
Aron Stevens: Cody Rhodes Has Always Had A Drive And Determination About Him

The former Damien Sandow discusses teaming with Cody Rhodes and where Rhodes is at in his career today. 

Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes teamed in WWE over a decade ago. At the time, Team Rhodes Scholars, as they were dubbed, was embroiled in a feud with Team Hell No, Kane & Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson). While the team never captured any gold and is probably most well-known for having their WrestleMania match cut from the WrestleMania 29 card, Aron Stevens believes that he and Cody were an underrated tag team. 

Speaking to Chris Van Vliet on the Insight podcast, Stevens said Cody Rhodes had always been as driven and determined as fans see today and he’s happy that Cody Rhodes has stayed true to himself all these years later. 

“Cody and I, we were I would say like in terms of the totality of wrestling, we were a very underrated tag team. If you look at what we did, the matches we’ve had with various people. We tagged for a minute. We traveled together and stuff, [did you win the titles?] I don’t think we did. Miz and I did. But no, Cody has always had a drive and a determination about him. I’m just very, very glad that he’s determined and again, taking the risks that he has, and staying true to who he is. I think that’s just wonderful. Because like when you see someone stay true to who they are, whatever that truth is because only they can define it, but they kind of reach the apex of what they would like to be and that’s awesome.” 

Ironically, one segment from Team Rhodes Scholars saw them get beaten up by The Rock. Eleven years later, Rhodes has a chance to finish his story and win the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship against Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40 and The Rock is standing in his way. 

Elsewhere in this interview, Stevens spoke about his relationship with The Miz. Read more here.

Thanks to Chris Van Vliet and his team for sending the above quotes.

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