
Velveteen Confirms Fightful Report, Debunks Rumors That He Was At The WWE PC

Velveteen Dream is not heading back to WWE.

On Tuesday, Twitter user BoozerRasslin/BWE tweeted a rumor that Patrick Clark, formerly WWE’s Velveteen Dream had been in rehab and had visited the WWE Performance Center as recently as Monday. However, Fightful Select quickly debunked that, as WWE adamantly denied that Clark was at the PC. A dozen talent and staff who worked there also denied it.

On Monday night, Patrick Clark himself denied it in an Instagram story

I AM NOT IN A REHABILITATION FACILITY NOR HAVE I VISITED ORLANDO FLORIDA – THE WWE PERFORMANCE CENTER -OR ANY WWE EVENTS OR FACILITIES I encourage all wrestling media and platforms to highlight the women and men who put together awesome weekly television! And not waste time publishing and pushing false narratives and fake news about me! I haven’t contributed anything to your line of entertainment in YEARS! Please do better and use your platforms to showcase the bright and prominent future that is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING.

Dream’s name has not been broached within WWE, and has not been considered for a return. We’ve also been told that he hasn’t really considered one himself.

You can find out much more at Fightful Select.

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