
Pete Dunne To Defend WWE UK Title At ICW Event

WWE UK Champion Pete Dunne will defend his title against an as yet undecided opponent at an ICW event in Glasgow, Scotland on July 29.

Here is the full statement from ICW.


Insane Championship Wrestling has today announced that WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne will defend the WWE UK Championship for the first time ever on British soil out with WWE.

The match is scheduled to take place on night 1 of ICW’s massive Shug’s Hoose Party weekender in Glasgow’s O2 ABC Saturday, July 29. Dunne will defend against the winner of a number one contender match scheduled to take place between fellow WWE UK roster member Wolfgang and ICW fan favourite BT Gunn July 9 at Garage in Glasgow.

ICW Owner Mark Dallas said: “By allowing ICW to host the first ever defence of the WWE UK Championship in the UK out with WWE is an incredible honour. The eyes of the WWE Universe will be firmly on Glasgow that night. The ICW fans are in for a treat come July 29, I for one can’t wait!”

Tickets for both nights of Shug’s Hoose Party weekend July 29 and 30 as well as all ICW events are available via www.ticketmaster.co.uk.

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