
IMPACT Wrestling on POP! Results 6/15 Low-Ki VS Sonjay Dutt for the X-Division Championship & More!

This is the FIghtful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP! We are still in India this week and Indian superstar Sonjay Dutt looks to bring the X-Division title to his people when he challenges Low-Ki! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST to see who leaves the IMPACT Zone with the gold!

Sony Six Invitational Gauntlet

Matt and Suicide start the match by locking up, then Suicide sends Matt out of the ring before dropkicking him as the counter gets below thirty five seconds before Davey Richards comes out. Davey hits a dragon leg whip to Matt when he catches his kick, then takes out Suicide before hitting a snap suplex to Matt and playing to the crowd. Davey hits a back suplex to Suicide before Matt hits a huricanrrana, but misses a shining wizard in the corner. Suicide hits Davey with right hands before he's turned inside out with a kitchen sink as KM comes out next. Richards and KM team up against Suicide and Sydal, but Matt takes them both out, then he and Suicide double team KM. Swoggle comes out next and chops Davey and KM before KM drops him with a right hand. Suicide is eliminated, then Eddie Edwards comes in and goes right after Davey, sending both of them over the top rope with a clothesline before they brawl to the back as we go to commercial.

Rockstar Spudd comes out next as we come back from commercial, Matt and Swoggle teaming up on him as soon as he enters the ring. Spudd attacks both of them from behind when they play to the crowd as KM reclines on the ropes, then Kongo Kong comes out to the ring. Sydal is eliminated by Kongo, then Spudd is next, then Spudd pulls Swoggle off of the apron as Moose comes out next. Moose tries to eliminate KM, but Kongo stops him before they team up and dump him over the top rope as India's own Mahabali Shera comes out to the ring. Kongo goes after Shera, but he ducks and sends him over the top rope, leaving just KM and Shera in the match as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to just Shera and KM left in the ring as we are told about a Full Metal Mayhem match between Davey and Angelina and Eddie and Alisha as KM hits a scoop into a sling shot splash for a near fall. Shera hits a death valley driver, but can't capitalize on it, then clotheslines him before hitting a sit-out powerbomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mahabali Shera via pinfall

-After the match Shera celebrates with his father as the head of Sony India comes out and congratulates Shera before awarding him the Sony Six Invitational trophy.

-We get a video package where Jeremy and Joseph are out getting breakfast before we cut to LAX talking about making a statement. EC3 comes out next and introduces himself to a chorus of boos, someone translating into Punjab for him, then James Storm comes out to the ring and goes to hit him with a beer bottle, but he's quick to roll out of the ring as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Josh and Jeremy backstage before we see how Spudd and Spudd got into a confrontation earlier today in catering. Josh comes out to the ring next and has an exhibition with someone who's name isn't shown on the screen.

Josh Matthews vs Enhancement Talent

Josh hits a hip toss to the guy before the guy comes back with a series of arm drags and a dropkick, showing that he's not just a guy paid to take a dive. Josh hits a low blow into a knee lift before hitting a swanton bomb, then locks in a camel clutch for the tap and the win.

Winner: Josh Matthews via submission

-Mahabali Shera comes out after the match and goes to take out Josh, but Lashley comes out and murders him before Josh puts Shera in a camel clutch. Alberto comes out and goes to attack them, but Josh and Lashley roll out of the ring, then Josh runs up the ramp and to the back as Lashley slowly walks back up the ramp staring at Alberto as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Jeremy and Joseph watching video on Scott Steiner and putting him over before they get a phone call.

Trevor Lee vs Braxton Sutter

Lee beats on Sutter at ringside before the match starts as Allie looks on, then hits a bridging German suplex for a quick two count before choking him in the corner and playing to the crowd. Lee then focuses on Allie before Sutter comes back with a powerslam. Sutter then hits a boot into a spinning fisherman's suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Braxton Sutter via pinfall

-Eli Drake and Chris Adonis come out after Moose does and talk about wanting an IMPACT Grand Championship match before Moose accepts, the two teaming up against Moose before he sends Drake out of the ring and Chris rolls out of the way of a boot and out of the ring. Next we get a video where we see that Scott Steiner had called Jeremy and Joseph, the two trying to call the match off, but he won't do it.

Low-Ki vs Sonjay Dutt X-Division Championship Match

They lock up to star the match, then Low hits a right hand to the mid-section of Sonjay before stomping on him when he won't get up while playing to the crowd. Low-Ki chokes Sonjay in the ropes before ripping his eye patch off, then Sonjay hits a huricanrrana into an arm drag take over into a straight arm bar. Ki comes back, but misses a running kick in the corner, then Dutt kicks Low-Ki from the apron before hitting a baseball slide to the outside. Ki comes back and drives Dutt into the railing before tossing him into the crowd where they exchange right hands, then Dutt superkicks Ki before sending him back over the railing. Dutt hits a moonsault from the crowd onto Ki at ringside, then Ki drops him back first onto the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back from commercial with Ki in control, getting a quick two count, then puts him in an octopus stretch, but Dutt comes back with a springboard side Russian leg sweep. Dutt hits a rolling shotgun dropkick for a quick two count, then Ki counters a tornado DDT with a springboard roundhouse kick for a quick two count. Ki hits a running enzuigiri, then goes for a double foot stomp off of the top rope, but Dutt catches him on the top rope. Ki counters a superplex, then Dutt slaps him before hitting  a superplex, but cannot capitalize. Ki hits a double foot stomp for a near fall, then Dutt hits a tornado DDT into a a splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sonjay Dutt via pinfall

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