
WWE 205 Live Results 10/10 A New Cruiserweight Champion Begins His Reign!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE 205 Live. Tonight a new champion begins his reign after Kalisto defeated Enzo Amore to become WWE Cruiserweight Champion. Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown! Live to see what the luchador will have to say and who will be next to challenge him. 

-We open with an extended video package where Kalisto beat Enzo Amore on RAW last night to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. We then have Renee Young interview Kalisto in the ring where he talks about winning the WWE Cruiserweight Championship last night among other things before they're interrupted by Enzo Amore. Enzo then proceeds to belittle the luchador before getting in the ring and attacking him. Mustafa Ali then comes out and saves Kalisto before Enzo and Ariya head up the ramp to leave as we go to commercial.

Rich Swann vs TJP Two Out of Three Falls Match

Rich Swann comes out to the ring and calls out TJP before he makes his way out and down to the ring before they have a match. Rich hits a 450 splash to the outside before TJP can even get in the ring, then TJP attacks him and sends Swann into the barricade before tossing him back into the ring. TJP stomps Swann in the corner before sending him into the ring post repeatedly and rolling him back into the ring. TJP goes for a kneebar, but Swann counters and rolls TJP up for the first fall. TJP suplexes Swann before the two do several flips until they exchange dropkicks.

TJP hits a springboard forearm for a quick two count before TJP locks in a Texas clover leaf out of nowhere. Swann quickly manages to get to the ropes for the break before TJP whips him across the ring and into the opposite corner. They counter each other's finishers before Swann comes back with a flurry of offense, then Swann hits a frankensteiner before missing a jumping splash for a near fall. They clothesline each other before getting back to their feet and Swann catches TJP in midair with a roundhouse kick for a near fall before TJP catches him on the top turnbuckle and puts him in a kneebar. Swann manages to get to the bottom rope before tapping, then hits a sit-out neckbreaker before finishing up with a phoenix splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann via pinfall

-Akira Tozawa comes out for his match only to be attacked from behind and laid out by Drew Gulak. 

Kalisto & Mustafa Ali vs Enzo Amore & Ariya Daivari

Ali and Daivari start the match before Enzo tags in and attacks Ali from behind when he's distracted by Ariya. Ali dropkicks Enzo before Ariya knocks him off of the apron and to the floor. Ariya puts Ali back in the ring and Enzo stomps on him for a quick two count before Enzo and Ariya start tagging in and out. Ali finally manages to get to his corner and tags Kalisto in before Kalisto hits an enzuigiri and a springboard cross body to Ariya. They send both Enzo and Ariya out of the ring before hitting a double tope to the outside, then Kalisto hits the Salida del sol for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kalisto via pinfall

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