
WWE SmackDown (7/14/2023) Results: Asuka vs Bianca Belair, Jey Uso Appears, Fatal 4-Way Bout & More.

Results for the 7/14/2023 edition of Friday Night SmackDown.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/14/2023 edition of Friday Night SmackDown on FOX.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


WWE SmackDown (7/14/2023).

  • WWE Women’s Championship Match: Asuka (c) vs. Biana Belair.
  • Jey Uso Appears.
  • WWE United States Invitational Match: Butch vs. Santos Escobar vs. Grayson Waller vs. AJ Styles.
  • The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus & Ridge Holland) (w/ Butch) vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.

Live Coverage.

– Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening segment. 

– Bianca Belair made her way to the ring to cut a promo. Belair stated that despite the hoops she has had to go through to get a rematch, Belair stated that tonight was her night and that she would beat Asuka to regain the WWE Women’s title, but she was interrupted by Charlotte Flair. Flair wanted Belair to defeat Asuka tonight but stated that she wanted no confusion on who was next in line for the title. Flair & Belair agreed in having a match for the title on Summerslam if Belair wins tonight. 

– The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland, Butch & Sheamus) cut a promo backstage hyping their involvement throughout the night before Holland promised that he & Sheamus would beat Pretty Deadly.

The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus & Ridge Holland) (w/ Butch) vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).

Sheamus immediately ran at Prince, but Prince rolled out of the ring. Sheamus tossed Wilson into the ring before hitting a Green Bay Plunge on Prince, followed by Sheamus hitting the Plunge on Wilson into Prince. Prince went for a hip toss on Sheamus, but Sheamus caught him with a short-hand lariat before he & Holland hit a Corner Splash/ Tilt-to-whirl backbreaker on Prince for a near fall. Prince hit a chop block on Holland before he & Wilson beat Holland in the corner. Prince hit a running uppercut on Holland into the corner before Wilson & Prince continued to beat down Holland. Holland got back up and hit a double backdrop on Pretty Deadly before tagging in Sheamus. Sheamus & Holland got Pretty Deadly on the apron before hitting 27 Beats of the Battering on Wilson & Prince ahead of the commercial break. 

Back from the break, Prince stomped away at Sheamus before Wilson hit a leg drop on Sheamus in the apron. Wilson hit a running Uppercut on Sheamus before he & Prince continued to beat down Sheamus into the corner. Wilson got a Camel Clutch on Sheamus, but Sheamus slammed Wilson to break the hold. Sheamus tried to tag in Holland, but Prince laid out Holland to allow Wilson to hit a neck breaker on Sheamus. Wilson went for an Ax Handle on Sheamus, but The Celtic Warrior caught him mid-air with a knee strike. Holland & Prince tagged in, with Holland hitting a series of pounces on Prince & Wilson before hitting an Overhead Suplex on Prince into Wilson. Holland got Prince back up and hit a Fisherman’s Buster on Prince for a near fall. Sheamus hit an ax handle on Wilson on the outside before Holland hit Northern Grit on Prince for a near fall. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick on Wilson, but Prince tossed Sheamus out of the ring before undoing a top turnbuckle. Holland went for a corner splash on Prince, but Prince evaded to send Holland crashing into the exposed Turnbuckle before hitting a Diving Leg Drop for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).

– There was a video package highlighting the match between Grayson Waller & Edge, Grayson Waller was interviewed backstage by Cathy Kelley. Waller said that he was not surprised that he was competing in the United States Title Invitational because he swam against Edge. Waller talked trash about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson before promising that he would win the Invitational tonight. 

– There was a video recap of The Trial of Roman Reigns from the 7/7/2023 edition of Friday Night SmackDown from Madison Square Garden, which concluded with Roman Reigns & Solo Sikoa beating down The Usos. Also showed a recap of Jey Uso beating down Solo Sikoa and challenging Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship.

– Charlotte Flair was with her luggage and told Adam Pearce that she would leave the arena. Damage CTRL (Bayley & Iyo Sky) said that they were also looking forward to tonight, with Sky teasing cashing in her Money In The Bank briefcase. Flair overheard the conversation and decided to stay.

Bayley (w/ Iyo Sky) vs. Zelina Vega.

Bayley blasted Vega with a forearm to send her to the outside to begin the match. Bayley continued to beat down Vega on the outside before the two brawled on the apron. Vega pushed Bayley back in the ring before hitting a Meteora on Bayley for a near fall. Vega hit a Twist of Fate on Bayley before going for a kick, but Baylye blocked it. Bayley got the chancla, but Vega caught Bayley with a Code Breaker before smacking Bayley with the Chancla. After The referee tossed the Chancla to the outside, Bayley racked Vega’s eyes before getting back in the ring and hitting The Rose Plant for the pinfall win.

Winner: Bayley.

– There was a vignette of Shotzi addressing Bayley that played in the titantron after the match. Shotzi asked Bayley if she looked like someone Bayley can control, but Shotzi stated that she was in control. Shotzi shaved her hair bald.  

– Jey Uso was in the ring to address the happenings from last week and him challenging Roman Reigns for the title. Jey said that he & Jimmy have always been inseparable, stating that having twins can be special. He said that if Jimmy is hurt, he was hurt too. Jey said that he had always been respectful, but he said that it would be all disrespect towards Solo SIkoa, Roman Reigns & Paul Heyman. Jey said that everything changes now as he was the new head of the table, which prompted Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa to interrupt. Heymans said that Sikoa was here to try to enforce peace with Jey. Heyman stated that Jey’s actions are making him look more like a Tribal Chief, but stated that Jimmy Uso being medically sidelined was Jey’s fault. Heyman said that the entire family would never forgive him for his actions, but Sikoa interrupted Heyman and got the microphone. Sikoa stated that what happened to Jimmy was all on Jey, but Sikoa stated that he would never forgive Jey either. Jey. &Sikoa brawled before Jey hit a Thrust Kick to send Sikoa out of the ring. Jey taunted Heyman in the corner, but Sikoa attacked Jey from behind. Jey laid out Sikoa before caching Paul E. Dangerously with a Superkick to the roar of the crowd. Jey hit a Tope Suicida on Sikoa before starring daggers again at Heyman. Jey tried to hit Heyman with the chair, but Sikoa made the save before the two retreated. 

WWE United States Invitational Match.

Butch vs. Santos Escobar vs. Grayson Waller vs. AJ Styles.

Waller hit a jab on Butch to begin the match before rolling out of the ring and talking trash to Theory. Escobar connected a Sunset Flip and a Cazadora on Styles for a near fall, but Styles responded with a dropkick before Butch caught him with a lariat on the outside. Butch & Styles exchanged holds and pins before Waller tripped the two and got a double-pin on Butch & Styles for a near fall. Butch & Styles brawled in the ring before Escobar caught them with a crossbody. Waller attacked Escobar from behind, but Escobar caught hit with a kick before hitting a chop on Waller. Waller placed Escobar on Styles before catching Escobar with a leaping senton on Escobar. Butch hit a roundhouse kick on Waller, but Escobar caught Butch with a knee strike before Styles hit a Pele Kick on Escobar before the commercial break. 

Back from the break, Waller hit a series of knee strikes on Butch & a Scissor Kick on Escobar, but Butch snapped Waller’s fingers. Styles laid out Escobar before hitting a Ushigoroshi on Waller for a near fall. Escobar put Butch on the top rope before hitting a Frankensteiner on Butch, but Styles caught him with a pin for a near fall. Escobar climbed to the top rope, but Waller met him there. Butch caught Waller with an Enziguri kick before he & Styles Superplexed Waller while Escobar hit a Sunset Flip on Styles & Butch. Escobar hit a series of corner knees on Waller, Styles & Butch before hitting the Phantom Driver on Waller, but Styles & Butch broke the pin. Butch, Styles & Escobar exchanged punches before Butch hit an Enziguri Kick on Styles & Escobar. Butch caught Escobar with a jab mid-ar before going for a pin, but Waller broke the pin. Butch hit two kicks on Waller before running at Waller, but Waller tossed him out of the ring. Butch hit an Asai Moonsualt on Waller, but Escobar caught him with a Tope Suicida to the outside. Styles got back in the ring and hit a Phenomenal Forearm on Escobar and went for the Styles Clash on Butch, but Styles stopped himself because Kross attacked “The Machine Gun” Karl Anderson backstage. Styles got out of the ring, but Waller caught him with a nee strike. Waller hit the Rolling Stunner on Butch, but Escobar caught him with a Frog Splash for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Santos Escobar.

– Backstage, AJ Styles checked in on “Michin” Mia Yim, Karl Andrson & Luke Gallows backstage before he stated things between himself & Karrion Kross were not over. 

– Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) met with someone in a black car. The man in the car was revealed to be a returning Bobby Lashley, who told the Profits that they needed to talk. 

– There was a video of Rey Mysterio, Sheamus & Cameron Grimes promoting the Fatal Four Way Match for the United States Championship Invitational. The fourth member of that match? Well, it’s LA Knight.

– LA Knight came to the ramp and cut a promo as the crowd exploded for the former IMPACT World Champion. Knight called himself the best decision WWE had ever made before saying that WWE made the worst mistake in putting him in the invitational because Austin Theory’s United States title reign was now in trouble. Knight said that it did not matter the nicknames given to him because everyone would end up being called champion.

WWE Women’s Championship Match.

Asuka (c) vs. Biana Belair.

Bayley & Iyo Sky were in the crowd for the match.

Asuka slammed Belair to the mat before catching her with a PK to begin the match. Belair hit. Shoulder Tackle on Asuka before hitting a hip toss on Asuka. Belair hit a series of punches on Asuka in the corner, but Asuka evaded and pulled Belair from the ponytail before slamming her into the middle turnbuckle. Asuka went for a Hip Attack on Belair, but Belair side-stepped and hit the Glam Slam on Asuka into the corner. Belair went for the KOD, but Asuka evaded before hitting a Code Breaker on Belair, but Belair responded with a shoulder tackle, which was followed by Charlotte Flair joining the crowd to watch the match before the commercial break. 

Back from the break, Belair hit a dropkick on Asuka before hitting a Suplex and a Backflip Moonsault on Asuka for a near fall. Belair hit a shoulder block on Asuka before placing her on the top rope. Belair went for a Superpex, but Asuka dropped her before hitting Belair with a Diving Shotgun Dropkick off the top rope for a near fall. Belair ran the ropes, but Asuka caught her with a knee strike before going for a Fujiwara Arm Bar, but Belair reversed it with a Gut Wrench before hitting a Spinebuster on Asuka for a near fall. Asuka caught Belair in the Asuka Lock, but Belair broke the hold before she landed on the ropes, but Asuka caught her with a Code Breaker. Belair got Asuka on her shoulders and hit a KOD on Asuka onto the broadcast table, which led to Iyo Sky & Bayley trying to get involved until Flair booted Bayley in the head. Sky slammed Flair into the ring post before she confronted Belair. Sky tried to attack Belair, but she got out of the way to make Flair Spear Belair on the outside, causing the disqualification.

Winner: Bianca Belair (via Disqualification).

– Iyo Sky saw everyone was laid out and tried to cash in on Asuka. Bayley got the briefcase and was about to handed to the referee, but Asuka hit Bayley with the Purple Mist to send her and the briefcase crashing to the outside. Asuka fled the scene and stood tall on the ramp to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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