
Sexy Star Writes Letter Detailing What Happened At TripleMania (English Translation)

Sexy Star has finally revealed what happened on that TripleMania show where she supposedly injured Rosemary with a shoot armbar.

In an extremely lengthy letter in Spanish, Sexy Star revealed the events that transpired on that night and has said that she did not intentionally hurt Rosemary at the end of a title match at the TripleMania event, which took place on August 26, and that Rosemary did not even appear to be injured in the moments after the match.

Below is the translated letter.

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, September 4, 2017

First of all, I want to thank the people that have been with me in these past few days, which have been turned into a nightmare and became one of the most difficult moments of my career and personal life. 

As some of you know, this past Saturday, August 26, I was present at the TripleMania XXV event in the Mexico City Arena to fulfill a championship match for the AAA promotion, of which I have been signed as an independent worker so that I can keep using the mask and character of Sexy Star, which is the character I have portrayed for the last 11 years. 

At first, I was informed that I would be fighting in a Reina de Reinas title match in a one-on-one match against a female Mexican wrestler from one of the nearby promotions. But a few days before the event, I was told that they would be including two more wrestlers into the match, one of whom belonged to the North American promotion Global Force Wrestling. AAA brought this wrestler, whom up to my knowledge, has never wrestled in Mexico or at least with one of the major Mexican promotions, and I just met this wrestler mere minutes before we went up to the ring to have the match that she was signed onto.

As I have been doing for more than 10 years, as I reached the arena, I met with those that I will be wrestling with so that we can coordinate the match that we would present to the public, being that AAA are the ones responsible for making this happen.

Since it has been tradition whenever I go out and wrestle with people I have never worked with, especially foreigners –the wrestling styles change between countries—I would tend to favor wrestling a more American style. I asked if what we had planned out would be fine with them, or if they would like to change something so that they may feel safer in the ring. 

Those that have worked with me know that I have always done things that way, with the idea of protecting everyone working with me and myself from any type of incident, not just out of etiquette and the values instilled upon me at home, which include compatriotism, but to be on constant alert of the dangers that wrestlers face every time they step into the ring, be it their first match or match No. 100. I want to clarify that [Rosemary], at no point, asked me to change anything that we would present, something that is very important to me. So I did what she knew and I had control of everything that we would do. The talent coordinator for AAA gave the “ok” to do our match without any prior meetings to change anything.

The moment of the match came, I made my way to the match to wrestle the way I have habitually done in front of the wrestling public for many years, with the same style, fury, and energy that has characterized “Sexy Star” in each of her fights.

The match came to its conclusion, and when I tapped out [Rosemary] with the submission that was agreed and selected upon, which is also one of the least dangerous submission moves in the danger range that I have applied and have been applied to repeatedly. At least that’s how it has always been.

At the end of the show and after the foreigner was walking under her own power without medical assistance, our protocol continued, and I was handed the title belt by Martha Villalobos, whom I have deep admiration and even first showed me the ropes of the wrestling sport, whom I love with all of my heart, and has made me be constantly prepared my body to handle bumps and submissions. Very few people know the secrets of professional wrestling and if I reveal any of them in this letter, it is for the security of my integrity and for the respect earned throughout my professional and personal life. I can’t stress this enough, I will only say that those who have conserved their careers through the highs and lows, falling and getting right back up, with injuries and being bloodied, know what I am referring to. 

Twenty minutes after I was handed my belt, I went to the locker room in which I was bombarded by Global Force Wrestling representatives who have had a working relationship with AAA, saying that the wrestler I submitted suffered an apparent injury in their native language, something that surprised me because, as previously stated, she walked down from the ring without any help.

Immediately, and not just out of etiquette, but also because I was worried, I went to her to see if she was okay and I see her with another person, standing up in the room where the production monitors are located, with just a bag of ice on her elbow. There was nobody tending to her nor did she have anything to help her, which is a security protocol in the event somebody is suspected to have an injury. She wasn’t even sitting down and that put my mind at ease because I did not see anything wrong with her with my own two eyes. The talent coordinator for AAA reiterated that everything was fine and so, I left the venue with my husband with the tranquility and security that everything was going to be fine. I did not get any indication from Dorian Roldan, the owner of AAA, that something was amiss and I suppose if that is the case, then he wouldn’t have let me leave without resolving any type of potential situation. 

People also need to know that I have never received any medical news, or any radiography that exists, which shows any injury to the wrestler in question.

I didn’t worry about the situation because I repeat, and I saw her with my own two eyes, I did not see that she was injured and that she wasn’t being tended to by medical personnel, much less need to have the use of medical equipment if she was injured. In my professional wrestling career, I have seen injuries, and I have been victim to accidents and believe me, nothing of the sort happened at the Reina de Reinas title match that night at TripleMania XXV.

The next day, I started to receive, on social media, a series of cyber attacks, which included an aggressive letter, written by this North American wrestler, who was already back in her home country, stating that I intentionally injured her, without showing proof of any kind, medical or other, and she only wrote it in text without showing her face or voice.

In this letter, a lot was unraveled, from male and female wrestlers from North America whom I have never worked with, much less be in the place that night. They have written about my supposed anti-professionalism, using words from [Rosemary’s letter], which has already been retweeted more than 4,000 times.

The bullying on social media only kept growing and even bloggers and media outlets, who were not present, who did not cover the event, outlets who don’t even work in Mexico, could not keep themselves from writing phrases such as “She dislocated her shoulder” or “She intentionally broke her arm,” confirming the alleged injury, and only using [Rosemary’s] letter on Twitter and the ending of the match through various angles as their only source. At no point did they look at the injured woman walking down the ring under her own power and using her hands. Some even assured that what I did was both wrong and intentional. Many members of the media and columnists online were not consistent and some mentioned that the injury was on her elbow, some said it was her shoulder that got injured and some said it was the whole arm. 

I assure you in the video that is being circulated around the web, all that you see is me portraying Sexy Star making the submission move using the same energy and fury that is characterized by this character, in the same manner, and force without letting go seconds after the referee rang the bell, just as Sexy Star has always done. I can show that this submission has been done in plenty other occasions in the same exact manner and force with other wrestlers, including one of Sexy Star’s recent matches on [Lucha Underground]. I assure you that the wrestler who got the submission that time, with proof, did not suffer any injury because, as I have insisted, is one of the submission moves that, within the danger range, is one of the least risky and I have at no point, tried to misuse it to injure anybody.

This past August 30, I fulfilled 11 years inside the wrestling ring, a sport in which I have given my life, and my body, without being figurative, has suffered tons of damage because in this sport, if you have a career like I have been blessed with, you don’t rest. For wrestling, I have always had respect, respect that I exercise when taking care of my fellow wrestlers without exception and I will keep doing that, without caring the nationality or if they are aware of the respect that I inherited from my parents, my teachers, and teachers of this profession, people with dynasties inside Mexican wrestling, where the sport was born, and I am sure that my wrestling teachers can talk and mention that I have never mishandled any fellow wrestler.

With respect and love to my teachers and fans, who have shown love and care, and to those I owe my career to, especially those that personally know me, I dedicate this letter to you guys because you are the ones who truly deserve to know what truly happened. But above all else, I dedicate this to Sexy Star, a character that was presented to me and I have defended with honor, honesty, respect, integrity, and passion for 11 years. Those same values that belong to me, Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas, and I will not let anybody, without any unverified versions of the story who do not have proof, to discredit that.

-Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas

Sexy Star recently appeared on Mexican television to talk about what happened at TripleMania, while adding that she has been cyber bullied by many on social media, including wrestlers, such as Ring of Honor World Champion Cody Rhodes and several members of the Global Force Wrestling roster.

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