
WWE Mae Young Classic Week 2, Quarterfinal and Semifinal Results!

Episode 5

Rachel Evers vs Abbey Laith

Abbey is in control to start the match, showing off her speed and athleticism by sending her out of the ring with an arm drag before hitting a tope to the outside. They get back in the ring and Abbey gets a quick two count before Rachel comes back with a stunner and a running senton for a quick two count of her own. Rachel hits a springboard leg drop for another quick two count before Rachel drops Abbey with a boot, the two then nearly knocking each other out with boots at the same time when Rachel does it again. They exchange strikes until Abbey drops Rachel with a series of kicks, Rachel catching her on the top rope and hitting a powerslam off of the top rope for a near fall. 

Abbey then powerbombs Rachel for the pin and the win.

Winner: Abbey Laith via pinfall

Piper Niven vs Serena Deeb

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before Piper falls on top of Serena when she tries to pick her up for a quick two count. They exchange headlocks before Serena rolls Piper up for a quick two count and puts her in another headlock that Piper counters with a back drop. Piper misses a running senton before Serena takes her down momentarily. Serena hits Piper with a series of strikes before hitting a monkey flip off of the top rope and a neckbreaker for a near fall. Piper hits a cannonball in the corner for a near fall before Serena hits a spinning neckbreaker, but misses a spear before Piper whips her across the ring sternum first.

Piper then misses a splash off of the top rope before hitting a Michinoku Driver for the pin and the win

Winner: Piper Niven via pinfall

Princesa Sugehit vs Mercedes Martinez

They start the match off by grappling, Sugehit taking Mercedes down repeatedly before Mercedes drops her with a clothesline. Sugehit sends Mercedes into the corner before hitting a cannonball for a quick two count. Mercedes hits a spinning facebuster for a quick two count before hitting a series of suplexes. Sugehit comes back with a running code breaker before Mercedes sets her on the top rope, but Princesa counters into a tornado DDT for a quick two count. Mercedes then hits a fisherman's buster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez via pinfall

Kairi Sane vs Bianca Belair

They lock up to start the match before Kairi turns it around and backs out of the corner before Bianca takes her down momentarily. Bianca puts Kairi in a headlock that she's quick to get out of before Bianca drops her with a shoulder block. They mock each other and play to the crowd before Kairi drops Bianca for a quick two count. Kairi drops Bianca with a series of forearms before Bianca drops her with a forearm to the gut. Bianca beats on Kairi in the corner with her hair before tossing her across the ring by her hair and dropping her with a clothesline for a near fall.

Bianca hits a suplex for a near fall before putting her in a stock submission before hitting a release facebuster for a near fall. Bianca beats on Kairi before missing a running splash, Kairi coming back with a series of chops in the corner and a flying forearm off of the second rope for a quick two count. Kairi puts Bianca in a straight jacket submission before Bianca gets out of it and hits a powerslam for a near fall. They exchange forearms before Bianca hits a spinebuster and a 450 splash for a near fall. Bianca goes shoulder first into the ring post before Kairi hits and axe kick and sliding forearm in the corner before finishing with a spinning back fist that drops her and finished with an elbow drop off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kairi Sane via pinfall

Episode 6

Lacey Evans vs Toni Storm

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks and headlocks until Toni drops Lacey and hits a series of hip attacks before Lacey rolls her up for a quick two count. Lacey hits a springboard elbow for a quick two count before driving her knees into her back for another quick two count. Toni hits a backstabber into a suplex before hitting a spinning neckbreaker. Toni then hits a reverse neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Toni Storm via pinfall

Mia Yim vs Shayna Baszler

They start the match off by exchanging kicks before Mia sends Shayna out of the ring with a huricanrrana and a tope to the outside. They get back in the ring before Shayna hits a series of guy wrench suplexes for a near fall. Mia puts in a tarantula in the ropes before Shayna puts her in an knee bar, but Mia is quick to the ropes for the break. They exchange strikes before Mia drops Shayna for a quick two count. Shane then drops Mia with a jumping knee for a near fall before Mia hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall.

Shayna locks in a heel hook, but Mia kicks her way out of it before hitting a last ride powerbomb for a near fall. Mia then goes for a 450 splash, but Shayna counters into a rear naked choke for the tap and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler via submission

Rhea Ripley vs Dakota Kai

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks and headlocks before Dakota dropkicks Rhea. Dakota sends Rhea out of the ring before Rhea puts her on her shoulders and hits an electric chair facebuster into the apron. They get back in the ring and Rhea gets a near fall before Dakota rolls her with with a bridge for a quick two count, Rhea coming back by tossing her into the air and letting her face plant into the mat. Dakota fights out of a full nelson submission before Dakota dropkicks Rhea repeatedly and finishes with a running knee in the corner for a near fall. Rhea sets Dakota on the top turnbuckle before Rhea gets caught in the tree of woe before Dakota hits a double foot stomp off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dakota Kai via pinfall

Candace LeRae vs Nicole Savoy

They lock up to start the match before Nicole takes Candice down, then backs her into the corner before whipping her across the ring. Candice hits a neckbreaker for a quick two count before Nicole hits a Saito suplex for a quick two count of her own after playing to the crowd. Nicole hits another Saito suplex before they put each other in a surfboard stretch and exchange quick two counts. Nicole hits a series of suplexes before Candice counters an armbar, then Nicole hits a German suplex for a near fall. Candice hits a Pele kick before locking in an octopus stretch that Nicole counters by running her into the corner.

Nicole sets Candice on the top turnbuckle before Candice fights her off and hits a spinning neckbreaker off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Candice LeRae via pinfall

Episode 7

Abbey Laith vs Mercedes Martinez

They do a test of strength to start the match, pinning each other's shoulders down to the mat for quick two counts before grappling and exchanging headlocks and head scissors. Mercedes beats on Abbey in the corner before hitting a snapmare and kicks to the back of her neck and kidneys. Abbey comes back with a jawbreaker and a series of arm drags before dropping her with a spinning heel kick for a quick two count. They exchange strikes until Abbey drops Mercedes for a near fall before Mercedes comes back with a series of running kicks and a delayed dropkick in the corner. Abbey sends Mercedes out of the ring before hitting a diving cross body off of the top rope and to the floor.

They get back in the ring at the count of eight before Abbey gets a near fall, then hits a bridging German suplex for another near fall. Mercedes then hits a fisherman's buster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez via pinfall

Candace LeRae vs Shayna Baszler

Shayna beats Candace down before Candace sends her out of the ring and hits a tope to the outside into a tornado DDT. They get back in the ring and Candace gets a near fall before locking in an octopus stretch, Shayna powering out of it into a side slam before Candace goes for her finisher, but Shayna locks in a rear naked choke for the tap and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler via submission

-After the match Shayna chokes Candace unconscious.

Piper Niven vs Toni Storm

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before having a test of strength that Piper wins for a series of quick two counts. Piper hits a splash for a quick two count before hitting a running cross body for a near fall. Piper then hits another splash and a senton for another near fall. Toni hits a backstabber before Piper misses a cannonball in the corner, Toni hitting a running hip attack when she does. Piper then hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall before Toni hits a German suplex off of the second rope and a leg drop off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Piper Niven via pinfall

Kairi Sane vs Dakota Kai

They start the match off by exchanging wrist locks and flips before locking up and both missing a series of strikes before squaring off and playing to the crowd. Kairi hits a running blockbuster before Dakota whips her into the corner, but Kairi turns it around and chops her repeatedly. Dakota tosses Kairi off of the top rope for a quick two count before stomping on her and hitting a running knee in the corner for a near fall. They run the ropes before Kairi gets a misdirection and spears Dakota before chopping her and finishing with a dropkick to the back of Dakota when she's hanging in the ropes. Dakota sends Kairi into the corner and hits a running boot for a near fall before Dakota misses a double foot stomp off of the top rope, then Kairi hits a flying forearm off of the top rope for a near fall.

Dakota then drops Kairi with a roundhouse kick before Kairi hits an Alabama slam and finishes with an elbow off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kairi Sane via pinfall

Episode 8

Shayna Baszler vs Mercedes Martinez

Mercedes backs Shayna into the corner and beats on her before hitting her with right hands and chops in three of the four corners. Mercedes takes Shayna down before she comes back with a series of strikes in the corner and a series of gutwrench suplexes for a near fall. Shayna locks in a kneebar that Mercedes fights out of before Mercedes puts her in a variation of a cross face that she elbows her way out of. They exchange forearms on their knees before getting to their feet and Mercedes hits a fisherman's buster, but cannot capitalize as both women fall to the mat. Mercedes gets a near fall before hitting a series of Saito suplexes and a release German suplex before Shayna hits an inside out suplex and locks in the rear naked choke for the tap and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler via submission

Kairi Sane vs Toni Storm

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks, then grapple before they lock up and Kairi whips Toni into the corner before Toni slams her to the mat with an arm wrench. Toni drops Kairi with a European uppercut for a quick two count before they get out of the ring and Kairi hits a diving cross body off of the top rope and to the floor. They get back in the ring and Kairi gets a quick two count before locking in a Boston crab, but Toni manages to get to the ropes for the break. Toni hits a snap German suplex and a running hip attack in the corner before Kairi charges out of the corner and spears her. They get to their feet and exchange forearms before Kairi drops Toni with a double ax handle.

Toni hits Strong Zero for a near fall before Toni locks in an armbar, but Kairi turns it around and rolls her up for a quick two count. Toni drops Kairi before hitting a leg drop off of the top rope to the back of the back of Kairi before Kairi drops Toni with a back fist and locks in a submission. Kairi elbow drops the back of Toni before hitting a diving elbow drop off of the top rope for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kairi Sane via pinfall

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