
IMPACT Wrestling on POP TV Results 7/13 Moose vs Naomichi Marufuji for the IMPACT Grand Championship & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on Pop TV! Tonight we have a great show as the Super X Cup gets underway as ACH faces Andrew Everett, and in our main event for the first time ever, Moose will face off against Pro Wrestling NOAH's resident ace, Naomichi Marufuji when he defends his IMPACT Grand Championship! Be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

-We open the show with a taped segment with Grado and Joseph Park backstage talking before Joseph says that he can stay in the country if he marries an American citizen. Park then says that Grado can marry one of the Knockouts tonight. 

-LAX come out and Konnan gets on the mic and introduces Alberto El Patron; Alberto reluctantly coming to the ring. Alberto talks about his friendship with Konnan over the years before saying that Konnan said he joined LAX without his consent. Konnan then talks about how the Latin American greats were shortchanged by various companies and the trouble he had with the former owners of IMPACT. Alberto says he understands what he wants to do, but doesn't agree with how he wants to do it. Alberto says that he was a loner in Japan and he wants to remain one in IMPACT, but Konnan says that he's no longer alone and that they are his family.

Alberto rejects their offer before LAX beat him down until Lashley comes down and saves Alberto to the surprise of everyone in the arena.

ACH vs Andrew Everett

They shake hands to start the match before showing off their speed and athleticism by doing a bunch of flips. They counter each other before ACH hits a back flipping dropkick for a quick two count. Everett hits a running forearm in the corner before following up with a springboard dropkick. Everett hits an asai moonsault onto ACH on the floor before putting him back in the ring. ACH hits a double foot stomp among others in a matter of seconds before sending Everett out of the ring.

ACH puts him back in the ring and turns him inside out with a lariat before Everett comes back with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. Everett then hits a superkick before ACH hits a vertical drop brainbuster for the pin and the win. 

Winner: ACH via pinfall

-Gail Kim then comes out to the ring and announces that this will be her last year and she will retire at the end of the year. Next Chris Adonis invites two guys from a show on POP TV into the ring before they have a flex off; showing off their muscles. Eli Drake then comes out to the ring and he and Chris argue with the guys before officials come out and break them up as we go to commercial.

Demus vs Octagoncito

Demus drops Octa repeatedly before Octa hits a huricanrrana that sends Demus out of the ring. Octa then hits a springboard corkscrew moonsault off of the apron before they get back in the ring and Octa hits a diving cross body for a quick two count. Demus hits a powerslam for a near fall, then hits a spinebuster for another near fall before hitting a running knee. Octa hits a springboard huricanrrana that sends Demus out of the ring before hitting a springboard moonsault off of the top rope to the floor. Octa puts Demus back into the ring and rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Octagoncito via pinfall

-We then get a video package where Grado tries to get a date before we have a video package for Matt Sydal. 

Moose vs Naomichi Marufuji IMPACT Grand Championship Match

Round 1

They shake hands as the match starts before Moose drops Maru after powering out of a headlock before Moose drops Maru with a boot after several counters between the two. Moose chops Maru before hitting a huge back drop for a quick two count, then Maru comes back with a series of knife were chops. Moose then hits a powerbomb and a senton for a near fall before hitting Maru with European uppercuts and chops as the round ends.

Round 1 goes to Moose

Round 2

Moose hits a boot to start the round, but Maru gets out of way of a diving cross body before hitting a series of knife edge chops and a question mark kick for a near fall. Maru chops Moose more before hitting a running, jumping back elbow only to be dropped with another boot out of nowhere. Moose then dropkicks Maru off of the top rope and to the floor as the round ends just as soon as Maru gets back in the ring.

Round 2 goes to Marufuji

Round 3

Maru hits a series chops before Moose whips him in the corner and hits a hesitation dropkick for a near fall before Maru hits a question mark kick and a series of bicycle knees before EC3 gets in the ring and lays him out with the ring bell.

Winner: No contest due to interference

-Next we get a video package where LAX talk about wanting to send Alberto to the hospital, then beat him up in the hospital. Trevor Lee then comes out to the ring with the X-Division belt he stole last week.

Trevor Lee vs William Weeks

Weeks slaps Lee before Lee hits a powerslam, then a PK from the apron after he sends him out of the ring. Lee puts Weeks back into the ring before hitting a double foot stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trevor Lee via pinfall

-After the match Sonjay Dutt comes out and tries to get his belt back, but Lee escapes with the belt once more as we go to commercial.

Laurel Van Ness vs Ava Story

Ava gets a series of quick two counts to start the match match, then rolls her around the ring repeatedly. Laurel stomps and chokes Ava in the corner before choking her in the ropes to the count of four. Laurel misses a boot, Ava hitting a leg sweep before sending Laurel out of the ring. They then get back in the ring and Laurel hits a draping DDT and a curb stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Laurel Van Ness via pinfall

-Grado then comes out to the ring with Joseph Park dancing before Grado asks Laurel out on a date. Laurel then starts to accept before Kongo Kong comes out to the ring, Grado and Joseph Park leaving as soon as he gets in the ring as we go to commercial.

LAX (Santana & Ortiz) vs Lashley & Alberto El Patron

Lashley starts it off with Ortiz, throwing him around the ring for a quick two count. Alberto tags in and hits a snapmare into a dropkick, then a series of punches in the corner. Ortiz comes back with a superkick before tagging in Santana, Santana taking control of Alberto as we go to commercial.

LAX are in control as we come back from commercial, Santana stomping on Alberto in the corner after sending Lashley to the floor. Alberto then hits a reverse suplex off of the top rope for a quick two count before tagging Lashley in. Lashley comes in and takes out Santana with a shoulder tackle before hitting a powerslam to Santana for a near fall. The rest of LAX distract Lashley before beating on him at ringside, then Ortiz rolls him back into the ring for a quick two count. Lashley tags Alberto back in, Alberto dropping Santana repeatedly for a quick two count. Lashley and Alberto then send Ortiz over the top rope before double teaming Ortiz for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alberto El Patron via pinfall

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