
Sean Ross SappDown Live (6/27): Match Ratings, Podcast Notes, Ladder Match, More

Opening segment.

  • That Daniel Bryan guy is over.
  • Carmella comes out and makes a reference to the "Land of Opportunity." I don't know if I'd have done that so soon after Becky's promo. Carmella still goes off in a great heel promo.
  • Ellsworth throws out an "ALL U PPL," but has really good delivery.
  • Bryan bans Ellsworth from the building to one of the biggest pops in recent memory

If Hype Bros win, they get a title shot
The Usos defeated Hype Bros

  • This match simply writes out the Hype Bros from the title scene.
  • I appreciate the continuity. It helped the program.  
  • New Day come out, and make a Booker T reference. They challenge the Usos to Battleground.
  • The Usos are just great as heels. New Day, hit or miss in their spots.

Backstage Crappenings

  • We see the Fashion Files, where The Ascension say they didn't attack Breezango. Someone else messed up their office. Thankfully. A really funny segment. Ascension were great, too.
  • Dasha Fuentes is bad, but having Nakamura talk in a short, controlled environment is smart.

Smackdown Women's Championship
Naomi (c) defeated Lana

  • Lana attacks, but gets her ass kicked and squashed. LOL!
  • This is how Eva Marie should have been written off TV, if WWE weren't too stubborn.

Randy Orton promo

  • Aiden English is singing and Randy Orton kicks his ass.
  • Orton says he'll kick Jinder's ass until he gets a title shot, which brings out Shane McMahon.
  • Shane says this isn't acceptable, and Orton doesn't care if he's fired. He'll buy tickets to beat up Jinder.
  • Shane wisely says that Orton has used Mahal's tactics his entire career, but gives him a title shot anyway. Jinder picks the stipulation.
  • They're gonna sell so many Punjabi Prison toys.
  • Jinder Mahal cuts the same promo he's been cutting for two months.

Baron Corbin defeated Sami Zayn

  • Maria and Mike Kanellis are out. If there's an overused promo line I hate more than "you people," it's "MY NAME IIIIIIIIS"
  • Sami Zayn interrupts them.
  • He's facing Corbin again. How many more of these we need? This is the 8th match involving these two since April.
  • It's a fine match, Corbin wins.

Carmella wins Women's Money in the Bank Ladder match

  • Everyone focuses on Carmella, who almost skated her way to the briefcase. 
  • Tamina's splash was a trash fire, but her table spot with Carmella was cool. 
  • There's a horrible moment after Becky tries to scale a ladder Charlotte and Tamina are holding.
  • Tom Phillips is insufferable. 
  • All four women physically move the ladder with Carmella on it, then she dives!
  • Tamina gets double powerbombed and still somehow bumps in her own way.
  • Ellsworth is back! He's knocked off the ladder right onto his hog. 
  • Carmella with a chair! She wins!!!

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