
IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV 11/9 Results oVe & Sami Callihan, GHC Heavyweight Championship Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. Tonight oVe team up with Sami Callihan, Eddie Edwards defends his GHC Heavyweight Championship against El Hijo de Fantasma and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

-We get a recap of the events of Bound for Glory this past Sunday night before Eli Drake comes out to the ring with Chris Adonis and talks about his title defense against Johnny Impact.

Matt Sydal vs Sonjay Dutt

They start the match by grappling before exchanging wrist locks and head scissors, then Sonjay hits a huricanrrana and a deep arm drag into a straight armbar. Matt hits a huricanrrana of his own and a standing moonsault for a quick two count before kicking Sonjay repeatedly and hitting a dragon screw leg whip. Matt starts focusing on the legs of Sonjay to keep him grounded before putting him in a unique submission that he lets go of himself. Sonjay hits a rolling dropkick for a quick two count before hitting a huricanrrana, but Matt turns it into a modified One Percenter for a near fall. Sonjay then comes back with a spinning neckbreaker as we go to commercial.

They exchange kicks as we come back from commercial until they fall, then Matt hits a side Russian leg sweep and a modified Texas clover leaf. Sonjay gets to the ropes for the break before rolling out of the ring, Matt going after him and slamming his leg into the railing. Matt rolls Sonjay back into the ring for a quick two count before Sonjay hits a tornado DDT only for Matt to hit a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal via pinfall

-We get a match that you can watch on the GFW streaming service from the original TNA years.

GHC Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddie Edwards (c) El Hijo de Fantasma

Hijo plays to the crowd before they lock up and exchange hammer locks and side headlocks. They both start trying to hype up the crowd before Eddie hits an overhead belly to belly suplex and chops him in the corner. Hijo comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a quick two count, then rolls Eddie up for a near fall. Hijo hits a frankensteiner for a near fall before Eddie catches him on the top turnbuckle the second time and superplexes him. Eddie hits a blue thunder bomb for a near fall before Hijo comes back with a series of huricanrrana for a quick two count.

Eddie catches Hijo in the ropes when he goes for a tope to the outside, then sends him out of the ring and hits a tope of his own. Hijo hits a tope before sending Eddie back into the ring and rolls Eddie up for a near fall when he counters a tiger driver. Eddie clotheslines Hijo before hitting a tiger driver for a near fall and hitting the Boston Knee Party into an emerald flowsion for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards defeats El Hijo de Fantasma via pinfall to retain the GHC Heavyweight Championship.

oVe vs Enhancement Talent

oVe immediately start triple teaming before Sami comes in and quickly dispatches of two of them before oVe hit a three person finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: oVe via pinfall

-There is a brawl backstage between several talent including Alberto El Patron and Johnny Impact where Johnny and Alberto brawl out of the arena and into an alley. They get back inside and keep brawling while fighting off security until Alberto gets on a ladder end climbs a building only for Johnny to climb up there using a soda machine. Johnny then tosses Alberto off of the building before diving onto him and several security guards as we go to commercial.

-They keep brawling backstage as we come back from commercial, then fight their way to the Impact Zone before security break them up and Alberto leaves as we go off the air with security holding Johnny back. Johnny then gets in the ring and tries to get Alberto to join him, the two ending up brawling in the ring until security breaks them up and Alberto hits a DDT as we go off the air.

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