
NJPW G1 Climax 27 Day 4 Results: Okada Faces Elgin In The Main Event & Bullet Club Collide

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 27 Day 4. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Kazuchika Okada def. Michael Elgin

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Kenny Omega def. Tama Tonga

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Minoru Suzuki def. Sanada

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Evil def. Juice Robinson

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Toru Yano def. Satoshi Kojima

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi) def. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens)

Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka def. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuya Kitamura

Suzuki-Gun (El Desparado & Zack Sabre Jr.) def. Chaos (Jado & Yoshi-Hashi)

David Finlay, Kota Ibushi & Togi Makabe def. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Gedo)

Match By Match Recap

David Finlay, Kota Ibushi & Togi Makabe vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Gedo)

The match begins with Ishii working a headlock against Ibushi, Ishii and Ibushi have a forearm strike exchange in the middle of the ring. Ibushi eventually drops Ishii and he waits for him to get up to hit him with more forearm strikes, Ishii recovers and nails Ibushi with a power slam. Ishii traps Ibushi in the corner before nailing him with more strikes, Gedo tags in and he works with Ishii to nail Ibushi with a double shoulder tackle. Goto tags in and he nails a downed Ibushi with a kick to the back, Goto alos briefly holds Ibushi in the single leg crab. Goto follows that up by nailing a cornered Ibushi with a running clothesline, Ibushi finally drops a charging Goto with a drop kick.

Makabe tags in and he drops a charging Goto with a shoulder tackle, Makabe traps Goto in the corner before nailing him with a plethora of strikes. Makabe catches Goto with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Makabe then drops Goto with a running clothesline. Finlay and Gedo get the tags from their respective partners, Finlay nails Gedo with some running European uppercuts. Ishii hits the ring and he eats a springboard drop kick from Ibushi that knocks him out of the ring, Ibushi then hits Ishii with a suicide dive. Finlay catches Gedo with a stunner for the three count.

Winners: David Finlay, Kota Ibushi & Togi Makabe

Chaos (Jado & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (El Desparado & Zack Sabre Jr.)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between all the competitors in the match, Desparado and Jado exchange shoulder tackles in the ring. Sabre Jr and Yoshi-Hashi continue battling on the arena floor, Sabre Jr hits the ring to double team Jado with Desparado. Sabre Jr tags in and he nails Jado with a running European uppercut in the corner, Sabre Jr catches Jado in a triangle choke. Yoshi-Hashi eventually hits the ring to break up the submission attempt, Desparado tags in and he eats a clothesline from Jado. Yoshi-Hashi and Sabre Jr get the tags from their respective partners, Yoshi-Hashi nails a swinging Sabre Jr with a spinning mule kick.

Yoshi-Hashi traps Sabre Jr on the top rope before landing a drop kick, Sabre Jr recovers and nails Yoshi-Hashi with a few kicks to the arm. Desparado tags in and he is immediately nailed with a neck breaker from Yoshi-Hashi, Jado tags in and he double teams Desparado with Yoshi-Hashi. Jado then hits Desparado with a rope assisted DDT for a near fall, Sabre Jr interferes and he nails Jado with a middle rope enzaguri. Sabre Jr then hits Jado with a running European uppercut, Desparado hits Jado with a spear and then the Angel’s Wings for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (El Desparado & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuya Kitamura vs. Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka

The match begins with Tanahashi and Nagata doing a little chain wrestling, Nagata starts attacking Tanahashi with a few kicks. Nagata then drops Tanahashi with a boot to the face, Kitamura and Oka get the tags from their respective partners. Kitamura and Oka do a lot of chain wrestling with nobody getting an advantage, Oka starts going to work on the arm of Kitamura. Nagata tags in and he kicks away at the injured arm of Kitamura, Nagata then attacks Kitamura with a few kicks. Kitamura blocks a kick and drops Nagata with a single chop, Oka tags in and he goes back to work on the arm of Kitamura.

Kitamura recovers and he nails Oka with a few chops, Kitamura and Oka start exchanging some shoulder tackles as well. Oka drops Kitamura with a shoulder tackle and he knocks Tanahashi off the apron as well, Kitamura then catches Oka with a suplex. Nagata and Tanahashi get the tags from their respective partners, Tanahashi drops an incoming Nagata with a flying forearm strike. Tanahashi then catches Nagata with a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall, Nagata catches a swinging Tanahashi with an exploder suplex. Nagata then locks Tanahashi in the Fujiwara arm bar until Kitamura breaks it all up, Tanahashi nails a kicking Nagata with a dragon screw leg whip.

Kitamura tags in and he catches Nagata with some forearm strikes, Kitamura nails Nagata with a dead lift German suplex for a near fall. Kitamura locks Nagata in the Torture Rack until Oka breaks it all up, Nagata recovers and he drops Kitamura with an enzaguri. Nagata nails Kitamura with a belly to back suplex for a three count.

Winners: Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

The match begins with Fale teasing the fans before just tagging Owens in, a brawl then breaks out between everybody in the match. Hiromu stays in the ring to battle Owens while the rest brawl on the arena floor, Bushi hits the ring and he nails Owens with a missile drop kick. Bushi takes off his shirt and he chokes Owens with it, Hiromu starts focusing his attack on the leg of Owens. Another brawl breaks out on the arena floor between everybody in the match, Fale grabs the stuffed cat of Hiromu and he tears it apart as Naito goes through the table. Hiromu and Owens are in the ring as Owens focuses on the leg of Hiromu, Owens catches Hiromu with an atomic drop to the injured leg.

Yujiro tags in and he catches Hiromu with a running leg drop for a near fall, Yujiro drops Hiromu before catching him with a running low drop kick. Hiromu recovers and he drops Yujiro with a dragon screw leg whip, Fale and Naito get the tags from their respective partners. Naito trips up Fale before landing a slingshot drop kick to the face, Fale then drops Naito and Bushi with a double shoulder tackle. Owens hits the ring and he nails Naito with a running knee strike for a near fall, Yujiro and Owens double team Naito in the ring. Owens goes for the package pile drive and Naito escapes to land an enzaguri, Bushi catches Owens with a low blow and Naito rolls him up for the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi)

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Satoshi Kojima vs. Toru Yano

The match begins with Yano shooting some water at Kojima, yano then catches an angry Kojima with a back slide for a near fall. Yano runs out of the ring and Tenzan distracts him, the distraction allows Kojima to attack and work over Yano. Kojima brings Yano back into the ring and he stomps away on him, Kojima then cracks Yano with a neck breaker. Yano recovers and he starts playing his tricks against Kojima, Kojima goes right back to the attack against Yano. Yano recovers and he throws Kojima out of the ring, Yano then tosses Kojima into the barricade before grabbing a turnbuckle pad to hit him with multiple times.

Yano waits for Kojima to return to the ring before tossing him into the exposed turnbuckle, Yano catches Kojima with a hip toss for a near fall. Kojima recovers and he attacks Yano with some Mongolian chops, Kojima then throws Yano into the exposed corner. Kojima follows that up by attacking Yano with his patented chops, Kojima looks for his top rope elbow drop and Yano rolls across the ring to escape. Kojima comes off the ropes and then he crushes Yano with a DDT, Yano rolls out of the ring and Kojima catches him with a dive. Kojima eventually catches Yano with a DDT on the arena floor, Kojima tosses Yano back into the ring before nailing him with an top rope elbow drop for a near fall.

Kojima follows that up by leveling Yano with a Koji Cutter, Kojima looks for the lariat and Yano uses a hair pull to stop him. Kojima then connects with a short arm clothesline on Yano, Yano gets the referee to distract Kojima before nailing him with two low blows and then a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Toru Yano

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Juice Robinson vs. Evil

The match begins with Robinson nailing Evil with a drop kick and a cannonball as the bell rings, Evil rolls out of the ring and Robinson catches him with a suicide dive. Robinson then grabs Evil and he throws him into the barricade, Robinson traps Evil on the barricade before nailing him with short arm clothesline strikes. Evil recovers and he throws Robinson into the barricade, Evil then clotheslines Robinson over the barricade and into the crowd. Evil waits for Robinson to get back into the ring before catching him with a curb stomp and senton bomb for the near fall, Evil slows things down by holding Robinson in a chin lock.

Robinson fights back and he eventually drops Evil with a leg lariat, Robinson then starts working over Evil with his patented jabs before landing a DDT. Robinson follows that up by nailing Evil with a senton bomb for a near fall, Robinson goes to the top rope and Evil crotches him. Evil then crushes Robinson with a running clothesline in the corner, Robinson and Evil exchange strikes until Robinson catches him with a spine buster. Robinson goes back to the top rope and Robinson nails him with a diving headbutt for a near fall, Evil recovers and nails Robinson with a fisherman buster suplex into the corner. Robinson eats a few shots before crushing a charging Evil with a lariat, Robinson then hits Evil with a power bomb for a near fall.

Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Evil counters with a release German suplex, Evil then hits Robinson with a headbutt before eating a left. Robinson goes for Pulp Friction again and Evil counters with a release dragon suplex, Evil then crushes Robinson with a lariat for a near fall. Evil then nails Robinson with an STO for the three count.

Winner: Evil

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Minoru Suzuki vs. Sanada

The match begins with Sanada nails Suzuki with a plethora of forearm strikes, Sanada traps Suzuki in the corner while choking him with his foot. Sanada looks for a springboard move before Suzuki trips him up and locks him in the arm bar, Sanada rolls to the ring apron and Suzuki knocks him to the arena floor with a penalty kick. Suzuki grabs Sanada and he drags him into the crowd, Suzuki grabs a chair and he attacks Sanada with it. Suzuki goes back to the ring and he just waits for Sanada to get back into the ring, Suzuki then nails Sanada with a kick to the face before throwing him back out of the ring.

Suzuki again throws Sanada into the barricade before nailing him with a few strikes, Suzuki then tosses Sanada back into the ring. Sanada tries fighting back and Suzuki drops him with a single forearm strike, Sanada starts fighting back again and he catches Suzuki with a low drop kick. El Desparado interferes and Sanada takes care of him quickly, Sanada then hits Suzuki with a springboard drop kick. Sanada looks for the paradise lock and Suzuki catches him with an arm bar, Suzuki releases the hold and he looks for a penalty kick. Sanada blocks the kick and he nails Suzuki with a dragon screw leg whip, Suzuki recovers and he goes for the arm bar on Sanada.

Sanada escapes and he locks Suzuki in a paradise lock before landing a drop kick, Sanada then hits Suzuki with a rope assisted enzaguri for a near fall. Suzuki escapes the Skull End and he locks Sanada in a sleeper hold, Suzuki then goes for the Gotch style pile driver and Sanada escapes. Suzuki again goes for the rear naked choke and Sanada catches him with a Saito suplex followed by a TKO for a near fall, Suzuki recovers and he applies the sleeper hold to Sanada again. Suzuki then hits Sanada with a Gotch style pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Kenny Omega vs. Tama Tonga

The match begins with Tonga jumping Omega before the bell sounds, Omega gets angry and he attacks Tonga as well. Tonga recovers and he knocks Omega out of the ring with a drop kick, Tonga then tosses Omega into the barricade. Tonga follows that up by dropping Omega with a clothesline on the arena floor, Tonga then crushes Omega with a flapjack onto the ring apron. Tonga grabs the microphone and he mocks Omega as the leader of the Bullet Club, Tonga then hits Omega with an avalanche splash in the corner. Tonga then attacks Omega with some headbutts to the back, Omega tries fighting back and Tonga kicks him in his injured leg.

Tonga follows that up by dropping Omega with a neck breaker, Tonga grabs the injured leg of Tonga and just kicks away at it. Tonga would then just nail the injured leg of Omega with a DDT, Tonga traps the leg of Omega in the ropes while kicking away at it. Tonga misses a charge to the corner and Omega nails him with a clothesline afterwards, Omega follows that up by nailing Tonga with a Kitaro Crusher for a near fall. Tonga fights back and Omega uses a hurricarana to knock him to the area floor, Omega goes for a suicide dive and he takes out everybody from Bullet Club that was at ringside. Omega throws Tonga back in the ring before landing a missile drop kick for a near fall, Omega then hits Tonga with a doctor bomb for a near fall.

Tonga recovers and he catches a charging Omega with a spear, Tonga and Omega have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Tonga then cracks Omega with a pele kick before eating a few V Triggers, Omega goes for the One Winged Angel and Tonga counters with a Tongan Twist. Tonga goes for the Gun Stun and Omega counters with a snap dragon suplex into a V Trigger. Omega nails the One Winged Angel for the three count.

Winner: Kenny Omega

NJPW G1 Climax 27 Block B: Michael Elgin vs. Kazuchika Okada

The match begins with Elgin powering Okada into the corner and then backing away, Elgin then cracks Okada with a few chops. Okada looks for a few moves and Elgin uses his power to stay standing, Elgin then knocks Okada out of the ring with a clothesline. Elgin charges at Okada and Okada propels him over the barricade and into the crowd, Okada dives over the barricade and Elgin catches him before tossing him back over the barricade to the arena floor. Elgin tosses Okada back into the ring to get a near fall on the pin attempt, Elgin eats a boot to the face before slamming Okada. Elgin misses a slingshot splash and Okada nails him with a drop kick afterwards, Okada drags Elgin out of the ring and he tosses him into the barricade.

Okada throws Elgin back into the ring and he plants him with a neck breaker, Okada slows things down by holding Elgin in the strange hold. Elgin eventually breaks the hold and he nails a leaping Okada with a German suplex, Elgin then crushes Okada with a series of running clotheslines in the corner. Elgin then attacks Okada with a series of German suplexes. Elgin then nails Okada with a straight jacket suplex for a near fall, Elgin follows that up by nailing Okada with a jumping front kick and forearm strike. Okada recovers by nailing a charging Elgin with a flapjack, Okada follows that up by nailing Elgin with a DDT. Okada then drop Elgin with a forearm strike for a near fall, Okada looks for the modified neck breaker and he winds up catching Elgin with an enzaguri.

Elgin recovers and he catches Okada with a power slam, Elgin traps Okada in the corner and he assaults him with afew chops. Elgin then places Okada on the top rope and he places him up there, Okada knocks Elgin off the ropes and he gets off himself. Elgin then nails a charging Okada with a forearm strike, Okada recovers and he nails Elgin with a modified neck breaker. Okada then catches a downed Elgin with a top rope elbow drop, Okada goes for the Rainmaker and Elgin backs him into the corner, Elgin climbs the ropes and Okada knocks him to the arena floor after landing an enzaguri. Elgin goes back in the ring and he catches a leaping Okada with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Elgin then clobbers Okada with a series of clothesline strikes.

Okada recovers and looks for a tombstone pile driver and Elgin escapes to nail him with an enzaguri, Okada recovers again and he nails Elgin with a German suplex. Okada looks for the Rainmaker again and Elgin escapes before eating another enzaguri, Okada goes for the Rainmaker and Elgin destroys him with a lariat of his own. Elgin then nails Okada with another lariat and a super sit out power bomb for a near fall, Elgin looks for the buckle bomb and Okada escapes. Elgin gets angry and he just levels Okada with a forearm strike that knocks him to the ring apron, Elgin looks for the superplex and Okada escapes to get back into the ring. Elgin leaps off the top rope and Okada catches him with a drop kick, Okada looks for the tombstone pile driver again and Elgin escapes to place him on the ring apron.

Elgin then clobbers Okada with a few forearm strikes before going to the middle rope, Okada knocks Elgin off the ropes. Okada goes to the top rope and Elgin meets him up there, Elgin then plants Okada with a superplex for a near fall. Elgin then hits Okada with a buckle bomb and another sit out power bomb for another near fall, Elgin goes for the burning hammer and Okada escapes to nail him with a few Rainmakers. Elgin escapes a Rainmaker to hit Okada with a spinning back fist, Okada recovers to hit Elgin with a tombstone pile driver followed by the Rainmaker for the three count.

Winner: Kazuchika Okada

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