
Ring of Honor Episode 310 Results Motor City Machine Guns vs The Young Bucks ROH Tag Team Championship Match & More!

Search & Destroy vs War Machine

They brawl as soon as the match starts, War Machine dominating immediately, tossing them around and splashing them in corners before Rowe suplexes Hanson onto both Jay White and Jonathan Gresham. SD come back and double team Hanson before Gresham takes him on by himself only to be dropped with a chop across the throat. Jay tags back in and gets a quick two count off of an elbow drop before hitting a running European uppercut in the corner for another quick two count. Hanson drops Jay with a clothesline before tagging Rowe in, Rowe hitting a shotgun dropkick before dropping Jay with a right hand and hitting a uranage with Gresham onto Jay. Jay then hits a tope to the outside onto Rowe after sending him out of the ring as we go to commercial.

War Machine are in control as we come back from commercial, Hanson hitting a series of running clotheslines in opposite corners before stopping to play to the crowd and hitting a double splash and bronco buster in the corner. Hanson tags Rowe back in before War Machine hit a springboard clothesline German suplex. SD come back and double team Rowe before Jay hits a dead lift German suplex for a near fall. SD hit a series of running moves to Rowe in the corner before Jay hits Hanson with a uranage that sends him out of the ring. Rowe takes out both Jay and Gresham single handedly before they come back with a brainbuster into a 450 splash for a near fall.

War Machine then come back with Thor’s Hammer to Gresham for the pin and the win.

Winner: War Machine via pinfall

Shane Taylor vs Josh Woods

Josh goes right after him with a flurry of offense before sending him out of the ring,. They brawl at ringside before Shane tosses Josh into the barricade as we go to commercial.

Shane tosses Josh into the corner as we come back from commercial before clotheslining him and tossing him nearly out of the ring. Shane manhandles Josh before stomping on him in the corner and hitting a running hip attack for a quick two count. Shane hits a Saito suplex for another quick two count before Shane comes back with a series of strikes. Shane drops Josh with a lariat before Josh puts him in a triangle before transitioning between it and an armbar. Josh hits a German suplex for a near fall before Shane drops Josh with a knee for a near fall.

Shane gets a chair out from under the ring before Josh rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Woods via pinfall

-After the match Shane destroys Josh before leaving as we go to commercial.

Motor City Machine Guns vs The Young Bucks ROH Tag Team Championship Match

Nick and Chris start the match off by exchanging wrist locks and flips before all four get in the ring and brawl until MCM clear the ring. MCM double team Nick for a quick two count before tagging in and out and double teaming Matt until the Bucks come back with a series of double team moves. The Bucks play to the crowd before taking out MCM at ringside and playing to the crowd more before getting back in the ring. Nick and Alex exchange strikes before the Bucks do a double sharpshooter before they get to the ropes for the break as we go to commercial.

The Bucks are in control as we come back from commercial until Shelley hits a reverse STO into the middle turnbuckle and tags Chris back in. Sabin takes out both Bucks, Matt in the ring and Nick on the outside before MCM double team Matt in the ring. Nick gets tagged in and takes out both members of MCM with a series of strikes before finishing up with a bulldog clothesline. The Bucks have a superkick party before The Addiction attack the Bucks for the disqualification.

Winner: The Young Bucks via disqualification 

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