Bellator 185 Results: Gegard Mousasi Debuts, Neiman Gracie Looks To Stay Unbeaten & Two Women’s Bouts

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for Bellator 185. We'll be bringing you full, round by round coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

(Rankings are provided by Fightful's David Tees)

Main Card (9pm EST., Spike TV)

Gegard Mousasi def. #5 Alexander Shlemenko by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Kristina Williams def. #8 Heather Hardy by TKO via doctor stoppage (2:00, R2)

#8 (MW) Neiman Gracie def. Zak Bucia by submission via neck crank (2:27, R2)

Ryan Quinn def. Marcus Surin by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Lisa Blaine def. Ana Julaton by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Preliminary Card (7pm EST.,

#10 Jordan Young def. Alec Hooben by submission via triangle choke (2:44, R1)

Costello Van Steenis def. Steve Skrzat by submission via strikes (2:52, R1)

Kevin Carrier def. Jose Perez by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Vovka Clay def. Frank Sforza by submission via guillotine choke (1:17, R2)

Joaquin Buckley def. Vinicius De Jesus by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Don Shainis def. Matthew Denning by TKO via strikes (4:50, R1)

Round By Round Recap

Joaquin Buckley vs. Vinicius De Jesus

Round One: The round begins with De Jesus nailing a jabbing Buckley with a punching combination, De Jesus then attacks Buckley with a high kick. Buckley scores a takedown and he pops right back up to his feet, De Jesus then catches Buckley with a two punch combination. De Jesus charges forward while swinging wildly at Buckley, De Jesus eats a few strikes before nailing Buckley with a knee strike. Buckley backs up De Jesus with a high kick of his own, Buckley then pops De Jesus with a two punch combination. Buckley continues catches De Jesus with punching combinations, De Jesus scores a takedown on Buckley and he gets the full guard. De Jesus postures up and he stomps away on a downed Buckley as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for De Jesus

Round Two: The round begins with De Jesus nailing a swinging Buckley with a counter right, Buckley responds by popping De Jesus with a multiple strike combination. Buckley scores a takedown on De Jesus and he gets the open guard, Buckley starts attacking De Jesus with ground and pound. De Jesus causes a scramble to get the fight standing and Buckley puts him against the cage wall, the fighters separate and Buckley cracks a swinging De Jesus with a counter right followed by a head kick. Buckley scores another takedown on De Jesus and he gets the half guard, De Jesus rolls for a kimura and Buckley escapes to maintain top position. Buckley starts attacking De Jesus with some ground and pound, De Jesus scrambles to his feet and Buckley attacks him with a kick. De Jesus scores a takedown on Buckley as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Buckley (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: The round begins with Buckley attacking De Jesus with leg kicks, Buckley then hits a ducking De Jesus with a head kick. De Jesus scores a takedown on Buckley and he gets the full guard, Buckley scrambles to his feet and De Jesus attacks him with a wild punching combination. De Jesus starts peppering Buckley with a few jabs, De Jesus scores another takedown on Buckley and he gets the open guard. De Jesus transitions to the half guard against Buckley, Buckley scrambles to his feet to get the fight standing. De Jesus grabs Buckley and he holds him against the cage wall, Buckley nails De Jesus with a knee strike as they separate. De Jesus responds by kicking Buckley right in the midsection, Buckley scores a takedown on De Jesus and then power bombs him to escape a triangle choke as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for De Jesus (Final Score: 29-28 for De Jesus)

Official Result: Joaquin Buckley def. Vinicius De Jesus by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Costello Van Steenis vs. Steve Skrzat

Round One: The round begins with Van Steenis attacking Skrzat with some leg kicks, Skrzat drops Van Steenis with a leg kick and he gets top position on the ground. Skrzat starts attacking Van Steenis with a lot of ground and pound, Van Steenis rolls for an arm bar and he uses that to scramble to back position on Skrzat. Van Steenis catches Skrzat in an inverted triangle choke while landing strikes to force a submission.

Official Result: Costello Van Steenis def. Steve Skrzat by submission via strikes (2:52, R1)

#10 Jordan Young vs. Alec Hooben

Round One: The round begins with Hooben attacking Young with some leg kicks, Hooben comes forward and he swings away at Young. Young nails a kicking Hooben with a counter straight right, Hooben charges forwardto pop Young with a right hook. Hooben goes for the takedown as Young assaults him with strikes, Hooben scores a takedown and he gets top position after a short scramble. Young catches Hooben in a triangle choke and a tap out follows.

Official Result: #10 Jordan Young def. Alec Hooben by submission via triangle choke (2:44, R1)

Don Shainis vs. Matthew Denning

Round One: The round begins with Shainis attacking Denning with some leg kicks, Shainis then cracks Denning with a three punch combination. The fighters clinch and exchange a bunch of strikes, Shainis scores a takedown on Denning and he gets the full guard. Denning wall walks to his feet and Shainis drags him back to the ground, Shainis starts attacking Denning with some ground and pound. Shainis transitions to the half guard on Denning while landing more strikes, Denning gets Shainis in his full guard while eating more strikes. Shainis regains the half guard position before getting put back in the full guard, Shainis gains the full mount and then back control on Denning. Shainis attacks Denning with a plethora of strikes, Denning scrambles and he gets Shainis in his half guard. Shainis goes back to attacking Denning with strikes and the referee jumps in.

Official Result: Don Shainis def. Matthew Denning by TKO via strikes (4:50, R1)

Vovka Clay vs. Frank Sforza

Round One: The round begins with the fighters swinging wildly at each other, Sforza scores a takedown on Clay and he gets side control. Clay gets up and Sforza gets standing back control on him, Sforza scores another takedown on Clay. Clay gets back up and Sforza quickly puts him against the cage wall, Clay then catches Sforza with a knee strike to the face. Clay scores a takedown on Sforza and he catches him in a guillotine choke, Sforza escapes and he gets back to his feet while holding Clay against the cage wall. Sforza starts attacking Clay with a few standing elbow strikes, the fighters separate and Sforza scores another takedown on Clay as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Sforza

Round Two: The round begins with Sforza grabbing Clay and he holds him against the cage wall, Sforza scores a takedown on Clay. Clay scrambles and he gets on top of Sforza, Sforza scrambles back to his feet and Clay catches him in a guillotine choke to force a tap out.

Official Result: Vovka Clay def. Frank Sforza by submission via guillotine choke (1:17, R2)

Kevin Carrier vs. Jose Perez

Round One: The round begins with Carrier attacking Perez with a few kicks, Carrier then cracks Perez with a head kick. Perez stuns a kicking Carrier with a counter right hook, Carrier responds by catching Perez with a left hook. Carrier then cracks Perez with a straight right before kicking him in the midsection, Carrier follows that up by popping Perez with a two punch combination. Perez charges forward and he swings away at Carrier, Perez and Carrier exchange punching combinations. Perez lands a knee strike as Carrier hunts for the takedown, Perez nails Carrier with leg kicks as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round10-9 for Carrier

Round Two: The round begins with Perez taking a few wild swings at Carrier, Carrier lands a right after a failed flying knee strike attempt. Carrier then nails Perez with a kick to the midsection, Carrier backs up Perez after nailing him with a few rights. Perez connects with a few leg kicks against Carrier, Carrier continues picking apart a swinging Perez. Carrier accidentally nails Perez low and the fight is halted, the fight resumes with Carrier and Perez swinging away at each other until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Carrier (Overall Score: 20-18 for Carrier)

Round Three: The round begins with Perez swinging wildly at Carrier, Perez catches Carrier with some punching combinations. Carrier tries slowing Perez down by attacking him with leg kicks, Perez comes forward to catch Carrier with a three punch combination. Carrier catches a winging Perez with a counter right, Perez just swings away at Carrier with little connecting. Carrier scores a takedown on Perez and he gets the half guard, Carrier attacks Perez with some ground and pound until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Carrier (Final Score: 30-27 for Carrier)

Official Result: Kevin Carrier def. Jose Perez by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Lisa Blaine vs. Ana Julaton

Round One: The round begins with Julaton attacking Blaine with a few leg kicks, Blaine attempts a high kick against Julaton. Julaton attempts a spinning heel kick to the head of Blaine, Blaine attacks Julaton with a few leg kicks as well. The fighters clinch and battle for position along the cage wall, the fighters exchange strikes while in the clinch. Blaine scores a takedown on Julaton and she gets side control, Julaton scrambles to her feet and Blaine catches her in a standing guillotine choke as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Blaine

Round Two: The round begins with Julaton coming forward and swing away at Blaine, Julaton grabs Blaine and she holds her against the cage wall. Blaine spins Julaton into the cage wall while landing a few strikes, the referee separates the fighters for inactivity. The action resumes with Julaton attempting a roundhouse kick against Blaine, Julaton goes for a head kick and Blaine blocks it. Julaton grabs Blaine and she holds her against the cage wall, Blaine scores a takedown on Julaton and she gets the half guard. Julaton scrambles to get top position after eating a few strikes, Julaton nails Blaine with a few knee strikes as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Julaton (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: The round begins with Julaton nailing Blaine with a kick to the midsection, Julaton nails Blaine with a spinning heel kick to the midsection. Blaine scores a takedown on Julaton and she gets the half guard, Blaine starts attacking Julaton with some ground and pound. Julaton eventually traps Blaine in her full guard, Blaine starts catching Julaton with some elbow strikes to the head. Blaine postures up and she kicks away at the legs of Julaton, Julaton scrambles to her feet and the fighters exchange some blows while in the clinch until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Blaine (Final Score: 29-28 for Blaine)

Official Result: Lisa Blaine def. Ana Julaton by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Marcus Surin vs. Ryan Quinn

Round One: The round begins with Quinn nailing Surin a two punch combination, Surin grabs Quinn and he holds him against the cage wall. The fighters separate and Quinn attacks Surin with leg kicks, Quinn nails Surin with a few uppercuts while holding him against the cage wall. Quinn drags Surin to the ground and he gets him in the seated position, Quinn gains back control on Surin after a brief scramble. Surin scrambles to his feet and Quinn drags him back to the ground, Quinn gets back control and Surin scrambles to his feet. Quinn holds Surin against the cage wall while landing some knee strikes, Surin scores a takedown on Quinn and Quinn pops right back up to his feet as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Quinn

Round Two: The round begins with Surin taking a few swings against Quinn, Quinn holds Surin against the cage wall. The fighters separate and Quinn rocks Surin with an overhand right, Quinn scores a takedown on Surin and he gets the half guard. Quinn gains back control against Surin, Surin scrambles to his feet and Quinn holds him against the cage wall before scoring another takedown. Surin scrambles to his feet again and he clinches with Quinn, Quinn scores yet another takedown on Surin and he gets back control. Surin scrambles to his feet and Quinn gets him up against the cage wall until the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Quinn (Overall Score: 20-18 for Quinn)

Round Three: The round begins with Quinn attacking Surin with some leg kicks, Surin starts taking a few swings at Quinn. Quinn eats a right as he holds Surin up against the cage wall, Surin scores a takedown on Quinn and he gets the full guard. Surin gains the half guard while nailing Quinn with a few strikes, Quinn scrambles to his feet and Surin gets standing back control. Surin gets Quinn to the ground and he maintains back control, Quinn scrambles to break free and he catches Surin in an anaconda choke. Quinn releases the choke and Surin regains top position, Surin starts attacking Quinn with some ground and pound. Surin catches Quinn with a few strikes before Quinn scrambles to get top position as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Surin (Final Score: 29-28 for Quinn)

Official Result: Ryan Quinn def. Marcus Surin by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

#8 Heather Hardy vs. Kristina Williams

Round One: The round begins with Williams going for a spinning kick to the head of Hardy, Williams comes forward and swings away at Hardy. Hardy catches a kicking Williams with a counter right hook, Hardy lands a punching combination before eating a head kick. Hardy blocks a few kicks before nailing Williams with another right, Hardy continues catching Williams with some rights. Williams nails Hardy with more kicks and a two punch combination, Williams assaults Hardy with a series of standing elbow strikes to the head. Williams lands a head kick on Hardy after a wild striking exchange, Williams nails a swinging Hardy with a counter right. Williams nails Hardy with elbow strikes and another head kick, Hardy pops Williams with a right to the midsection. Williams attacks Hardy with more head kicks as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Williams

Round Two: The round begins with Williams attacking Hardy with a spinning back kick to the head, Hardy slips and Williams attacks her with punches as she gets back up. Hardy starts attacking Williams with some power punches, Williams nails a kicking Hardy with a series of rights. Williams attacks Hardy with some more head kicks that mainly get blocked, Williams rocks Hardy with her next head kick attempt. The referee halts the fight so a doctor can check the destroyed nose of Hardy and the doctor stops the fight.

Official Result: Kristina Williams def. #8 Heather Hardy by TKO via doctor stoppage (2:00, R2)

#8 (MW) Neiman Gracie vs. Zak Bucia

Round One: The round begins with Gracie attacking Bucia with a kick to the midsection, Gracie grabs Bucia and he holds him against the cage wall. Gracie scores a takedown on Bucia and he gets back control, Gracie starts peppering Bucia with short range strikes. Bucia spins at the right time to get on top of Gracie, Gracie rolls for an omaplata before rolling for the heel hook. The fighters legs get tangled up as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Gracie

Round Two: The round begins with Bucia kicking Gracie in the midsection, Gracie nails Bucia with a punching combination. Gracie scores a takedown on Bucia and Bucia gets right back up, Gracie drags Bucia back to the ground and he gets back control. Gracie locks in the neck crank and a tap out follows.

Official Result: #8 (MW) Neiman Gracie def. Zak Bucia by submission via neck crank (2:27, R2)

#5 Alexander Shlemenko vs. Gegard Mousasi

Round One: The round begins with the fighters exchanging leg kicks, Shlemenko goes for some spinning attacks against Mousasi. Shlemenko rocks an incoming Mousasi with a punching combination, Mouasi scores a takedown on Shlemenko and he gets him in the seated position. Shlemenko scrambles to his feet and Mousasi holds him against the cage wall, Mousasi scores another takedown on Shlemenko and he gets back control. Mousasi starts attacking Shlemenko with some short range strikes, Shlemenko escapes choke attempts to scramble to his feet and get the fight standing. Mousasi scores another takedown on Shlemenko and he gets him in the seated position, Shlemenko scrambles to his feet and Mousasi drags him back to the ground while gaining back control. Shlemenko scrambles back to his feet as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Mousasi

Round Two: The round begins with Shlemenko attempting a spinning back fist against Mousasi, Mousasi falls to his back and Shlemenko makes him stand up. Mousasi starts hunting for some takedowns against Shlemenko, Shlemenko nails Mousasi with a spinning back kick to the midsection. Mousasi takes a few swings at Shlemenko and little lands, Shlemenko then cracks Mousasi with a left to the midsection. Mousasi grabs Shlemenko and he holds him against the cage wall before separating, Mousasi eats a spinning back fist before scoring a takedown on Shlemenko. Shlemenko gets back up and he holds Mousasi against the cage wall, Mousasi drags Shlemenko to the ground and Shlemenko gets back up again. Mousasi scores another takedown on Shlemenko and he gets side control, Mousasi gains back control against Shlemenko as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Shlemenko (Overall Score: 19-19 for Draw)

Round Three: The round begins with Shlemenko attacking Mousasi with a kick to the midsection, Shlemenko catches Mousasi with a spinning back kick to the midsection. Shlemenko backs up Mousasi before landing a leaping knee strike, Shlemenko nails Mousasi with a spinning back fist. Shlemenko again catches Mousasi with a spinning heel kick to the midsection, Mousasi holds Shlemenko against the cage wall after eating a kick to the midsection. Shlemenko scores a takedown on Mousasi and he gets him in the seated position, the fighters stand up and Shlemenko clobbers Mousasi with a left. Mousasi falls to his back and Shlemenko nails him with a few strikes, Shlemenko catches a downed Mousasi with a knee strike to the midsection. The fighters scramble to their feet and Shlemenko rocks Mousasi with a right hook as the round ends.

Fightful scores the round 10-9 for Shlemenko (Final Score: 29-28 for Shlemenko)

Official Result: Gegard Mousasi def. #5 Alexander Shlemenko by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

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