
Sean Ross Sapp’s Smackdown Live Match Ratings, News And Notes For 10/24/17

Shane McMahon

  • Shane explains that he realized what he was going to do when he sent Styles to Raw.
  • Sami Zayn's sarcastic dancing is the best. He interrupts.

  • Sami says he and KO offer to join team Smackdown, but Shane reveals he'll have to beat Randy Orton for a spot on the team. 
  • Zayn is a fun heel, and Shane breathes heavy.

Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin defeated New Day (w/ Big E)

  • Before this match, New Day attacked Raw fruit backstage, because it was Raw.
  • I can't believe they're re-showing one of the worst segments of the year.
  • There's a really cool monkey flip spot with Kofi and Shelton getting to their feet.
  • Big E tried to revive Kofi with Booty-Os.
  • Some of Shelton's knees and kicks aren't too smooth yet. 
  • The Usos call Gable & Benjamin the American Alpha sequel. They're great on commentary.
  • Xavier Woods lands a dropkick against the ropes. Gable with a rolling kick, AA2 with a hiptoss to neckbreaker double team move.
  • This is a rare WWE TV tag match that isn't paint-by-numbers.
  • Benjamin kicks Woods in the head to help Gable get the win.

Daniel Bryan and the ladies

  • Carmella is looking for Ellsworth. Bryan says he'll send out a search team. I hope Breezango are the search team.
  • Bryan sees six women backstage and excludes Lana from the team, lol.
  • The five others are competing to become captain of the Survivor Series team.

Fashion Dogs

  • Breezango and The Ascension caught Ellsworth and are asking about their briefcase.
  • Konnor drank gas.
  • Carmella comes and gets Ellsworth and they find his dirty undypants in her briefcase.
  • Ascension know Bludgeon Brothers are behind everything.

Backstage crappenings

  • Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon discuss the siege on Raw. Bryan didn't know it was happening. 
  • Is there any reason the Bludgeon Brothers don't hate each other? All it took was a hug after them beating the crap out of each other months ago. Nothing.
  • Dolph Ziggler is cutting a promo backstage, and Roode shows up. They reference being on the same side last night. They're going to have a 2 out of 3 falls match next week.

Sin Cara defeated Baron Corbin via DQ

  • I guess WWE remembered Sin Cara was on the roster this month.
  • Corbin is becoming a really good brawler. Sin Cara doesn't do anything too spectacular, but his offense is solid. 
  • Corbin gets mad, gets DQ'd and hits an End of Days outside the ring. 

AJ Styles defeated Sunil Singh (w/ Samir Singh)

  • Jinder Mahal cuts a promo saying exactly what you think it would. His entrance is cool though. He gets ejected from ringside, too.
  • Sunil Singh bumps off of Styles' first standing forearm. Calf Crusher. Victory.
  • Jinder Mahal is mad backstage and books the other Singh brother against Styles.

Winner becomes Survivor Series captain
Becky Lynch defeated Carmella (w/ James Ellsworth), Tamina (w/ Lana), Charlotte and Naomi

  • "IT'S GLOW TIME"- Michael Cole. Why.
  • Natalya joins to gloat before the match.
  • I don't know that Tamina has ever looked better than she did in the early stages of this match. 
  • Naomi's kicks are really bad. How has an agent not stopped this?
  • Charlotte hits the saddest fallaway slam ever on Tamina, and Becky follows with the most anticlimactic forearm.
  • Fortunately the doodyfest breaks up when Naomi lands a beautiful slingshot body press on Becky, then gets sent into the rail by Charlotte. Tamina — on her game tonight — scores a nice superkick.
  • Naomi takes a disgusting bump into the ring post and Carmella hits the 74th superkick of the match.
  • Becky wins with a Disarmher on Carmella.

Survivor Series qualifying match
Randy Orton defeated Sami Zayn

  • Sami lands some stiff strikes and then Orton knocks the shit out of him with an uppercut. Yowza.
  • Orton plays the hits until throwing Zayn on an announce table.
  • "Very few things are off limits when Randy Orton is involved. We've learned that over the years" Have we ever.
  • Had to know Orton wasn't taking that corner exploder. But he throws a hilariously airborne one of his own.
  • Zayn busts out the Torpedo DDT!
  • Owens tries to interfere, but the ref turns around and Orton punches Zayn in the balls! Ha!
  • RKO. Win. Good stuff!

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