The Urgent Call for Change in MMA Judging: Brendan Schaub Advocates for a UFC 300 Boycott

In the midst of the ongoing crisis surrounding MMA judging, Brendan Schaub, a former UFC fighter, has emerged as a prominent voice calling for action. Drawing from his own experiences in the octagon, Schaub sympathizes with fighters who have been wrongly affected by incompetent judges.


The recent controversy surrounding the split-decision victory of Amir Albazi over Kai Kara-France at UFC Vegas 74 has reignited the debate on the reliability of MMA judging. This article delves into Schaub’s perspective on the matter and explores the potential for fighters to mobilize for change, including a suggested boycott of UFC 300.

The MMA Judging Crisis:

The UFC Vegas 74 headliner showcased the alarming discrepancy between public opinion and the judges’ decision. Despite widespread consensus among fans, fighters, and analysts that Kai Kara-France should have been declared the winner, two judges scored the fight in favor of Albazi.


The judges in question, Sal D’Amato and Chris Lee, faced intense criticism following their controversial scoring. Even Israel Adesanya, the UFC middleweight champion and Kara-France’s teammate, expressed concern over the detrimental impact of such judges on athletes’ careers.


Brendan Schaub’s Perspective:

Schaub, having fought eleven times in the UFC between 2009 and 2014, understands the frustration and injustice that fighters experience when incompetent judges make crucial decisions. He firmly believes that the fighters themselves should spearhead the campaign for change. During a recent episode of The Schaub Show, he proposed a strategy through which fighters could make a resounding statement regarding the state of judging in MMA. Schaub suggested organizing a protest before the highly anticipated UFC 300 event and refusing to fight unless changes were implemented promptly.


The Potential for an Athlete-Led Union:

Given the recurring issues in MMA, such as fighter pay, healthcare, and judging, it appears inevitable that an athlete-led union may soon emerge. Unlike established sports like boxing, MMA lacks a unified organization to advocate for the rights and well-being of its fighters.


However, the growing concerns and demands within the MMA community could catalyze the formation of such a union. As fighters become increasingly vocal about their grievances, the prospect of a collective body representing their interests becomes more likely.


Addressing the Judging Crisis:

One potential solution gaining traction is the implementation of open scoring. While this approach does not address the problem of in-fight scoring, it provides fighters with real-time insight into their standing throughout the bout. Open scoring allows athletes to adjust their strategies and exert more control over the fight’s outcome. Advocates argue that this transparency could help restore faith in the judging system and mitigate the impact of erroneous decisions.


The Significance of UFC 300:

UFC 300, scheduled for next year, holds immense significance for the promotion in terms of its milestone status and in the context of sports betting. As a highly anticipated event, it is expected to feature an extraordinary lineup of iconic fighters, attracting substantial attention from fans and sports bettors alike.


Schaub recognizes this event as a prime opportunity for fighters to take a collective stand and demand change, amplifying their voices amidst the magnitude of UFC 300. By seizing this moment, fighters have the potential to bring the issue of judging to the forefront and prompt meaningful reforms within the sport, addressing concerns that affect both the integrity of MMA and the interests of those who engage in online sports betting.



The latest MMA judging debacle has sparked a call to action, with Brendan Schaub leading the charge for change. Advocating for fighters to take a stand, Schaub urges them to boycott UFC 300 unless the judging system is rectified. The push for an athlete-led union and the proposal of open scoring are additional measures being considered to address the ongoing crisis. As MMA evolves and grows, it becomes increasingly imperative to establish fair and reliable judging standards to protect the careers and reputations of its dedicated athletes.

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