
IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV Results 7/20 LAX Targets Alberto El Patron, Triple Threat X-Division Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV. After Alberto El Patron rejected Konnan's offer to join LAX, the Latin American Xchange look to set their eyes on Alberto and his title. Be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

Sammy Guevara vs Drago X-Cup First Round Match

They start the match off by doing a bunch of flips before Sammy sends Drago out of the ring and hits a shooting star press onto Drago on the floor. They get back in the ring and Drago hits a reverserrana for a quick two count before Sammy gets a near fall off of a 450 senton. Drago then hits a running DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drago via pinfall

Sienna vs Amber Nova

Amber goes after Sienna immediately, but Sienna hits a fall away slam before hitting a delayed suplex and the AK-47 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sienna via pinfall

-After the match Sienna calls out Karen before she comes out and the entire women's roster brawls. Karen then announces that Sienna will defend her title next week against Rosemary in a last knockouts standing match.

Idris Abraham, Demus & Trevor Lee vs Laredo Kid, Garza JR & Octagoncito

Garza starts with Lee before Lee quickly tags in Demus, Garza tagging in Octagoncito before the faces send the heels out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Demus is in control as we come back from commercial before he tags in Idris who gets a quick two count on Octagoncito. Lee tags in and tosses Octa around before Octa tags in Garza. The faces clear the ring again before diving over the top rope and to the floor before getting back in the ring and Garza sends Lee into Idris. Octa then hits a splash off of the top rope while standing on Garza's shoulders for the pin and the win.

Winner: Octagoncito via pinfall

-We have taped segment where Grado and Laurel go out on a date as we go to commercial. We also have several taped segments about LAX and how they kidnapped Alberto's family and more.

X-Division Triple Threat Match

Hijo and Matt double team Low-Ki to start the match before it quickly becomes every man for himself. Matt hits a spinning kick for a quick two count before hitting a shotgun dropkick in the corner. Low-Ki gets a quick two count off of a mule kick before he and Matt exchange strikes until Low-Ki sends Matt out of the ring. Low-Ki beats on Hijo in the corner before hitting a dropkick through the ropes onto Matt on the outside. Hijo then hits a tope to the outside onto Low-Ki as we go to commercial.

Matt hits a standing moonsault for a quick two count as we come back from commercial, then sends Low-Ki face first into the top turnbuckle. Hijo puts Matt in a surfboard stretch before Low-Ki hits a double foot stomp onto Matt who gets a quick two count as he falls on top of Hijo. Low-Ki then hits a double foot stomp to Hijo before Matt hits a shooting star press to Low-Ki for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal via pinfall

-After the match Matt gets on the mic and calls Bruce out to the ring. Bruce comes out to the ramp and says that there are plenty of people deserving of an X-Division title match before Lashley comes out and interrupts them. Lashley says that he deserves a world title shot, saying that he beat everyone before Matt interrupts him. Lashley then says that he deserves a title shot and will get one or he will destroy everyone in IMPACT before spearing Matt and leaving as we go to commercial.


-We come back from commercial to Grado and Laurel hanging out at night, the two looking up at the stars as we come back to the IMPACT zone.

Fatal Four Way Match

-Two guys from a show on POP TV square off with Eli before he gets out of the ring, the whole altercation stemming from Chris Adonis throwing a drink at them as we go to commercial.

Eli and Eddie start the match as Moose and EC3 brawl outside of the ring. Eddie sends Eli out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside. EC3 and Moose get back in the ring and exchange strikes before EC3 sends Moose back out of the ring. Eli hits a powerslam to Eddie before he and EC3 beat on Eddie, having a temporary truce for the time being. They start fighting before Eddie hits a double huricanrrana, then Moose gets back in the ring and takes out both of them in opposite corners. 

Moose hits a double clothesline before sending both EC3 and Eli out of the ring. Moose then drops Eddie with a right hand before powerbombing him out of the ring onto Eli and EC3. They get back in the ring and EC3 sends Eddie into the ring post before hitting the One Percenter, but Moose drags him out of the ring and Eli picks up the pin and the win.

Winner: Eli Drake via pinfall

-LAX then beat on Alberto's father and brother as we go to commercial.

-LAX beat on them in the ring with sticks as we come back from commercial until they try and unmask Alberto's father. Alberto comes out to the ring and LAX let his family go before he tells Konnan that they are no longer friends. Konnan gives Alberto a shirt to wear, Konnan giving him his word that if he joins they'll leave his family alone. Alberto then puts the shirt on before attacking LAX with the same stick they used on his family before they leave as we go off the air.

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