
WWE 205 Live Results 9/5 Fatal Five Way Number One Contender Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight’s episode of WWE 205 Live. Tonight in our main event we will find out who will challenge the King of the Cruiserweights next when Cedric Alexander, Enzo Amore, Gran Metalik, Tony Nese and The Brian Kendrick square off in a Fatal Five Way match! Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

TJP vs Ariya Daivari

Rich Swann comes out to ringside and sits on a chair on top of the announce table while eating popcorn as Ariya beats in TJP in the ring before they both tumble out of the ring. TJP gets back in and hits a wrecking ball dropkick for a quick two count before Ariya hits a draping neckbreaker for a near fall. Ariya hits a backbreaker for a quick two count before TJP hits a springboard clothesline and a flurry of offense into a series of suplexes for a near fall. Ariya hits a running knee for a near fall before stomping on TJP and tossing him out of the ring. They get back in the ring and TJP hits the Detonation Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJP via pinfall

Akira Tozawa vs Drew Gulak

They lock up to start the match before Akira fights out of a headlock with a flurry of offense. Akira then hits a PK before Gulak rolls out onto the apron, Tozawa dropkicking him off of it and to the floor. Drew grabs Tozawa from the apron and launches him into the barricade before rolling him back into the ring and stomping on him. Drew chops and stomps on Akira into the corner before Akira sends him out of the ring with a dropkick and a boot before hitting a tope to the outside. Akira rolls Drew back into the ring for a near fall before hitting a Saito suplex for another near fall.

Akira then hits a spinning roundhouse kick and a high angle senton off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

Fatal Five Way Number One Contender Elimination Match

Everyone looks at Enzo before he rolls out of the ring and plays to the crowd as we have Cedric and Metalik exchanging wrist locks and flips in the ring. Metalik then hits a triangle dropkick before being drug out of the ring by Nese. Enzo yanks Kendrick down off of the apron when he goes to attack Cedric from behind before Nese and Cedric exchange kicks until Cedric hits a dropkick for a quick two count. Cedric beats on Tony in the corner as Neville looks on from a monitor backstage, then Nese hits a gutbuster that sends  Cedric out of the ring. Enzo tries to roll him up for a near fall before Kendrick suplexes him off of the apron and to the floor.

Kendrick rolls Enzo back into the ring, Tony getting a near fall before hitting a jumping leg drop and a backbreaker for another near fall. Kendrick and Nese double team Enzo before Enzo comes back and takes them both out before playing to the crowd. Nese and Kendrick then hit a double superkick before Metalik and Cedric hit a double clothesline off of the top rope out of nowhere. Nese catches Cedric on the top turnbuckle before Kendrick, Tony, Metalik and Cedrichit a tower of doom with Cedric getting the worst of it. Nese and Kendrick lay out Enzo at ringside before turning on each other, Metalik hitting a flipping senton over the top rope before ring turns him inside out with a lariat. 

Cedric then hits a Lumbar Check to Nese out of nowhere before pinning and eliminating him. Cedric takes out Metalik with another Lumbar Check before Kendrick hits Sliced Bread #2 and locks in the Captain’s Hook, but Cedric gets to the ropes for the break right before tapping. Cedric then hits a back drop onto the apron before rolling Kendrick back into the ring and hitting a Lumbar Check to Kendrick and pinning and eliminating him. Enzo then rolls Cedric up right after for the pin and the win.

Winner: Enzo Amore via pinfall

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