
WWE 205 Live Results 7/18 Mustafa Ali vs Drew Gulak 2 out of 3 Falls Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE 205 Live where tonight in our main event Mustafa Ali looks to finally settle the score with Drew Gulak in a two out of three falls match and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST after Smackdown Live for an hour showcasing the WWE Cruiserweight division!

Mustafa Ali vs Drew Gulak 2 out of 3 Falls Match

They start the match by exchanging standing switches and hammer locks before Ali gets out of a headlock and gets a quick two count off of a roll up. Ali then gets the first fall off of a unique pin attempt, Drew getting frustrated at ringside. Drew takes control of the match momentarily before Ali hits a dropkick for a quick two count. Ali then rolls Drew up for another quick two count before Drew dumps him over the top rope and to the floor. Drew puts Ali back in the ring and gets a quick two count before stomping on him in the corner repeatedly while yelling at him.

Ali comes back and hits an enzuigiri into a rolling neckbreaker before Drew rolls out of the ring, but Ali goes right after him. Ali hits a huricanrrana at ringside before rolling him back into the ring, then gets on the top rope, but Drew yanks him off. Drew then locks in a dragon sleeper for the tap and the second fall. Ali then goes for a frankensteiner, but Gulak catches him and powerbombs him for a near fall. Ali then hits a reverse frankensteiner before Gulak rolls out of the ring to recover, Ali hitting a flipping senton off of the top rope immediately after.

Gulak counters a tornado DDT into a suplex into the corner for a near fall, then Gulak turns him inside out with a lariat for another near fall. Ali then hits a frankensteiner when he catches Gulak on the top rope before hitting an inverted 450 Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali via pinfall

-We then have Akira Tozawa and Apollo Crews talking backstage as we see The Brian Kendrick making his way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

The Brian Kendrick vs Enhancement Talent

Kendrick beats the guy down to start the match before suplexing him, then chokes him in the ropes. The guy hits Kendrick with a right hand, but is turned inside out with a lariat before Kendrick locks in the Captain's Hook for the tap and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick via submission

-We then get an interview segment with TJP as we see how he got into a competition to see who could beat someone faster last week. 

Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari

Tozawa chops Daivari before dropping him with a right hand and a dropkick. Daivari starts focusing on the injured shoulder of Tozawa before whipping him hard across the ring and into the corner repeatedly. Daivari then wraps the arm of Akira around the ring post for a quick two count. Akira gets out of the ring to regroup, but Daivari is all over him, Daivari putting his arm between the ring steps. Akira gets out of way and comes back with a series of kicks before hitting a flipping senton to the outside and onto Ariya at ringside. 

They get back in the ring and Tozawa manages to get the pin and the win after a series of attempts between the two.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

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