anyone. So for all the mommies and soon to be mommies out there that want to show off how proud they are of their bodies we all say GO FUCK YOURSELF! This photo is just for you!! I hope it makes you vomit.

Wow, Brooke didn’t mince words. Let’s be real, though. She’s a woman in the wrestling business with social media. If you’ve never seen what that’s like, just go ahead and look at the comments on any picture they post. Really. Any photo. Weirdos.

Sunny responded, seemingly challenging a pregnant woman to confront her face-to-face. Sytch said that because Brooke doesn’t have a WWE Hall of Fame ring and is a ‘horse faced bitch,’ she doesn’t matter.

I love when people get tough behind a computer… No guts to say anything to your face. When you have a WWE Hall of Fame ring, you’ll have room to talk. Until then, when you work for a second rate company that can’t even run house shows because they suck so bad and are on some obscure cable network, shut your mouth. It’s nothing for me to choke a horse-faced b—h out.

FOR THE RECORD: about a MONTH ago, I posted that I thought that pregnant women should keep their naked pregnancy pics private. I DID NOT name ANYONE or single anyone out. It was a generalized statement. Well, last night, a certain Former TNA girl took it upon herself to take offense to it and call me out in a very nasty rant. Ok, you have courage behind your keyboard. YOU are in the wrong here. I never even SAW your photos. Good for you. You’re pregnant. You’re proud of it. There must be SOME INSECURITY though if you took my generalized statement and made it directed at you. Grow the f–k up. You’re kid will need an adult to look up to. Not some horse-faced b—h that acts like a child. You may have just started a war that , believe me, you don’t want to battle..

Okay, that may top any crazy Instagram comment we’ve seen. Adams closed the argument by saying she wouldn’t have an issue saying anything to Sytch’s face, then really cut deep about Sytch’s porn career.

For my fans I apologize again you have to even see this side of me. And honestly it’s no way to talk or act. I am 100% not leading by example with any of this. It solves nothing. But sometimes you have to talk like trash to get through to the trash. She obviously has zero class so this is the best way to get my point through that ignorant head of hers. Sometimes standing up for yourself and a mass of people such as other mommies is more important than keeping your mouth shut to save face. Like I said in my last post its woman like yourself that cause other woman to hide from the real world during one of the most challenging and should be most rewarding time of their lives (pregnancy) and go into serious depression because they don’t feel beautiful or accepted anymore. You should be ashamed. You aren’t a mother so you’ll never understand. You’ll never be able to grasp what I am even saying.

Sunny if I ever saw you in person trust me Id be glad to say it all to your face. This has nothing to do with being “tough” through a computer. I have zero relationship with you and will never come in contact with you so this is how I will have my voice heard. You bash all new younger talent because you’re just an ate up jealous hag so why not a pregnant woman next right? And weren’t you the “tough” one first bashing me for being a proud soon to be mom without actually saying my name? At least I have the balls to state the direction of my message so I can be sure you know it’s for you sweet cheeks. I wouldn’t expect that from you tho..we all know how weak you are because most of your nights end looking down an empty pill bottle, a needle in your arm, or with some random dick in your ass for $5. And that Hall of Fame ring you have ….the one you want to try and throw in my face as if it’s some value to your worth …what happened to it?? oh yea you sold it . Something that you should have cherished and been proud to keep. The only real thing you ever accomplished you sold. Something that should have never had a price tag on it. That’s how pathetic you are. And for the record I don’t care who you are or if you actually had real accompaniments it doesn’t give you a free pass at being an asshole and disrespecting other woman. You can bash my wrestling career all you want. It legit has zero affect on me. My life has never revolved around it and it’s doesn’t pay my bills. My life is so much more than that. Wrestling and my wrestling career doesn’t define me. It’s simply a chapter in my life and something I enjoyed doing. Did you even wrestle?? I can’t seem to remember a single match. Interesting thought right? lol…But hey keep begging for money and selling your old v—-a for cheap porno flicks because the ONLY thing you have accomplished in this world is being in the Hall of Fame. So you’re worthless to society. Most people are clueless to who you even are especially from this generation. The only exception to those who remember are the few from 20 yrs ago who buy your Skype videos . I imagine they must be lining up for you. So yea keep holding on to the one tiny thing you have left with no ring to even show for it . You have zero relevance whatsoever. You should actually send me a thank you card for giving you this much attention lol lol. My biggest piece of advice is to just be happy. Lord wake up and care about getting your own life together. Stop worrying about what everyone else around you does. Stop always trying to knock someone else down for what they are proud of or for their accomplishments. Your life will never be fulfilled when it revolves around bashing other strong, confident, happy women who inspire so many others. Learn to love yourself. It’s obvious you don’t.

Feel free to bash back but this will be my last comment on the subject. Done rolling in the mud with pigs. I’ve got bigger things to worry about…like if my national geographic boobs will ever go back to normal and what level my pregnant gas will be at this afternoon.

FIVE DOLLARS!? Come on, we all know Sunny made more than that, even if it looked more overcast than Sunny. Either way, it looks like this one may extend to upcoming conventions. Maybe we’ll get a match out of it. God, we hope not. While both women were incredibly shallow about everything from occupations to pregnancy, we’re giving Brooke Adams the win, because Sunny threatened to choke a pregnant woman out. 

Fightful.com declares Brooke Adams the winner of this edition of Fighting Words. 

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