
Nailz Recalls Testifying Against Vince McMahon In Steroid Trial, Was Shocked At Verdict

In 1994, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York brought a case against Vince McMahon, accusing him of supplying illegal anabolic steroids to his professional wrestlers. 

Six charges were brought against McMahon, though three were thrown out of court before the full trial. Two counts of distributing steroids and one count of conspiracy to distribute steroids remained. 

Eleven wrestlers were called to testify during the trial. 

Nailz (Kevin Wacholz) was among those called to testify. Nailz was released by WWE in 192 after an incident were he confronted McMahon in the locker room over alleged pay issues. Nailz and WWE filed lawsuits against each other, but all suits were dropped. 

Speaking to Mike Johnson on Highspots TV, Nailz recalled testifying against McMahon. 

“I told them to get lost. They called me up and said, ‘we need you to testify against Vince McMahon in the steroid trial,’ and I said, ‘I’m through with that guy, I don’t want to deal with anything.’ They said, ‘We can make you testify.’ A guy from the Department of Justice called and said, ‘You’re dealing with the Federal Government, we can make you do this.’ I said, ‘I’m sure you can, but I’m not doing it.’ The next day, I went off to go to work at about seven in the morning and my house was surrounded by FBI agents. They handed me a subpoena and said, ‘you’re going to New York to testify.’ They called me up and said, ‘You got our subpoena?’ ‘Yeah, I told you, you can do what you want and you’re going to make me do it, but I’m not coming.’ He said, ‘we’ll give you X amount of dollars to come out and do it.’ I said, ‘I’m not doing it for that much. This is what I want.’ They said, ‘okay, we’ll pay you what you want.’ They basically paid me what I want to come out and do it. The first week I went out there, the trial ran longer, so I was going to testify on Thursday or Friday, they said, ‘it’s not going to happen this week. Stay here and we’ll get you in next week.’ I said, ‘I have to go back. I have a business to run.’ They flew me back home and next week they flew me back in,” said Nailz. 

McMahon was found “not guilty” on July 23, 1994. 

Asked if he was surprised by the verdict, Nailz said, “Yeah, I was shocked. I was downstairs in a room and they had boxes full of evidence.”

According to the papers, Nailz contradicted himself during his testimony by stating that he had no animosity towards McMahon but later answered in the affirmative that he hated McMahon. 

Elsewhere during the interview, Nailz recalled the night in Green Bay when he confronted Vince McMahon. You can find his full comments by clicking here. 

McMahon has caught the eye of the government again as law enforcement agents executed a search warrant and served a federal grand jury subpoena on McMahon on July 17. 

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit the original source with a h/t and link back to Fightful for the transcription. 

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