
WWE NXT Gold Rush (6/20/2023) Results: Rollins vs. Breakker, Lee vs. Bate, Triple Threat Tag Bout.

Full results for the 6/20/2023 edition of NXT Gold Rush.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/20/2023 edition of NXT Gold Rush on the USA Network.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on https://Twitter.com/Fightful and http://Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show. 


WWE NXT Gold Rush (6/20/2023).

  • WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Bron Breakker.
  • NXT North American Championship Match w/ Mustafa Ali as Special Guest Referee: Wes Lee (c) vs. Tyler Bate.
  • Duke Hudson hosts Pep Rally for Thea Hail.
  • Dana Brooke vs. Cora Jade.
  • Baron Corbin & NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes Come Face-to-Face.
  • NXT Tag Team Championship – #1 Contenders Match: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger vs. Edris Enofé & Malik Blade.

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Live Coverage.

– After a video package running down the card for tonight, Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning into the opening match. 

NXT North American Championship Match w/ Mustafa Ali as Special Guest Referee.

Wes Lee (c) vs. Tyler Bate.

Lee & Bate locked up before Lee hit an arm drag on Bate. Bate got a waist lock takeover on Bate, but Bate got a makeover of his own before locking in a front ankle lock on Lee. Lee evaded the hold, but Bate followed the motion with a cartwheel before the two had a stalemate. The two locked up again before Lee hit a front flip on Bate, but buckled his thigh. Bate hit an arm drag and a headlock takeover on Lee as Ali went for two quick pins on both Bate & Lee. Bate & Lee evaded each other before Lee caught Bate in a pin, but Ali slowed the count. Bate got a roll-up on Lee for the bear fall, but Ali slowed the count dramatically. Tensions rose as Lee & Bate locked up before the two sent each other flying to the outside. The two locked up on the outside. The crowd did the count-out on Bate & Lee, but Ali gave some leeway to allow Bate & Lee to brawl on the outside.

Back in the ring, Lee locked in a Guillotine on Bate, but Bate broke the hold with a wrist lock before Lee hit a neck breaker on Bate for a near fall. Lee hit shoulder blocks on Bate’s shoulder before locking in a modified sleeper on Bate before transitioning back into a Guillotine Choke, but Bate hit a back-drop to break the hold into a leg drop onto Lee’s leg for a near fall. Bate hit a headbutt on Lee’s abdomen before hitting a snap suplex on Lee for a near fall. Bate locked in a Guillotine Choke on Lee before catching him with an uppercut, but Lee responded with a toe kick & and an up-kick before going for a backdrop on Bate, but Bate landed on his feet before the two collided with stereo lariats. 

Back from the break, the two exchanged strikes before Bate went for another uppercut, but Lee blocked it. aback slide before hitting a series of quick strikes & a snap-mare into a double stomp on Bate. Bate hit a Diving Uppercut, an Uppercut into the corner, and a T-Bone on Lee before going for a standing SSP, but Lee blocked it and locked in an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Lee went for the Cardiac Kick, but Bate evaded before hitting the Rebound Lariat on Lee for a near fall. Lee & Bate climbed to the top rope as the two exchanged strikes before Bate hit the Bop & Bang on Lee, sending him crashing into the outside. Ali was counting out the two as they were lying on the ground, but Ali hyped up Bate & Lee to get back up. Bate collapsed back to the mat as Ali checked on Bate, but Lee caught Bate flush with the Cardiac Kick for the pinfall win. 

Winner AND STILL NXT North American Champion: Wes Lee.

– There was a vignette of Gigi Dolin, saying that she has always gravitated to Graffiti as it allows her to be more creative.

– Kiana James talked trash about Gigi Dolin, saying that she is fueled by winning and not by art. James then said that Dolin was happy to swim in a pool of mediocrity. 

– Duke Hudson hosted the Pep Rally celebrating Thea Hail becoming the #1 Contender for the NXT Women’s Championship. Hail reflected on her accomplishments compared to others in NXT, saying her only accomplishment was graduating High School, which bamboozled Charlie Dempsey & Drew Gulak. Hail thanked Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, Duke Hudson & Andre Chase for building her to her match before she promised to become the new NXT Women’s Champion next week. NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton interrupted before saying that Hail was the dumbest person in the Capitol Wrestling Center if she thought she would win the title. Hudson talked trash to Stratton before saying that he & Chase University believed in Thea Hail, but Stratton said that Hail was crazy if she thought Hail would make Stratton tap out. Hail got Stratton and locked in the Kimura Lock before Stratton escaped the ring. Hail got the NXT Women’s Title and ran around the ring.

– Joe Gacy was with Schism (Rip Fowler, Jagger Reid & Ava Raine) asking the sky if his misfortune was what was bringing Schism down, to which Reid responded by saying that it was. The two argued before the four agreed to leave.

– Diamond Mine (Julius Creed, Brutus Creed & Ivy Nile) saw the vignette and agreed to not take Schism lightly before promising to “send them packing”. After that, the three bantered around with each other. 

– There was a video of NXT Anonymous showing Jacy Jayne & Lyra Valkyria arguing backstage after Jayne’s comments on Valkyria. Jayne said that she should just kick Valkyria in the face. 

NXT Tag Team Championship – #1 Contenders Match.

Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen (w/ Fallon Henley) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger vs. Edris Enofé & Malik Blade.

Pandemonium went down, as Briggs took out Blade & Walker to begin the match. Blade & Enofe hit a Big Boot & a Reverse Sling Blade on Briggs, but Briggs responded by tossing Enofe onto Jensen’s knee. Jensen & Briggs hit double body slams on Enofe & Walker, but Ledger & Walker took out Briggs. Ledger & Walker exchanged corner splashes on Enofe, but that stopped when Jensen came back in the ring and hit a dropkick on Ledger. The three teams were in the center of the ring before Briggs & Jensen slid to the outside for the uppercut,  but Enofe & Blade hit Stereo Topes Con Giro on Briggs & Jensen. Ledger & Walker hit Vader Bombs on The two other teams on the outside before Walker got back in the ring and hit a Cazadora Driver on Blade for a near fall.

During the break, Ledger & Walker dominated proceedings before Blade caught Ledger with a Scissor Kick. Blade & Enofe hit a double suplex on  Ledger for a near fall. Briggs came back into the fold and hit a Big Veal on Enofe to the other side of the ring before he & Jensen hit a double hip toss on Ledger for a near fall. Ledger hit a corner splash on Enofe before Walker hit a body slam on Enofe for the pin, but Jensen broke the pin. Jensen & Briggs dominated proceedings after the commercial break, with Jesne hitting a Leg Lariat on Enofe while Briggs hit a big boot on Walker. Briggs & Jensen hit the Sliing Uppercuts on Enofe & Walker before Briggs hit the JD Drake Special on Blade. Back in the ring, Enofe hit a dropkick on Jense off Wlaker’s back, but Briggs responded with a DDT/ Lariat combo on both Walker & Enofe. Ledger & Blade tagged back in of the hot tag, but Jensen hit a Gut Wrench Bomb on Ledger onto Enofe before Jensen & Briggs hit the Hart Attack on Ledger, but Blade & Enofe broke the pin with a Frog Splash before Blade leaped over the referee and hit a Frog Splash on Ledger for the pinfall win.

Winners: Edris Enofé & Malik Blade.

– Los Lotharios (Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo) confronted Gallus (Wolfgang, Joe Coffey & Mark Coffey) backstage, saying that they were lucky Los Lotharios were not in the match because they would be winning the titles off them. 

– Eddy Thorpe was confronted by Damn Kemp backstage, with Kemp saying that their third match would be a Raw Underground match. After they agreed to the match, Roxanne Perez attacked Blair Davenport backstage before Davenport said “Game On”. 

– WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins & NXT Heritage Cup Champion Nathan Frazer talked backstage, with Rollins saying that he was proud of the champion he has become. After that, Trick Williams & NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes met with Seth Rollins backstage, with Rollins saying that if he wanted to be a champion to focus on his belt. 

Dana Brooke vs. Cora Jade.

Brooke hit a series of shoulder blocks on Jade in the corner, but Jade responded by hitting a slap on Brooke’s face. Brooke got Jade and slammed her into the mat before hitting a hip toss into a thrust kick on Jade for. anear fall. Brooke hit a body slam into a handstand elbow drop on Jade for a near fall. Jade hit a forearm strike on Brooke’s abdomen before slamming Brooke’s face into the mat and stomping away on Brooke into the corner. Brooke hit the Tijeras and a dropkick on Jade to send her to the outside. Jade got back in the ring before catching Brooke with a Rising Knee Strike on Brooke for a near fall. Jade got Brooke for the Death Rider, but Brooke evaded and hit a shoulder tackle on Jade before going for the Cartwheel Elbow drop, but Brooke’s knee buckled into the mat. The medical staff checked on Brooke before the commercial break. 

After being held back by the medical officials in a cart, Brooke begrudgingly got off the cart and attacked Jade. Back in the ring, Brooke got a roll-up on Jade for a near fall. Brooke got back up, but Jade hit a chop block on Brooke before attacking Brooke’s leg. Brooke hit two lariats & a flapjack on Jade for a near fall. Brooke went for a suplex, but Jade kicked Brooke’s injured leg before slamming her with an Irish Whip. Brooke went for a Vader Bomb, but Jade evaded before locking in a Single Leg Crab on Brooke. Brooke cinched in on Brooke’s right knee before the referee ended the match via Referee Stoppage, giving Jade the win. 

Winner: Cora Jade.

– Von Wagner talked about a surgery he had on his head when he was a 15-month-old. Wagner said that he was lucky to be alive, saying that he was called a monster as a child as a 4-5-year-old child. 

– Backstage, Damon Kemp, SCRYPTS & Axiom watched the tape of Raw Underground before Thorpe was confronted by Olympic Gold Medalist Gable Stevenson. Stevenson told Thorpe that if he needed someone to practice with, he was game.

– Baron Corbin & NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes were in the ring for a face-to-face ahead of their match for the title next week. Corbin said that what Hayes bring was nothing had not seen, but Hayes said that it was like how he had not seen a World Championship. Corbin said that he did not care what the people think, but Hayes responded by telling Corbin becoming relevant again to him was not going to happen. Hayes said that this was not his first rodeo in facing Main Roster and that he was not different from any of them. Corbin said that he has been an 8-year veteran, but Hayes responded by asking him “What happened?!”. Hayes told Corbin that at 26 years old he was the NXT North American Champion while Corbin at the age of 26 was being cut from the Arizona Cardinals. Hayes said that it did not matter what comparisons Corbin wanted to know because he was still HIM. Corbin called Hayes insignificant before saying that he would be driving back to his big-ass house with the NXT Championship. 

– Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz warmed up backstage before Dragon Lee & Nathan Frazer talked to them backstage. Frazer thanked Feroz & Leon for stopping the Meta-Four. Dragon Lee & Nathan Frazer spoke backstage, with Frazer gifting Dragon Lee a shot at the NXT Heritage Cup next week.

– In the NXT Parking Lot, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo attacked Joe Coffey before kidnapping him. 

Yulisa Leon &  Valentina Feroz vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson (w/ Noam Dar & Oro Mensah).

Leon & Feroz attacked Jackson & Legend from behind outside of the ring. The match began with Leon hitting an arm drag on Jackson, but Legend pulled Leon out of the ring. Legend & Jackson hit a series of strikes on Leon before Legend hit a Splash on Leon for a near fall as Elektra Lopez & Loa Vice watched the match from ringside. Legend & Jackson hit a Wheelbarrow/ Cutter combo on Leon for a near fall. Jackson locked in a shoulder lock on Leon, but Leon reversed it with a hip toss before Legend & Feroz tagged in. Feroz hit a series of kicks, a Meteora, a Diving Hurricanrana, and a Running Meteora on Legend while Leon hit a Tope Con Giro on Mensah. Feroz got back in the ring, but Legend caught Feroz with a pump kick for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Bron Breakker.

Breakker went for a spear on Rollins to begin the match, but Rollins evaded all of Breakker’s offense before sending him to the outside and catching him with a running knee off the apron. The two continued to brawl on the outside. Back in the ring, Breakker caught Rollins with a gut kick into Rollins’s injured ribs. Rollins went for the Pedigree on Breakker, but Breakker responded with a backdrop before hitting a series of shoulder blocks onto Rollins’s injured ribs. Rollins hit a series of punches, but Breakker caught him and hit a Gut Buster on Rollins for a near fall. Breakker got Rollins trapped in a bear hug, but Rollins reversed the hold with a headlock. 

Back from the break, Breakker hit a Giant Frankensteiner on Rollins for a near fall. Breakker got Rollins and hit an Overhead Toss on Rollins for a near fall. Rollins hit a wicked chop on Breakker before catching him with an uppercut, but Breakker responded by slamming Rollins into the corner before hitting a German Suplex on Rollins for a near fall. Breakker went for the Spear on Rollins, but Rollins side-stepped to send Breakker crashing into the ring post. Rollins hit a series of lines on Breakker, a gut kick, a spinning ut kick, and a lariat on Breakker before hitting a Forearm into the corner. Rollins went for a suplex on Breakker, but Breakker blocked it before Rollins attacked Breakker with his knee to send him to the outside. Rollins hit Three Topes Suicida on Breakker to the outside before getting Breakker back in the ring to hit the Curb Stomp, but Breakker rolled out of the ring. Rollins got out of the ring and hit a lariat on Breakker before he dismantled the broadcast table. Rollins hit a Thrust Kick on Breakker before hitting him with a frog splash onto the broadcast table before the final break. 

Back in the ring, Breakker & Rollins exchanged punches inside the 20×20 before Rollins hit a boot Kick on Breakker. Breakker went for another Frankensteiner, but Rollins caught him and hit a Buckle Bomb on Breakker for a near fall. Rollins hit a Rolling Forearm on Rollins before getting a Cazadora on Breakker for a near fall. Rollins got a Schoolboy Roll-Up into a Thrust Kick before going for another Frog Splash, but Breakker evaded before pulling down his straps and locking in the Steiner Recliner on Rollins, but Rollins reached the ropes for the rope break. Rollins climbed to the top rope, but Breakker caught him with an Avalanche Frankensteiner before hitting the Military Press Powerslam on Rollins for a near fall. Breakker went for a Spear, but Rollins caught him with a V-Trigger before hitting the Pedigree on Rollins for a near fall. Rollins hit a Rolling Forearm & hitting a forearm to the back before going for a Curb Stomp, but Breakker caught him with a Spear for a near fall. Breakker climbed to the top rope and went for the Diving Bulldog, but Rollins caught him with a Thrust Kick before hitting the Curb Stomp on Breakker. Rollins regained his footing and hit a second & final Curb Stomp on Breakker for the pinfall win. 

Winner AND STILL WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Seth Rollins.

– After the match, Finn Balor attacked Rollins from behind at the ramp. Inside the ring, Balor hit Rollins with a steel chair before Balor went for the Coup de Grace, but Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams stood tall to end the broadcast. Balro & Rolluns stared daggers onto each other to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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