
AEW All Out (9/3/2023) Results: Jon Moxley vs Orange Cassidy, Omega vs Takeshita, Strap Match & More

Results for the 9/3/2023 edition of AEW All Out from Chicago, Illinois.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/3/2023 edition of AEW All Out from the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


AEW All Out (9/3/2023).

  • TNT Championship Match: Luchasaurus (c) (w/ Christian Cage) vs. Darby Allin (w/ Nick Wayne).
  • Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro.
  • TBS Championship Match: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Ruby Soho.
  • AEW International Championship Match: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley.
  • Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis).
  • The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler vs. Bullet Club Gold (Juice Robinson, Jay White, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn).
  • ROH Tag Team Championship Match: Better Than You Bay Bay (Adam Cole & MJF) (c) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) (w/ Evil Uno).
  • ROH World Television Championship Match: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shane Taylor.
  • Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta).
  • Strap Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks.
  • Zero Hour – AEW World Trios Championship Match: Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) (w/ Dennis Rodman) vs. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh (w/ Karen Jarrett & Sonjay Dutt).
  • Zero Hour: Athena, Mercedes Martinez, & Diamante vs. Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Zero Hour.

– RJ City & Renee Paquette previewed the card for the show before transitioning to a promo from Bryan Danielson. 

– Bryan Danielson cut a promo backstage ahead of his Strap Match against Ricky Starks. Danielson talked about his experience with Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat before saying that he was disappointed Starks wanted to challenge a 70-year-old man. Danielson said that the last time he was in a strap match, it was against someone he loved. (“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt back in Royal Rumble 2020) and they beat the shit out of each other. Danielson stated that he did not like Starks, so Starks should imagine how it would go.

– Lexy Nair interviewed The Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage, Kaun, Toa Linoa & Prince Nana), where Nana stated that he would donate the money to the Mogul Embassy Charity. 

– After that promo, Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuiness & Excalibur transitioned into the opening contest. 

Over the Budget Battle Royal.

Tony Nese came to the ring and ran down on the Chicago crowd before suggesting to cancel the match to host some group Training. Nese was going push-ups, but he was immediately tossed out of the ring by Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor). The Embassy brawled with Dalton Castle & The Boys (Brandon & Brent Tate) before they were caught with a Rope Walk Dive on Komander to the outside. Meanwhile, in the ring, Serpentico tried to take out Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker; however, The Snakeman was tossed to the outside for the elimination. Shawn Spears attacked Hager in the corner, but he was pulled by Daniel Garcia. Spears & Garcia had a taunt off  while Garcia danced Furiously, but they were stopped by Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher).

After having a dance-off with Garcia, Spears was tossed by Aussie Open for elimination. Komander fought off the Embassy, but they hit Komander with a Powerbomb before tossing him out of the ring for elimination. Angelo Parker tried to eliminate Dalton Castle, but The Boys saved Castle. Parker was caught by The Boys, but the Boys dropped on his feet for the elimination; however, Cage caught Castle with a lariat for the elimination. Garcia tossed Martin out of the match to eliminate him from the match. Taylor fought Kaun at the apron, but Linoa tossed him out of the ring for the elimination. Kaun was eliminated by Page with a lariat. 

On the other side of the ring, Scorpio Sky eliminated Matt Menard & Jake Hager. Trent Beretta & Adam Page teamed up to eliminate Mark Davis from the match, while Sky tossed Garcia out to eliminate him. Sky tried to fight off Linoa, but Cage caught him with a lariat before tossing him out of the ring. Cage, Linoa & Fletcher brawled with Action Andretti, Beretta & Page. Andretti held onto the top rope after being pushed by Fletcher, but Fletcher caught him with a Running Kick to eliminate him. Fletcher brawled with Beretta on the apron, but Beretta caught him with a Half-and-half Suplex to send him out of the ring. 

Page tried to make the save for Beretta, but Linoa caught him with a vicious POUNCE, leading to Cage eliminate Beretta from the match. Cage & Linoa tried to double-team Page, but Page hit a Buckshot Lariat on Linoa before clotheslining him out of the ring. Cage hit a Neck breaker on Cage before tossing him into the apron, but Page held on to the ropes. Cage got on the apron and went for a Piledriver on Page, but Page reversed by hitting the Deadeye on Cage onto the apron for the win. 

Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page.

Athena, Mercedes Martinez, & Diamante (w/ Billie Starks) vs. Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue.

The match began with Athena tossing Diamante onto Willow. Athena argued with Martinez & Diamante before Blue caught them with a dive to the outside. Back in the ring, Shida caught Diamante with a series of jabs before hitting her with a Missile Dropkick. Blue tagged in and hit a Rising Knee Strike on Diamante, but Martinez caught Blue with a forearm. Diamante & Martinez cornered Blue before hitting a gutbuster/ neckbreaker combo on Blue. Martinez, Blue & Athena had Blue stuck in the corner, with Martinez & Diamante hitting a Snapmare into a Splash on Blue. 

Blue hit a chin breaker on Diamante, but Diamante responded with a lariat on Blue. Martinez tagged in and hit a chop on Blue, but that led to Athena getting the blind tag. Athena came to the ring and immediately stomped away at Blue before hitting a series of slaps. Blue tried to tag in, but Athena caught her with a Fireman’s Carry before connecting a Powerbomb for a near fall. As Athena argued with Martinez & Diamante tagged in. Willow came in and hit a series of lariats, a big boot, and slamming Athena to the corner. Diamante tagged in and hit a Sliced Bread on Willow, but Shida caught her with a Falcon Arrow. Martinez laid out Shida, but Blue caught her with a Thrust Kick.

Blue went for a dive, but Martinez caught her and hit a Spider German. Willow hit a Cannonball on Martinez, but Athena caught her with the O-Face, but Athena was stopped by being confronted by Hikaru Shida. Shida & Athena exchanged strikes, but they were pulled out of the ring by Blue & Diamante respectively. Athena tried to confront Blue, but Willow caught her with a POUNCE. Back in the ring, Blue & Willow hit a Thrust Kick/ Death Valley Driver combo on Diamante before Blue hit Diamante with the Code Blue for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue.

– RUSH was in a vignette with Dralistico & Preston Vance. RUSH said that LFI was here to humiliate and that it was time to leave a mark in AEW, saying that they would now bring the violence. 

AEW World Trios Championship Match.

“Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn & The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) (w/ Dennis Rodman) vs. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh (w/ Karen Jarrett & Sonjay Dutt).

The match began with an all out Brawl in the ring, with Caster dropping Jeff Jarrett with a chop. Caster & Bowens caught Jarrett before hitting him with the Scissors Me Timbers. Lethal distracted Caster long enough to allow Singh to hit a lariat on Caster. Jeff Jarrett gained control of the bout before Lethal tagged in and hit a neckbreaker on Caster. Jarrett tagged in and hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Caster before hitting him with a Back Suplex. Lethal & Bowens tagged in, with Bowens hitting a dropkick on Singh’s legs, a series of slaps on Lethal, and a thrust kick. Bowens ducked under Lethal before tagging in Gunn.

Gunn laid in a series of jabs on Lethal & Jarrett, but Singh caught him with a big boot. Karen Jarrett tried to attack Gunn with the Guitar, but the referee (Audrey Edwards) kicked Jarett out of the match. This brief incident allowed Dennis Rodman to get the Guitar and hit Singh with the Guitar. With the opening made, this allowed Gunn to hit Lethal with the Fam-Asser. Bowens then hit the Arrival on Lethal before Caster hit the Mic Drop for the pinfall win. 

Main Show. 

– Excalibur, Nigel McGuiness & Kevin Kelly (with more joining throughout the broadcast) welcomed the audience to the main broadcast before transitioning into the opening match. 

ROH Tag Team Championship Match.

Better Than You Bay Bay (Adam Cole & MJF) (c) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) (w/ Evil Uno).

Cole & Silver began the match locking up before exchanging holds. Cole extended his hand to adhere to the code of honor with Silver, but Silver hit a gutkick before doing the “Budge” taunt. The two ran the ropes before Cole hit a pump kick on Silver. MJF & Cole went for a Double Clothesline on Silver, but Reynolds pulled Silver out of the ring. Reynolds tagged in, which led to MJF tagging too. MJF extended his hand to his mentor, but MJF poked Reynolds’s eyes. 

MJF & Reynolds ran the ropes before MJF did the Strut and tripped Reynolds. MJF went for the Kangaroo Kick, but Silver attacked MJF from behind. MJF hit a Shoulder tackle on MJF, but MJF aggravated his neck before rolling out of the ring. Cole tried to check on MJF, but Silver attacked Cole from behind. Evil Uno argued with the referee, which allowed Reynolds to hit MJF with a chair from behind on MJF’s injured neck. Because of the injury, MJF was sent to the back to be medically checked.

Cole fought off Reynolds & Silver, but Silver caught him with an uppercut. Silver hit a lariat on Cole before getting a lateral press on Cole, but Cole kicked out. Silver sent Cole to the outside with a Forearm Shiver before doing for a dive, but Cole caught him with a Thrust Kick mid-air before hitting a Thrust Kick on Reynolds. Cole got a roll-up on Silver, but Silver caught him with three kicks before hitting a Fisherman’s Buster for a near fall. Reynolds tagged in and hit a big boot on Cole for a near fall before tossing him out of the ring. Evil Uno attacked Cole on the outside before tossing him into the barricade. 

Back in the ring, Cole fought off Silver & Reynolds before catching Silver with a Ushigoroshi. Cole looked to see if MJF was available to tag in, but Evil uno flicked him off. Reynolds & Silver then hit the Wombo Combo on Cole to get the pin, but Cole kicked out. Silver & Reynolds picked Cole up and hit the Double Clothesline on Cole to get the pin, but COle kicked out. Reynolds tried to hit Cole with a title belt, but Cole caught him with a Helluva Kick and laid out Silver with a Thrust Kick before MJF finally arrived and tagged in.

MJF came in with the hot tag on Reynolds & Silver before slamming their heads onto each other, slamming Silver’s head into the top turnbuckle, and punching Reynolds’s head in the corner. MJF slammed Reynolds into Silver’s yam-bag before hitting Silver & Reynolds with the Kangaroo Kick. Evil Uno got onto the apron, but Cole caught him with a Thrust kick to take him out of the match. MJF & Cole then hit Reynolds with the Double Clothesline for the pinfall win. 

Winners & STILL ROH Tag Team Champions: MJF & Adam Cole.

– After the match, Samoa Joe shoved MJF on his way to the ring for his match, but MJF responded by attacking Joe in the ring. A group of referees & security guards came to the ring to stop them from fighting. 

ROH World Television Championship Match.

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shane Taylor.

The match began with Joe hitting a series of jabs, but Taylor responded with a shoulder tackle before hitting a series of jabs of his own. Joe & Taylor continued to exchange strikes before Taylor dropped Joe with a vicious lariat. The two brawled on the outside, with Joe & Taylor exchanging chops & jabs. Back in the ring, Taylor hit a headbutt before hitting a Uranage and a Running Splash for a near fall. 

Taylor hit a jab on Joe, but Joe responded with an enziguri kick before hitting a Tope Suicida on Taylor to the outside. Back in the ring, Taylor hit a jab, but Joe responded with an Atomic Drop/ Big Boot/ Senton combo for a near fall. Joe hit a series of strikes on Taylor, but Taylor evaded the strikes before catching Joe with a lariat for a near fall. Joe got on the apron and slammed Taylor’s neck in the ropes, but Taylor reversed it by hitting a Hanging Stunner before hitting a Giant Splash on Joe for a near fall. 

Taylor hit two jabs & two lariats on Joe, but Joe responded with a vicious lariat of his own. The two exchanged jabs before Joe went for a backfist, but Taylor evaded and hit a series of body shots. Joe hit a jab before hitting a series of knee strikes on Taylor and locking in the Coquina Clutch for the submission win. 

Winner & STILL ROH Television Champion: Samoa Joe.

TNT Championship Match.

Luchasaurus (c) (w/ Christian Cage) vs. Darby Allin (w/ Nick Wayne).

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team for the match. 

Allin charged at Luchasaurs to send him out of the ring to begin the math. Allin & Luchasaurus brawled on the outside before Luchasaurus launched Allin into the barricade. Lchasaurus continued to attack Allin, slamming his head into the stairs , and busting Allin open from the forehead. Luchasaurus carried the bloody Allin and tossed him into the stairs with a Snake Eyes before slamming the stairs on Allin’s back. Luchasaurus then proceeded to walk over the stairs while the stairs were over Allin to get back in the ring. 

Allin got back in the ring, but Luchasaurus responded by hitting a slam on Allin for a near fall. Luchasaurus got Allin in the corner and hit a vicious chop before slamming him with an Irish Whip & biting Allin’s bloody head. Allin side-stepped out of the corner, but Luchasaurus caught him with a headbutt. Luchasaurus went for the Chokeslam, but Allin evaded and hit a O’Connor Roll followed by a Lionsault for a near fall. Allin went for a Dive on Luchasaurus, but the TNT Champion caught him with a headbutt mid-air. Luchasaurus continued to attack Allin’s injured back before catching him with a lariat through the ropes. 

Luchasaurus got on the apron, but Allin tripped him with tape before placing Luchasaurus in a chair and hitting a Tope Con Giro on Luchasaurus while was sitting on a chair. Back in the ring, Luchasaurus got Allin in a Torture Rack, but Allin reversed it with a Crucifix Bomb for a near fall. Allin went for a Coffin Drop, but Luchasaurus caught him and spiked Allin in the neck with a German Suplex. Luchasaurus picked Allin back up and locked in a Torture Rack. Cage demanded Wayne to throw the towel for Allin, but Wyane refused. Allin got out of Luchasaurus’s hold and hit a Tope Suicida at Cage.

Back in the ring, Luchasaurus met Allin on the top rope, but Allin bit Luchasaurus’s hand before hitting an Avalanche Code Red for an extremely close near fall. Allin got to the top rope, but Cage attacked Wayne with a chair. Allin tried to hit a dive on Cage, but Luchasaurus and hit two Tombstones before slamming him into the corner with the Snake Eyes and hitting the  Back Lariat on Allin for the pinfall win. 

After the match, Christian Cage tried to attack Allin with a chair, but members of the AEW Roster made the save for Allin.

Winner & STILL TNT Champion: Luchasaurus.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Miro.

The two big men locked up before Hobbs shoved Miro straight to the mat. The two locked up again before Miro returned the favor and shoved Hobbs onto the mat. Miro laid in the punches on Hobbs before stomping away at Hobbs in the corner. Miro went for a lariat on Hobbs, but Hobbs remained on his feet. Miro hit a series of kicks & strikes on Hobbs, but Hobbs responded with a vicious lariat. Hobbs continued to attack Miro’s ribs before going for a slam, but Miro evaded before hitting a Twisting Leg Lariat for a near fall.

Miro got Hobbs in the ropes, but Hobbs responded by hitting a Stunner on Miro, slamming Miro’s neck into the top rope. Hobbs got back in the ring, but Miro caught him with a dropkick. Miro stomped away at Hobbs, but Hobbs caught him with a Northern Lights Suplex on Miro. Hobbs picked Miro back up and hit an Exploder Suplex on Miro. Miro hit two jabs, but Hobbs caught him with a knee before hitting a corner splash on The Redeemer. Hobbs went for another corner splash, but Miro evaded to send Hobbs crashing to the outside, which Miro took advantage of by hitting a Cannonball on Hobbs off the apron to the outside. 

Miro & Hobbs continued to brawl on the outside as the crowd chanted “SLAP THAT MEAT”. Back in the ring, Hobbs locked in a headlock on Miro, but Miro got out of the hold before he & Hobbs exchanged punches. Miro & Hobbs exchanged standing crossbodies and clotheslines before Miro dropped Hobbs with a vicious lariat. Miro got Hobbs on the apron and hit the 12 Beats of the Battering before trying to suplex Hobbs back in the ring, but Hobbs responded by slamming Miro with a Facebuster. Hobbs climbed to the top rope, but Miro intercepted Hobbs before hitting him with a Superplex. 

Miro popped back up and hit the Matchka Kick on Hobbs, but Hobbs responded by hitting the World’s Strongest Slam for a near fall. Hobbs hit a series of blows on Miro’s neck before tossing him to the ropes, but Miro responded with a lariat before hitting another Matchka Kick to get the pin on Hobbs, but Hobbs kicked out. Miro locked in the Camel Clutch on Hobbs, but Hobbs carried Miro and backed him into the corner to break the hold. Miro got to the middle rope and went for a dive, but Hobbs caught him and hit a vicious Spinebuster for a near fall. Hobbs dropped down his straps before going for the Camel Clutch on Miro, but Miro evaded before hitting Spinebuster of his own on Hobbs. Miro got Hobbs in the Game Over on Hobbs, leading to Hobbs tapping out. 

Winner: Miro.

– Hobbs & Miro shook hands after the match, but Hobbs attacked Miro from behind. Hobbs continued to choke out Miro, but CJ Perry came in to make the save. Perry swung the chair at Hobbs’s back, but Hobbs took the chair out of Perry’s hands. Miro got the chair and attacked Hobbs before cracking him in the head. Miro & CJ Perry had a staredown, but Miro left the ring and shouted “YOU’RE NOT REAL”. 

TBS Championship Match.

Kris Statlander (c) vs. Ruby Soho (w/ Saraya).

Statlander & Soho began the match locking up, with Soho locking in a waist-lock before Statlander slammed Soho onto the mat. Soho pulled Statlander from her hair twice, but Statlander rose back up with a kip up before hitting a shoulder tackle. Statlander hit a gut kick on Soho before leaping over her and catching Soho with a Jumping Knee, sending her to the outside. Statlander attacked Soho before chasing down Saraya, but Soho caught her with a Shotgun Dropkick off the apron. Soho continued to attack Statlander on the outside before slamming her head into the barricade. 

Back in the ring, Soho gained control of the match by choking Statlander on the ropes, allowing Saraya to attack the TBS Champion. Soho locked in a Crossjacket, but Statlander broke the hold before Soho hit a running back elbow on Statlander for a near fall. Soho slammed Statlander to the corner with an Irish Whip before hitting an STO for a near fall. Statlander hit a Roundhouse Kick, but Soho responded with a Rising Knee before Statlander connected Soho with a Pele Kick. Soho went for a corner move, but Statlander evaded before catching Soho with a back elbow, a boot kick, an uppercut, and a series of forearm strikes on Soho, followed by an Uppercut, a knee strike, and a Powerslam on Soho for a near fall. 

Statlander picked Soho for a Fireman’s Carry, but Soho reversed it by hitting a Saito Suplex. Soho went for a move, but Statlander hit a back breaker before hitting a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Statlander locked in a Gory Bomb, but Soho evaded. The two exchanged pins before the two laid each other out with double lariats. Statlander tossed Soho into the apron with a Bandera Toss before picking her up and hitting an Avalanche Powerslam for a near fall. Statlander got Soho in a Fireman’s Carry, but Soho reversed it with a Poison Rana before hitting a DDT & a Tijera Driver on Statlander for a near fall. Soho & Statlander exchanged strikes before Statlander hit a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. 

Saraya got on the apron, allowing Soho to get Statlander and hit Destination Unknown followed by the Sister Abigail for a near fall. Soho got the Spray Paint while the referee was distracted by Saraya, but Toni Storm stole the Spray paint off Soho’s hand. This allowed Statlander to hit Sunday Night Fever for the pinfall win & title retention.

Winner & STILL TBS Champion: Kris Statlander. 

Strap Match.

Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks.

Ricky Steamboat was on the broadcast team for the match. 

Starks attacked Danielson before the match, hitting Danielson with the weight belt at ringside before punching him with the belt on the head, busting Danielson open. All of that happened before the match. The match officially began with Starks punching away at Danielson on the head before catching him with a knee lift on the outside. Starks choked Danielson with the strap before stomping Danielson’s head into the stairs. Starks got Danielson on the apron before hitting him with a leg drop to get the pin, but Danielson kicked out. Starks continued to choke Danielson with the strap before stomping Danielson’s back. 

Starks continued to choke Danielson with the strap before whipping his back with the strap, but Danielson responded with two headbutts. Danielson hit two chest kicks, but Starks responded by tossing Danielson onto the apron before whipping Danielson’s head with the strap. Starks got Danielson for a Superplex, but Danielson got out of the top rope and dropped Starks into the top turnbuckle. Danielson then returned the receipt and whipped Starks’s back with the strap before choking Starks with the strap. Starks was left hanging on the top rope, which led to Danielson whipping Starks’s chest viciously before hitting three baseball dropkicks on Starks. 

Danielson tried to attack Starks on the outside, but Starks responded by whipping Danielson’s head with the whip. Danielson got the whip and slammed Starks into the ring post repeatedly. Danielson wrapped Starks on the ring post before shoving Danielson’s head into the ring post, busting Starks open from the forehead. Back in the ring, Danielson hit the Yes Kicks on Starks before hitting two leaping dropkicks on Starks on the corner. Danielson went for a third, but Starks caught him with a lariat.

The two exchanged strap whips before Starks fired away on Danielson with the strap. Starks continued to attack Starks, but Danielson No-sold it before returning the receipt and whipping Starks in the head. Danielson hit the Yes Kicks on Starks but was immediately attacked by Big Bill. Big Bill continued to attack Danielson, but Steamboat got out of the broadcast table and attacked Big Bill before Danielson tossed Starks onto Bill, followed by hitting a Crossbody on both Starks & Big Bill. Back in the ring, Danielson went for the Running Knee, but Starks caught him with a spear for a near fall. Starks went for Roshambo, but Danielson evaded before hitting the Running Knee for a near fall. 

After that, Danielson proceeded to, in his words, kick Starks’s f**king head in by stomping away at Starks before locking in the LeBelle Lock. Starks stayed in the hold, but Danielson transitioned into a modified version of the LeBelle Lock by wrapping the strap on Starks’s neck. With nowhere to go, Starks passed out to give Starks the TKO win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson.

– Nigel McGuiness was on ringside, where he revealed that “Hangman” Adam Page would donate the $50k Donation from the Over the Budget Battle Royal to the Chicago Public Education Fund. 

Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta).

Shibata & Yuta began the match locking up, with the two evading each other’s holds before Shibata locked in a Juji Gatame, but Yuta got a rope break. Shibata hit a series of Kawada Kicks before hitting a body shot on Yuta. Yuta tagged in Castagnoli, who locked up with Claudio. Claudio hit tow uppercuts before going for a dropkick, but Shibata evaded before going for a PK, but Shibata evaded. Kingston tagged in, but Castagnolu immediately tagged Yuta in before leaving the ring. Yuta & Kingston exchanged vicious chops before Kingston attacked Claudio, with the two brawling on the outside. Yuta hit a dive on Kingston to the outside before Castagnoli slammed Kingston into the barricade. 

Back in the ring, Yuta hit a Senton on Kingston to get the pin, but Kingston kicked out. Claudio tagged in and hit an arm breaker on Kingston before firing away with strikes on Kingston’s head. Castagnoli hit an Uppercut on Kingston before Yuta tagged in and hit a Toe Kick on Kingston’s abdomen. Claudio tagged back in and hit a Double-Stop on Kingston before hitting another Double-Stomp on the Mad King, followed by an uppercut. Yuta tagged back in and locked in a Bow & Arrow on Kingston, but Kingston got out of the hold before hitting a back lariat & an STO on Yuta. 

Castagnoli & Shibata tagged in, with Shibata catching Claudio with a series of forearm strikes, but Claudio responded with a series of uppercuts. Shibata returned the receipt by hitting a series of forearm strikes before hitting a running dropkick on Claudio into the corner, followed by Butterfly Suplex for a near fall. Shibata locked in a Triangle Choke on Castagnoli, but Castagnoli broke the hold by hitting a Powerbomb on Shibata before tagging in Yuta & hitting the Fastball Special on Shibata, but Shibata kicked out. Yuta picked Shibata back up, but Shibata caught him. with a vicious Backfist. Shibata locked in a Deathlock on Yuta. Claudio tried to attack Shibata, but Shibata maintained the Ankle Lock on Claudio. Claudio broke the hold, but that led to Kingston tagging in. 

Kingston came in with the hot tag, hitting. series of chops & an Exploder on Yuta before going for the Backfist, but Claudio caught him with a boot kick. Shibata tossed out Claudio before he& Kingston hit Yuta with a Boot kick/ Saito combo for a near fall, with Claudio breaking the pin. Shibata & Castagnoli exchanged strikes before Shibata hit the vicious slap on Claudio. Castagnoli & Shibata exchanged strikes on the outside, with Castagnoli hitting an uppercut on Shibata. Back in the ring, Yuta hit a German Suplex before hitting a Slap on Kingston, but Kingston slapped Yuta into the corner.

Castagnoli tagged in and hit an uppercut on Kingston before hitting the Anvil Elbows & the Neutralizer for the pin, but Kingston kicked out. Castagnoli went for the Ricola Bomb, but Kingston caught him with the Backfist before hitting the Northern Lights Bomb on Claudio, but Yuta broke the pin. Shibata locked in a choke on Yuta, but Claudio responded with an Uppercut on Kingston for the pinfall win.

Winners: Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta.

Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis).

The two locked up before exchanging wrist-locks. Takeshita locked in a side headlock on Omega before slamming him into the mat. The two shoved each other before Takeshita racked Omega’s eyes and hit a forearm strike. Omega hit a boot kick on Takeshita, but Takeshita responded with a Scissor Kick. Takeshita went for a Jumping Knee, but Omega blocked it before going for a Snap-Dragon, but Takeshita reversed it with a vicious Back-Drop Driver on Omega’s neck. 

Outside of the ring, Takeshita slammed Omega into the barricade before hitting a Helluva Kick on Omega. Takeshita went for a Brainbuster, but Omega reversed it with the You Can’t Escape before hitting a Moonsault off the barricade onto Takeshita. Back in the ring, Omega hit a dropkick on Takeshita’s knee before hitting a Leaping bulldog, a punt & the Dunk on Takeshita for a near fall. Omega locked in the Indian Deathlock on Takeshita, but Takeshita broke the hold by racking Omega’s eyes before running the ropes and hitting the Leaping Lariat on Omega. Takeshita hit a forearm & an elbow strike on Omega before blocking Omega’s Hurricanrana and slamming him into the middle turnbuckle with a Reverse Powerbomb.

Outside of the ring, Takeshita picked Omega up and spiked him into the ringside floor with a Sheer Drop Brainbuster. Takeshita pulled multiple chairs from under the ring, but the referee told Takeshita to not do so. Callis placed the stack of chairs over Omega, allowing Takeshtia to hit a Swanton on Mega’s ribs into the stack of chairs to the outside. Back in the ring, Takeshita hit Omega with a Helluva Kick before connecting the Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Takeshita hit a Diving Senton on Omega before going for a pin, but Omega kicked out. Takeshita dropped Omega before going for a Back Senton, but Omega blocked it with his knees. 

Omega hit the Polish Hammer Strikes on Takeshita, but Takeshita responded with a vicious forearm strike. Takeshita went for the jumping knee, but Omega evaded to send Takeshita crashing tot he outside before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Takeshita to the outside. Back in the ring, Omega hit a Snap-Dragon on Takeshita before connecting a second Snap-Dragon, spiking him on the back of Takeshita’s neck. Omega went for a third, but Takeshita reversed it with a back elbow. Omega hit a V-Trigger on Takeshtia before hitting a Poison Rana for a near fall. Omega went for a V-Trigger, but Takeshita evaded. The two evaded each other’s Germans before Takeshita hit a forearm, but Omega responded with a V-Trigger before going for a second, but Takeshita caught him with a lariat. 

Takeshita went for a Powerbomb, but Omega slipped before hitting a Liger Bomb followed by a V-Trigger on Takeshita for a near fall. Omega caught Takeshita with the V-Trigger before going for the One-Winged Angel, but Takeshita reversed it with the Sunday Night Fever for the near fall, which he followed up by hitting a Deadweight German Suplex for a near fall. Takeshita went for another German Suplex, but Omega responded with a headbutt before hitting a series of punches on Takeshita. Takeshita hit a series of forearm strikes, but Omega responded with a knee strike, a leg lariat on Takeshita & a V-Trigger on Takeshita. Omega picked Takeshita up to hit an Avalanche One-Winged Angel on Takeshita, but Takeshita escaped before hitting an Avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb to get the pin on Omega, but Omega kicked out at two.

Takeshita hit a V-Trigger on Omega, but Omega kicked out. Callis tried to stab Callis with a Screw Driver, but Omega evaded. This allowed Omega to hit the Ripcord Knee Strike before hitting a V-Trigger. Takeshita tried to stab Omega with the screwdriver, but the referee took it off his hands. Takeshita hit a Wheelbarrow German Suplex before hitting a knee strike on Omega, but Omega kicked out. Takeshita dropped his knee pad and hit a Kamigoye on Omega for the pinfall win

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita.

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler vs. Bullet Club Gold (Juice Robinson, Jay White, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn).

The match began with White & Dax going face-to-face, but White immediately tagged out. Wheeler tagged in to confront Colten Gunn, but Gunn rolled out of the ring. Colten & Wheeler locked up and they exchanged holds & pins before Wheeler got a headlock on Colten. Austin Gunn did the blind tag and hit a leg sweep and a shoulder tackle on Wheeler, but Wheeler responded with a shoulder tackle, an arm drag, and a Hurricanrana on Austin. Matt & Nick Jackson tagged in and double-teamed on The Gunns before Matt Jackson did a taunt. Dax tagged in, which led to White tagging in.

White stomped away at Dax before hitting a chop on Dax, but Dax responded with a vicious chop. Robinson tagged in to allow Bullet Club Gold to regain control of the match. The Bang-Bang-Gang got Dax cornered, but Dax chopped everyone from Bullet Club Gold before Cash Wheeler tagged in. Dax & Cash exchanged chop son White before hitting a Drop toe-hold/ elbow drop combo for a near fall. White hit a dropkick on Wheeler’s leg before tagging in Robinson. Robinson hit a series of jabs before hitting the “Left Hand of God” on Wheeler. Wheeler fought off Bullet Club Gold, but Robinson gauged Juice’s eyes. The two teams got in the center of the ring before the brawl ensued. 

Young Bucks & FTR hit stereo Atomic Drops before locking in the Sharpshooter on all members of the Bullet Club Gold. Dax tagged back in and immediately chased down Robinson, but Robinson responded by slamming Dax into the corner with a Catapault. Back in the ring, Colten tagged in and stomped away at Dax, with the Bullet Club Gold regaining control of the bout. Bullet Club Gold got Dax cornered, with Robinson hitting a shoulder tackle before attempting a sleeper hold, but Dax reversed it with a back suplex. Colten Gunn tagged in and tossed Dax out of the ring before White picked Dax up and slammed him with a Facebuster onto the apron. 

Colten went for a corner splash, but Dax evaded. Robinson tagged in and punched Wheeler before taunting the Young Bucks. Robinson went for a Cannonball, but Dax evaded to send Robinson crashing into the corner before tagging in Nick Jackson. Nick attacked All of Bullet Club Gold, hitting the Escalera on Colten & Robinson before they & Matt hit a Slide Bread on Robinson. The Jacksons hit a Thrust Kick/ Bulldog Combo on White before hitting a Superkick Party on Austin Gunn for a near fall. Matt nearly superkicked Wheeler after he tagged in, but they made an agreement and superkicked Robinson & Austin Gunn before Dax hit a DDT on Colten.  White attacked Matt Jackson & FTR, but was greeted with a face plant from Nick Jackson before he hit a dive onto Colten & Robinson. Matt Jackson & Dax hit the Spike Piledriver on Austin, but all of Bullet Club Gold broke the pin. Dax picked Austin Up before he, Wheeler & The Young Bucks hit the Power & Triple Glory on Austin Gunn for a near fall. Chaos broke down on the outside before Matt Jackson hit a dive on Robinson & Colten Gunn. Dax went for a dive, but Austin blocked it before they two laid each other out.

White tagged in and hit a vicious chop on Dax, but Dax hit a series of chops of his own before hitting a Short-Hand Lariat on White. Dax & Nick Jackson hit the Shatter Machine before they got White and hit the BTE Trigger on White, but Colten broke the pin. Matt Jackson went for a dive on the outside, but Colten evaded and hit the Famouser on Matt. Wheeler & Dax went for the Big Rig, but Robinson attacked Wheeler before White caught him with the Blade Runner, allowing Colten to pin Wheeler for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club Gold (Juice Robinson, Jay White, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn).

AEW International Championship Match.

Orange Cassidy (c) (w/ Kris Statlander, Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) vs. Jon Moxley (w/ Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta).

The main event of the 2023 edition of AEW All Out began with Cassidy staring at the crowd while Moxley prepared to face him. Cassidy went to put his hands on his pockets, but Moxley caught him with a vicious forearm before hitting a series of chops and punching his head in the corner, but Cassidy responded with a dropkick. Cassidy ran the ropes, but Moxley spiked Cassidy with two vicious German Suplexes onto the mat. Moxley got Cassidy in the corner and he chopped him before tossing to the opposite corner with an Irish Whip, but Cassidy landed on the apron. Cassidy went for a Crossbody, but Moxley rolled over and hit the Stomps on Cassidy before going for a Release Suplex, but Cassidy reversed it with a Stunner. Back in the ring, Cassidy went for a Tornado DDT, but Moxley reversed it with a Release Suplex.

Moxley stomped away at Cassidy’s nose before tossing him out of the ring. Out of the ring, Moxley tossed Cassidy into the ring post, busting the International Champion open from the forehead. Moxley booted Cassidy in the head before biting Cassidy’s bloody forehead as the crowd chanted “You Sick Fuck”. Cassidy got back in the ring, but Moxley picked him and spiked him with a Stalling piledriver for a near fall. Moxley continued to bite Cassidy’s forehead before hitting a series of crossface strikes on Cassidy. Cassidy got back up and hit a series of forearm strikes, but Moxley responded by doing Cassidy’s taunt before headbutting him into the corner. Moxley got Cassidy on the top rope before going for an Avalanche Death Rider, but Cassidy attacked Moxley before racking his back, biting his ear, and hitting a Diving DDT on Moxley. Cassidy hit a Tornado DDT before going for the Orange Punch, but Moxley reversed it with a series of jabs. Moxley went for a Piledriver, but Cassidy evaded before hitting the Orange Punch on Moxley for a near fall. 

Cassidy went for Beach Break, but Moxley reversed it by hitting the Gotch Style Driver before going for the pin, but Cassidy reversed it with a Crucifix for a near fall. Moxley transitioned quickly by locking in the D’Arce Choke on Cassidy, quickly transitioning that hold into the Juji Gatame. Cassidy rolled out of the hold, but Moxley reversed it with the LeBelle Lock. Cassidy rolled to evade the hold until he got his feet on the ropes before rolling out of the ring. Moxley took off the protective padding from the ringside area before picking Cassidy up and for a Piledriver, but Cassidy reversed it by hitting the Beach Break on Moxley into the floor, which he followed up by hitting a shotgun dropkick on Moxley into the stairs. Moxley got back in the ring, but Cassidy caught him with an Orange Punch and hit a second before going for a third, but Moxley caught him with a cutter. Moxley went for a Death Rider, but Cassidy evaded before hitting another Orange Punch followed by a Spear for a near fall.

Cassidy put his hands in his pockets and did the taunt kicks before transitioning into vicious boot kicks on Moxley, but Moxley responded with two vicious lariats and a jab on Cassidy, but Cassidy kicked out. Moxley picked Cassidy and spiked him with the Death Rider to get the pin, but Cassidy kicked out at two. Cassidy got back up and flicked off Moxley, but Moxley responded by spiking Cassidy with a High Angle Death Rider for the pinfall win, becoming the third-ever AEW International Champion. 

Despite the loss, Orange Cassidy was serenaded by the crowd before the end of the broadcast. 

Winner & NEW AEW International Champion: Jon Moxley.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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