
Triple H Names Biggest Standout Competitors In The Mae Young Classic

The first four episodes of WWE's women's tournament, the Mae Young Classic, will be available to binge watch on Monday morning at 9 am est. 

Triple H was recently interviewed by NBC Sports and singled out a few of the competitors that stood out to him when he finally saw them in person after having only seen the women on video.

"Jazzy Gabert from Germany was a real standout performer. I'd seen tape of her and was obviously aware of her, but when I saw her go in person, it's one of those things where sometimes when people see talent in other places they'd say 'Oh yeah we knew she was great too,' but when you bring them up for a big opportunity it's like the prize-fighter that's really good, but when he gets in the pressure of a world title match, he's just not what he should be. That level of pressure is different.

"Some of these girls did better, some didn't do as well, but certain ones thrived and Jazzy Gabert was one that really thrived. Bianca Belair, who hasn't been doing this for very long, has a level of poise that just blew me away. Shayna Baszler is somebody that I've seen begin to make the transition from MMA into what we do and sometimes that can be a rough transition.

"Xia Li is someone that a year ago didn't even know what WWE was, but when I saw her perform I was blown away. When she came back [through the curtain] she was bawling because I think she amazed herself.

"So there were a lot of those stories. People who came in that you knew had the ability, but when you saw them in person, they just came into their own. Some have been doing it for a long time. Mercedes Martinez is another one who I knew was good, but when I watched her go I was thoroughly impressed."

The Mae Young Classic's final match will be broadcast live on September 12 after SmackDown in Las Vegas.


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