
WWE 205 Live Results 10/17 Enzo Amore, Kalisto, Tag Team Action & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE 205 Live. Tonight Enzo Amore will team up with Ariya Daivari to take on Kalisto and Mustafa Ali, Rich Swann faces off against The Brian Kendrick and more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

-Enzo Amore comes out to the ring and talks about what happened to him on RAW last night before Kalisto comes out and hits a missile dropkick before Kalisto goes for the Salida del sol, but Enzo quickly rolls out of the ring before leaving up the ramp.

The Brian Kendrick & Jack Gallagher vs Rich Swann & Cedric Alexander

Rich and Jack start the match with several flips before Rich hits a huricanrrana that sends Jack out of the ring. They get back in the ring and Jack puts a rear chin lock on Rich that he’s quick to get out of before Swann comes back with a series of right hands. Jack drops Swann with a headbutt to the midsection before beating on him and keeping the high flyer grounded all the while playing to the crowd. They exchange European uppercuts before Jack starts twisting the foot of Swann. Rich hits a flipping leg drop before hitting a tiger bomb for a near fall. Jack and Brian send Rich into the barricade before doubling up on Cedric at ringside. They get back in the ring and Cedric and Rich win the match via count out.

Winner: Rich Swann & Cedric Alexander via count out.

Mustafa Ali & Kalisto vs Enzo Amore & Ariya Daivari

Ariya and Kalisto exchange strikes to start the match before Enzo distracts him momentarily, then Ali and Kalisto double team Ariya. They tag in and out before Ariya knocks Kalisto off of the top turnbuckle and to the floor when he’s distracted by Enzo. They get back in the ring only for Enzo to send Kalisto right back out of it, then Enzo tags Daivari in who beats on him at ringside before rolling him back into the ring. Ariya stomps on Kalisto before hitting a suplex for a near fall, then Ariya sends him out of the ring once more. Kalisto get a back in the ring and knocks Enzo off of the apron before Ariya drops him with a clothesline for a near fall.

Ariya beats on Kalisto before he comes back with a DDT and finally tags Ali in. Ali comes in and drops Enzo once he tags in before hitting a pop-up dropkick and an enzuigiri into a rolling neckbreaker for a near fall. Ali hits a missile dropkick before Kalisto gets a blind tag and hits a diving cross body off of the top turnbuckle for a near fall. Kalisto then hits the Salida del sol for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kalisto via pinfall

-They brawl after the match before Enzo escapes up the ramp and Kalisto plays to the crowd in the ring as we go off the air.

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