
Smackdown Live Match Ratings, Analysis, Podcast Notes From Sean Ross Sapp

Opening segment

  • Nakamura is brought out Renee Young to a huge ovation. He's given some shitty dialogue. 
  • Even thought the dialogue is doody, this interview format is much better than a regular promo. Unless you're someone like Enzo Amore — or a lot of times a heel — it comes off as whiny when you're out there solo.
  • Jinder attacks from behind. Nakamura briefly makes him pay, but the numbers game is too much. Great heat
  • Good thing the Singh Bros. were there to make sure the move went smoothly.

Natalya & Carmella (w/ James Ellsworth) defeated Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch

  • Nice to see Becky Lynch still exists
  • This is a fantastic crowd. They go crazy when Charlotte is tagged in.
  • This isn't a bad match at all, but most of it takes place during the commercial.
  • Carmella hits Becky with a briefcase, and it distracts Charlotte long enough to get submitted with a Sharpshooter.
  • We know where this is going. Place your bets on Charlotte Flair. 

Bobby Roode defeated Mike Kanellis

  • First Kanellis appearance in a month.
  • He gets beat real quick by Roode. Why'd y'all sign him?
  • I'm a fan of Roode as a babyface. Also Corey Graves' total disdain of Saxton.
  • These Dolph Ziggler segs do great Youtube numbers. Ziggler's entrance sucks, but the promo was fun.

New Day and Usos

  • We get promos from each of these teams, and it is what it usually is. The Usos are awesome, and New Day are harmless.
  • Usos are something special and real, and to be able to overcome being stale twice is impressive. 
  • The same can't be said for Jinder's backstage promo after this. It's bad.

Tye Dlilinger defeated Baron Corbin

  • Corbin doing the Bossman spot every match is not good, and thankfully Dillinger had it "scouted."
  • What was good was the spot into the stairs coming back from the break. 
  • Tye Dillinger hits a small package for the win. So why isn't he involved in the title match now?
  • AJ Styles is on the TitanTron cutting a written promo. It's not good.

Randy Orton defeated Aiden English (w/ Rusev)

  • Rusev accompanies his new friend Aiden English to the ring. He goes from angry to optimistic over the ruined Rusev day. He's a treasure.  
  • A pop-up RKO wins this match quick. This is the Randy Orton I want to see. One where his matches can go any length of time and end with an RKO at a moment's notice.

Face to Face

  • Sami Zayn tries to talk sense into Shane McMahon before this promo, but Shane isn't having it. 
  • Shane McMahon comes out and says some stuff that doesn't particularly mean anything. He then drops the stipulation that his match Sunday will be Falls Count Anywhere.
  • He gets lured up to the merchandise area of the arena by Owens and eats a SAAAAAD looking powerbomb from Owens.
  • Owens goes back to the ring and says he agrees with the decision and is throwing Shane McMahon off the cell. 
  • Shane drags himself to the ring, and hits a bad flying clothesline off the barrier. The crowd buys into it, so none of that really matters. Kevin Owens beats him up more anyway.

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